Nation of Quebec

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Nation of Quebec
Flag of Nation of Quebec
Motto: Live Long and Prosper
No Map Available Yet
Region Xindus
Capital Leetreal
Official Language(s) Klingon
Leader l337sauce Master Jay Coates
Population 100 million
Currency Gold-pressed Latinum 
NS Sunset XML


Nation of Quebec is a quickly growing nation. Its economy is all-consuming, has good civil rights, and excellent political freedoms.

It is based in the West Coast in the island region of Xindus.


  • 1337sauce Master: Jay Coates
  • Deputy 1337sauce Master: Milton O'Brien
  • 1337master of the Treasury: Josh Sisko
  • 1337master of National Defense: Kevin Picard
  • 1337master of Foriegn Affairs: Chris Archer
  • National Representative to the Region: Nick La Forge
  • Ambassador to the United Nations David Riker

The nation's government is farily small and is defined as "socially progressive." There exists some confusion if many large multinational coperations actually run the country, considering how much power they hold in the nation.


Nation of Quebec was founded on January 19th, 2006 in response to the Quebec sovereignist movement. However, in a very recent election, the sovereiginst government was defeated by the Pwnage Party of Nation of Quebec. The party has expressed wishes to change the country's name to the Nation of Leetness.

Nation of Quebec is known for being one of the less extreme and corrupt nations in Xindus. It has strong ties with neighbouring nation, Pallazia. The nation also seems to have a good relationship with Kantoriuma. The nation is also known for its abundant Tholian population.


The Nation of Quebec has the strongest economies in the region. The nation is pro-capitalist, and large corporations dominate. The nation has the highest GDP in the region. The nation mostly concentrates on Commerce, Defense, and Education. Unions are banned from forming, and the citizens are constantly subjected to advertising by compulsory minature radios. Surprisigly, the nation does have a decent amount of welfare. A large private sector is led by the Automobile Manufacturing industry, followed by Gambling and Uranium Mining. The average income tax rate is 18%.

The economy has grown very rapidly. It surpassed Kantoriuma as the most economically powerful nation in the region based on a recent United Nations survey.


Nation of Quebec was founded on French culture. It had everything from French food to French music. However, due to the victory by the Pwnage Party of the Nation of Quebec, the nation has moved towards a computer geek, or leet culture. Citizens can be seen aquiring the latest technologly, and Star Trek is followed almost as a religion. The citizens are devout followers of Kantoranity, and spread the word of Kantor throughout the world.

United Nations on Nation of Quebec

The United Nations has discovered that Nation of Quebec is one of the less extreme and corrupt nations in the region. They have also discovered it ranked sixthin the region for largest welfare, and it had decent defense. Currently, the UN defines Nation of Quebec as a Capitalist Paradise.

As of now, Nation of Quebec is a member of the United Nations, but the reason for this is only to endorse the current UN delegate, Kantoriuma.