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Flag of Maldovaria
Motto: "Einer für alle, alle für einen"
Region Democratic Union
Capital St.Alexburg
Official Language(s) Maldovarian(quite similar to German), Nordmenian are official and english is quite well known
Leader Chancellor James Schofield
Population 500 million
Currency Sceat 
NS Sunset XML

Maldovaria is an very old and has been an important NS nation. It currently resides in the Democratic Union and is undergoing a huge revival after the fall of the previous communist regime. Now that religion is no longer ilegal in Maldovaria Floydism has begun to flourish with new members every day.



  • 78.4% Maldovarian
  • 15.2% Nordmenian
  • 5.4% Other(including East Indians, Pakistanis and Turks)


  • 98.3% Maldovarian
  • 3.1% Nordmenian
  • 4.6% Others

The total adds up to more than 100% due to multi-lingualism which is strongly incouraged by the school system.


  • 36.2% Floydism
  • 14% Protestant(Normenian Lutheran Church is the main denomination)

Many People do not attend church and are either agnostic or atheist, the Nordmenian people are highly religous and staunchly Lutheran.


The Kingdom of Maldovaria(sept-oct 2004)

great_maldovaria.jpg The kingdom of maldovaria was origionaly founded in september 2004. And under its imperialistic government it expanded to double its original size and the new name "Great Maldovaria" was adopted, to officially recognize that the kingdom was made up of the entire island of Maldov.

The Kingdom of Great Maldovaria(oct-dec 2004)

great_maldovaria.jpg The new empire of Great Maldovaria had one priority and that was expanding the prestige of the monarchy. It did this with little respect for its people and the neglect of the kings subjects sparked popular unrest, and a revolution started in the capital of St.Alexburg.

The People's Republic of Great Maldovaria(dec 2004- mar 2006)

Maldovaria_old.jpg The revolution was supported empire-wide, and a new flag was adopted, The blue represented the sea from which the maldovarians came from(folk lore), the white represents the white rose the original symbol of the maldovarians, the red represented the blood shed in the revolution disposing of the monarchy and finally the official crest of The People's Republic of Great Maldovaria was added onto the new flag. Communist Great Maldovaria helped found the Maldov Pact(named after the Great Maldovarian capital which was St.Alexberg prior to the revolution), the pact would go on to become the third most powerful communist alliance in NationStates and Great Maldovaria received many medals and became the symbol of the alliance. But the Pact was ultimately f laud and failed in the absence of true leadership(Great Maldovaria was on hiatus). With the crumbling of the Maldov Pact the new organization the ISA(International Socialist Alliance) was born with Great Maldovaria as an influential member and founder of many institutions. The ISA was doing well and was expanding at a rate unprecedented, some of it's more "rambunctious" members (the Red Destiny Revolutionary Front) of which Great Maldovaria was the leader of, decided to spread the word of equality by invading the region of Manitoba. The battle was won decisively by the RDRF and its leader and general Great Maldovaria, but infortunately the allies(admin) of Manitoba came to their rescue and obliterated what was the RDRF via nuclear warfare(deletion). Great Maldovaria was no more, all that was left was a smoldering Maldovaria ridden with the debt of war and rebuilding.

The People's Republic of Maldovaria(mar 2006- june 2006)

Maldovaria_old.jpg Great Maldovaria was no more, all of its outlying territories had been destroyed in the great war and Maldovaria was left with war reparations to pay. Once again the Maldovarian people took to the streets to rectify there situation with the slogan "Einer für alle, alle für einen!" ringing in the protesters ears. The slogan was ironic in nature due to the ruling communist governments disregard for its peoples well being.

The Federal Republic of Maldovaria(June 2006 - )

New_maldovaria1.jpg The ruling communist government legalized all other political parties(which had existed underground) and called an election. The Social Democrats won by a landslide bringing many years of communist rule to an end and with it the last of Maldovarian dictorial regimes. The revolution had finally triumphed with the founding of the Federal Republic of Maldovaria. All communist symbology on the national flag was removed except from the red(which was still relevant due to the second revolution) the communist crest was replaced with the white rose of Maldovaria, the true symbol of the people. Many older citizens wish to return to communism in hopes of prestige, glory & security, finding themselves in an ironic situation now being the reactionaries. The capital Maldov was renamed St.Alexburg returning to its roots.