Powerhungry Chipmunks

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Powerhungry Chipmunks
Flag of Powerhungry Chipmunks
Motto: Average life Expectancy: dead
Not Available
Region Ohio
Capital Palenth
Official Language(s) Gallan
Leader Betty Guns, Co-President
Population 2.5 billion (July 2005)
Currency Palen 
NS Sunset XML


Powerhungry Chipmunks, an old, sleepy nation sits peacibly about the River Ica. It is known by nations worldwide not for its fine furs or expansive farmland and countryside, but rather for its impact, good or ill, on the United Nations. Some point out it might be impossible for Powerhungry Chipmunks not to have had a sizable impact upon the shape of the modern UN, given the sheer number of proposals and repeals the nation has authored and resolutions it has passed.

The nature of this influence, however, is widely debated. Some cite Powerhungry Chipmunks, with disdain, as giving a window and a soap box to the "national sovereingty crowd". Those who sympathize with national rights organizations 9such as the National Sovereignty Organization) view the nation in a rather fairer light, identifying its legislative overtures as instrumental in bringing about the modern sensibility of proposals and resolutions. Powerhungry Chipmunks representatives generally maintain silence and humility regarding the nation's history and possible international stature, though one quotation from a national leader, Sam Palleel has persisted in the international sphere. In addressing his junior, Johan Arnaen, regarding a particularly nasty exchange with a representative from DemonLordEnigma, Palleel prohpetically stated "Don't worry about the trolls; they live and die under a bridge. Our work persists over time. Our legacy will far outlast it's detractors."


Powerhungry Chipmunks's peoples are from the then collapsed states of Icae, Mitae, and Gallae--all of which resided on the Alach penninsula, on the Island of Racaer. At that ancient date, the penninsula was divided along regional and ethnic lines into dozens of tribe-like families. The land was largely covered with woods, not yet converted to farm use, and the cities and villages were small affairs sustained with but semi-permanent structures.

Powerhungry Chipmunks began as a trade conglomerate among these diffuse tribes during peace time. As the decades passed, however the economic dependence of the tribes of Mitaean and Gallaean and Icaean upon one another bred an identification with one another, and an traty of alliance was signed.