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Flag moldova.jpg
Flag of Piwahria
Motto: Mahakula Kulinarya Sabhya Sajjana Sadhavah
[Map URL], or No Map Available Yet
Region Woe Unto Us
Capital Piwahria
Official Language(s) Proto-Indo European
Leader The Son of Indra, Lord Hidrarajna
Population 110 Million
Currency Peku 
NS Sunset XML


Predominantly plains, Piwahria is a country the size of Alaska. The country is bordered by two bodies of water, the Medicocytan Sea, and the Pathogenic Ocean. To the south is the country of Six-Four and to the west is the nation of Vengeful Clowns, to which it shares a mountain range. It is only in these mountainous areas that forests exist.

Plant and Animal Life

Largely a plains ecosystem, Piwahria is home to many herd animals, predominantly ungulates. Bactrian Camels are found in the north, wild horses, the original lifeblood of the Piwahrians, are still to be found roaming all over the Central Plains. The symbol of Piwahria, the Sacred Bull, which in actuality is none othern than the thought to be extinct Auroch, lives in the protected forests of Piwahria. Unlike most aurochs though, the Sacred Bull is in fact believed to have magical properties. In olden days they were said to move out of the range of the forests, and even appeared as far inland as Piwahria. Yet during the Age of Sorrow the Sacred Bulls forever asundered the plains, forsaking the people who worshipped the beasts. The forests themselves are predominantly deciduos, yet the closer to the mountain one gets, the more evergreens will be noticed. Piwahria does have one apex predator, the Koll, which is a wolf that is now classified to be semisentient. Hunting in packs, Kolls for generations were known to decimate entire tribes of cattle and people and only with strong leaders were they ever truly subdued.


Piwahria, according to legends, is the ancestral home of the Aryans and is the vaunted homeland mentioned in the Vedas of India. Yet current studies show that the Piwahrians are a result of two seperate groups merging: the Indo-Europeans with the Bosheyeppos, or Cow Herders, a group of people akin to the Pashtuns of Afghanistan today.

Piwahrian history is divided into Rajanos, or Years of the King. Much like Japanese culture, an era is named after a particular dynasty's posthumous title. *Note* Title of an era can also go to a king, and not just a particular dynasty.

 ERA 1: The Years of Indrewos (1500 BCE-1198 BCE)

This is the beginning years of Piwahria. Legends state that Indra, most supreme of the gods, came down upon a Bosheyeppos maiden named Taika in the guise of a golden bull. Taika's people at the time were wanderers, and had no place to call home. Scholars theorize that these people were in fact refugees, fleeing from the regions north of Piwahria in what would be now the Armed Republic of New Pandemonia. The Golden Bull, like Europa's, charmed Taika into getting near it, but here the story takes a sharp turn from it's Hellenic counterpart. Indra in a heated passion, forgot his godly ways, and proceeded to rape the girl. Her screams were heard by her people who, "brandished their swords, and summoned their horses". Yet it was all in vain, and by the time they arrived, Taika was dead. Taika's family, and most importantly her brother, Indrewos, proceeded to attack the Bull. "And so, from the midday sun to the midnight pallor, brother and lover fought over the remains of the poor virgin beauty". Yet Indra showed remorse and offered them a new land, if one were to just "follow the blood of Taika". Indra then promised Indrewos that he was under his blessing and that his kind would be "blessed, with bounties of cattle and land". The Bull then vanished. The story goes that Indrewos followed the trickle of blood from Taika into a large central valley, at this time inhabited by a people only known as "Dasas ke waharep Ka", or "The Lower Ones who Worshipped Ka". The most widely accepted theory about these peoples is that they are in fact a remnant of a large group of proto-Turkic and Slavic peoples that lived over much of the region. The indication of Ka worship clearly links them to be the cousins if not the ancestors of the people of The Most Serene Republic of Ubep. The story then becomes extremely violent, Indrewos was said to have been given the Bold of Indra, and was reported to have destoryed all Proto-Ubep settlements in the area. Survivors were rounded up and established as a permanent slave class. The main city of these people, Gyalp, was overrun and converted into the capital city of Piwahria. By 1500 BCE, the entire region was officially under Indrewos' rule. Indra was then to have reported to have given the people fine horses, and the Sacred Bulls were reported to have been first seen in these forests. Important as a food source and for their leather, the Bull had both a utilitarian and sacred purpose. Indrewos in turn would father a son, Ragnayastu, who would further cement the power of the region. Indrewos would die in 1439 and over a thousand slaves were executed. Indra himself, along with Taika, were said to have come down from the heavens to bear his spirit up to the skies. Yet after that, not much of great importance is recorded in this dynasty, which would be eclipsed by the Indo-European group in 1198.

