Yashibu District

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Sapients Plaza, the heart of Yashibu District

Yashibu District is situated in Anjuna, the second most populated and the most dynamic and high-tech city in Love and esterel.

Yashibu is a vibrant, fashion, and trendy commercial and entertainment area which never sleeps, as it’s flooded day and night by Anjuna’s young population. It’s crammed with bars, karaoke, 3D movie theatre, fashion and design stores, universities and nightclubs, as L’Interdit, the host of the Men Deluxe party.

The district is organized around its very heart: the huge Sapients Plaza, which is surrounded by a dozen of giant TV screens.

These last years Yashibu had known a pretty high economic growth as it had become an attractive place for young IT and biotech companies, such as Flogenomics Inc.

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AWOL had become a big hit in Yashibu District

Yashibu had been invaded last year by 2 new products:

AWOL (Alcohol without liquid), a new trendy way of consuming alcohol by inhalation instead of drinking; and by

Soma, a new soft recreative drug with very limited side-effects, low toxicity and low addiction, developed by love and esterel Pharmaceutical industry.

The diffusion of these 2 products have dramatically decreased the consumption of alcohol beverages, tobacco, other recreative drugs and violence in Yashibu.