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Flag of Sweedun
Motto: Attan Kin Soyan Vláo Kanna (Allow us to Prosper)
Sweedun Main Map
Region Arctic
Capital Mosh
Official Language(s) English, Swedish, Japanese, Sweedish
Leader Prime Minister Zváyóú Aídán
Population 512 million
Currency ¥annal 
NS Sunset XML


The first to land on Sweedun were British ships. They landed at North Bayton, Svol Lan. They built the colony of New Cannadiar. For 50 years the colony expanded and was treated with economic prosperity and quickly became an established country. 52 years after colonization, Sweedun declared Independance. The Sweedish Liberation War began and after 3 years of war and hefty casulties, Sweedun became an independant part of the commonwealth, though wasn't granted full independance. 6 years after this, the eastern natives became hostile towards the Sweedish settlers approaching their lands, sparking The Second Sweedish Liberation War. The war was swiftly ended 2 years after at a humilating defeat in Spugélburg. At a few months after Sweedun was given full independance.