Adam Island

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Adam Island
Flag of Adam Island
Motto: "Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first."
Region International Democratic Union
Capital Adam City
Official Language(s) English
Leader Ben Rodriquez, L
Population 55-65 million
Currency Jay 
NS Sunset XML

UN Category: Capitalizt

Civil Rights: Superb

Economy: Powerhouse

Political Freedoms: Very Good


The Republic of Adam Island is a very large, socially progressive nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, intelligent population of 56 million enjoy some of the most opulent lifestyles in the region, unless they are unemployed or working-class, in which case they are variously starving to death or crippled by easily preventable diseases.

The small, pro-business government juggles the competing demands of Social Welfare, Law & Order, and Education. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 3%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Book Publishing, Pizza Delivery, and Door-to-door Insurance Sales industries.

Citizens are enjoying a recent large cut in taxes, extreme political groups are outlawed, corporations donate huge sums of money to favored politicians, and young children are regularly seen wagering pocket money at blackjack tables. Crime is a problem. Adam Island's national animal is the Llama, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the Jay.


Adam Island was once a monarchy, but the forward-thinking rulers made plans to transfer over to Democratic rule. The four major parties were extremely close in the first election, but the Libertarian Party of Adam Island has a slim pluralty.

Current Leaders

President: Ben Rodriquez, Libertarian


26 Seats Libertarian Party Leader: Erica Kelley

26 Seats Mercantilist Party Leader: Thelma Benson

24 Seats Neo-Royalist Party Leader: Rick Harvey

24 Seats Values Party Leader: Jesus Allen

Supreme Court:

Alex Dre Sebstian, N (Adam Bay)

April Harris, M (Peninsula)

Bobby Rice, V (Adam Lake)

Crystal Copeland, L (West Island)

Joshua Sanders, L (East Island)

Rick Wilkins, V (North Island)

Ronnie Palmer, N (South Island)

Thelma Roberson, M (Adam County)

Tracy Bryant, L (Adam Beach)

UN Ambassador: Albert Thompson


The Republic of Adam Island is divided into 9 territories, each with its own governor and local authorities. They also elect one justice to the Supreme Court. The frequency of elections is determined by local authorities.

The President of Adam Island is elected every three years, by a simply pluralty popular vote. The President has the power to approve or veto legislation that comes from Parliament and the power to appoint ambassadors, diplomats and delegates to international governments.

Parliament is elected simply as well. It is a unicameral body, with 100 members. Seats are awarded proportionally based on party vote. Only legislation that they approve can be signed by the President. They have no power of veto override or impeachment.


For centuries, the Island was ruled by royalty. Once foriegn involvement in Island affairs grew, many citizens saw the benefits of a democratic society. The royalty realized this too, and called for elections and individual liberties, peacefully establishing The Republic of Adam Island.

In the interim between the royal rule and the new democracy, noted pro-Democracy Libertarian Party leader and distant relative of the royal family, Adam C. Roberts took the reins.


Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party of Adam Island is the ruling party in the Republic. They control the Presidency, and have the most seats in the Parliament and on the Supreme Court.

Adam C. Roberts, the Interim Ruler during the transition between the Monarcy to Democracy was the leader of the Libertarian Party. President Ben Rodriquez, former Governor of East Island, now commands the post of President.

They support all civil liberties as well as economic liberties. They are militarily non-interventionist, and very pro-democracy. They also try and work with world governments and alliances.

Neo-Royalist Party

The Neo-Royalists are citizens who desire a return to the monarcy. They feel it was a mistake to move towards Democracy, as it will destabilize the country and allow unqualified leaders. Many of them are those who feel that the regime that handed over power to the people stole the throne in the first place.

They are moderate on economic and civil freedoms. Their leader is Lord Philliburn Sebastian.


The Mercantilist Party is also very pro-democracy and pro-civil liberties. It is the second largest party in the Republic. However, they support a large welfare state and high taxes. They recieve a lot of support from the large corporations throughout the country, due to their promises of subsidies and tarriffs. Their leader is Vincent Taylor.


The values candidate is Dhammadharo, a fundamentalist Buddhist. Buddhism in Adam Island is significantly socially different than Buddhism in most places, as there is a violent fundamentalist apocalyptic undertone to many of the teachings.

The Values Party is for the government enforcement of religious values and seeks to stomp out secularism.

Related Links

Adam Island Webpage