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Flag of TurboDiesel
Motto: More Power!
Region IDU
Capital Dieselton
Official Language(s) Texan
Population 2 Billion+
Currency engine 
NS Sunset XML


The below articles were taken entirely or in part from the Encyclopedia HotRodia, 18th Edition, which was published by the HotRodia Publishing Corporation. These articles contain information that was current at the time of writing. For information on the past events in HotRodia, see the History of HotRodia.


The HotRodian Emissary Colony has no government at all. All decision-making is done on the individual level, sometimes in cooperation with a small group of corporation. Several examples of cooperation can be found in the areas of Social Welfare, Education, and Healthcare. Most individuals contribute to these facets of the common weal in some way.


TurboDiesel is the only current colony of HotRodia, and serves as the HotRodian representative in the International Democratic Union. It is an anarcho-capitalist cooperative and was formed originally as a research colony dedicated to improving diesel engine technology.


The residents of TurboDiesel are a very culturally uniform lot. They tend to be firm believers in the power of science and reason, as well as avid promoters of liberty, equality, and prosperity. Most of the people are not at all religious, but a small minority practice Combustianism.


The Colony has a few small community-based militias formed by local gun enthusiasts and arms manufacturer research scientists who like to test the weapons they develop in the field. This generally beneficial because there are occasionally small raiding parties that will try to infiltrate the colony to steal the technological developments made by the nation' corporations.



TurboDiesel maintains a strong and flourishing economy because of its lack of restrictions on trade and prosperity-minded citizens, as well as corporations that need plenty of funding for their large Reasearch & Development projects. The major industries are Automobile Manufacturing, Mining, and Gambling.