 ERA 2: Raj Ahanshah Dynasty 1198 BCE-600 BCE

"The Reign of Kings" is considered to be the Classical Era of Piwahrian history. It is at this time the Indo-Europeans arrive. Contrary to those of the Indrewos dynasty, the Indo-Europeans embraced the mother culture of Piwahria, and as being good herdsmen, they were accepted into the upper echelons of Piwahrian society, ultimately marrying into the royal family. The dynasty officially begins in 1198 when Rej Ah'nahsh married Princess Serendip III the only heir of the Indrewos throne. They would jointly rule (Piwahria allows for female rulers) for over 50 years, at this time, trade would open up to other nations, and it was not unusual to see an Erisayan, or even a Lumorian at the trade markets of Piwahria. At this time the other 4 cities would be founded, each at the border to enhance trade. Yet this reign would end after 50 years, and both would die of old age in 1148 BCE to be succeeded by Princess Baktramitra (Love of Mithra) IV. Queen Baktramitra would be credited for preserving Piwahria's nature, stating that, "We are all just part of the same body, so would it be wise to chop our hand off just to warm up our face?". Through her encouragement of a nomadic lifestyle as well as the edict of making Piwahria only have 5 cities, Piwahria became a grainbelt, and a home to much livestock, the lifeblood of the country. She would marry Prince Ranha in 1120 and would pass away in 1060 BCE. As to her request, her body was cremate in the plains, and her ashes were cast to a strong west wind. They say a day after her death, Sacred Bulls ventured out of the forest and blessed the plains with more fertility and even to this day, a "Baktimitri" is a harvest of immense bounty. She would be succeeded by her husband who would take the title Raj Ranha. Yet this was only transitory for Raj Ranha would be killed by a poisoned organ in a stew made by the slave class. Quickly after Prince Tre would ascend the throne in 1158 BCE openly declaring a clampdown on the Proto-Ubep slaves. The slaves at this point broke out into open revolt and proceeded to "ransack the towns, overboil the rice, pinch the old men, and just make a general bizaare nuisance of themselves". It was at this time that Prince Tre became, Raj Dyausbalek or "King God-Arrow". Using his horsemen, he quickly quelled the rebellion and proceeded to kill every single Ubep slave. It is rumored that only 500 of the once thousands of slaves escaped. Where they went is still debated upon. Raj Dyausbalek then proceeded to cut a large swath of territory in the Neutral Regions as his own. Many of his fortresses can still be seen well beyond Piwahria's current range (Vengeful Clowns has approximately 3 of these ruins). Yet as warlike as the Piwahrians were, there was very little international conflict, but rather, Piwahria's army derived it's strength from a desire to be good cattle raisers, making them excel at horseback. Dyausbalek's daughter, Kesekraruleo I (She who roars like Lion), would take over her father's position as Piwahria's second queen in 1090 BCE. Like her father she was warlike, and her main achievement was the First Subjugation of the Kolls. Kesekraruleo would then proceeded to improve the concepts of an Aristocratic Democracy, in which kinship should guarantee civil rights. She emphasized any murder of a citizen was punishable by death, and all should be treated fairly. A unique facet of this queen was that she had a harem of men, rumored to be in the thousands. Yet in truth most of these men were probably castrated and used as sex toys. Yet she did have one son known simply as Dal, or more simply known as "The Blessed". His origins are unknown, but sources say Indra came down once more, not as a bull but in his heavenly form, and had a child with the Queen. But this great moment for the dynasty ended in tragedy when Kesekraruleo died in childbirth with the blessed child (1070 BCE). Dal would be remembered for his vast public works projects, his pushing of the Kolls into the fringes of the Neutral Territory, and for his creation of the Temple of Indra. This truly was the golden age of the dynasty, and the Sacred Bulls were now to be found grazing around Piwahria. At this time, regular cows were reported to have been found and given as a supplement to sacrificing the Sacred Bull. Dal would then forbid the slaughtering of any Sacred Bull. Diplomatic ties with other nations also increased, and throngs of envoys from other countries filled Piwahria's gates for their famous cattle and leather. Surprisingly, Dal's reign would be for 80 years, with his passing in 990 BCE. His procession, as recorded by the sage Sandhya Roter was a most impressive one.

"The lord was carried on a golden litter by his most trusted of guards down the main avenue of Piwahria. Thousands thronged the broad avenues from all across the region, and even from the Far Isles (Lumoria). As his body was carried to the very temple he built, the main doors to the city opened up slowly and a beam of light fell upon the remains. A baleful noise was heard, and lo! The Bulls came down upon the avenue and proceeded to kneel in front of the King's body. This was truly a blessed moment, and one can only imagine his Highness sitting with his mother at Indra's side."

After the passing Dal there was no heir apparent to the throne. Dal had fathered no children (some speculated he was homosexual) and the next in line was Prince Chandra, who took the title as Raj Indrewos II. Yet he was not like his namesake and his reign was of no significance marking the beginning of the decline of the Ahanshah dynasty. The line produces no heir of importance until 450 BCE with the rise of Prince Ara, Raj Ragna. Legends state that at this time Indra made his final appearance to the people of Piwahria giving him dark tidings.

"My son, my kinsblood, I come to you with Berun's grace! Yet these are dark tidings I give. Your dynasty is on the wane, even you can feel it, a general malaise pervades your court. Your cities are barren of the laughs of children. The horses grow humble and the Sacred Bulls move further and further from your cities. Your dynasty will come to an end, for a people from across the Sea (Now believed to be descendants of the Erisayan Montanyans) will invade your land. But take heart, your nation shall rise from the ashes though without your family's tutelage. "

Upon hearing his fate, Raj Ragna spat upon Indra's face, and refused to heed his warnings.