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Flag of Ixdeya
Motto: Aliis Pax, Nobis Chaos
Map of the H.E. Ixdeya (Encyclopedia Ixdeïca, 1989)
Region Bastulopia
Capital Baumwollux
Official Language(s) Flemish Dutch, English, Bastulnese
Leader The Holy Emperor Hans-Gerard II
Population >5 million (census july 2006)
Currency Wurst sterling 
NS Sunset XML

The Holy Empire of Ixdeya (Dutch: Het Heilige Keizerrijk van Ixdeya, Latin: Imperium Sanctissimum Ixdeyae, Bastulnese: Das Hoiligoi Empoia von Iksdeejâgh) is a relatively safe, barren, economically successful nation, located in a big valley in the Southwest of the Bastulopian Region. Its UN Category fluctuates between Father Knows Best State and Compulsory Consumerists, due to the libertarian economic policies and the authoritarian views on political freedom.


The Holy Empire of Ixdeya is currently ruled by descendants of the Holy Imperial House of Backpulver; the Royal House of Ixdeya, so to speak. The current leader is His Imperial Highness Hans-Gerard I von Backpulver, Holy Emperor of the Ixdeyan People, Archduke of Prothputt.

Ixdeya is a Federation of several Bundesplûtskens (the Flemish/Bastulnese term for German Bundesländer), which are made up of former duchies, fiefdoms and counties (more about those in Geography). Each Bundesplûts has its own representatives in the Federal Ixdeyan Senate, according to population size (the biggest Bundesplûts (Ghêndt) has 44 representatives, while the smallest (Urpish-Qwerpish) only offers 5 senators.)

The Senate (which hosts 200 senators chosen in provincial elections) is lead by the Prime Consul, who is appointed by the Holy Emperor after the elections results are known. The winning parties form a coalition government, and the Ministers are appointed (again) by the Emperor. The Senate has moderate power; it can even advise the Emperor in his decisions! The members of the losing political parties don't have much of a say, because the governing senators usually all agree with eachother, and most of the time half of the opposition also follow the Emperor's suggestions.

Religion and Spirituality, Commerce and Education are said to be the priorities of the current Government.

Current Politics

Voting in Ixdeya is compulsory, and the Ixdeyan people have a wide range of parties to choose from. Whether or not their policies are all almost identical is debatable.

The parties in the current government are:

- GCIP (General Centrist Imperial Party): The largest party of the nation. The GCIP is a centrist party, whose ideas are mostly Pro-Imperial and almost the same as those of the Holy Emperor. Its colour is purple (the colours red and blue from the Ixdeyan flag combined). The current leader of the GCIP is Regina Hall, who also happens to be Prime Consuless of Ixdeya. GCIP has 55 seats in the Senate.

- IWP (Ixdeyan Workers' Party): The second largest party, though it is expected that it will be overrun by the FEDA in future elections. The IWP is a labour party which isn't very different to the GCIP, except that it focuses less on Religion and more on Civil Rights and Social Welfare, Education and other social matters. Its colour is red and its leader is Gerben ter-Linde, a Baumwolluxian school principal famous for his weird accent, his polyester sweaters and his antique mobile phone. IWP has 42 seats in the Senate.

- LDU (Liberal Democratic Union): Also called the "biggest of the smallest parties". It's a pro-business party, which also wants more political freedom in Ixdeya. The Environment sector is headed by the party leader, Sammy Tandpastas, an eccentric bird-watching politician who can speak backwards and wears a t-shirt saying 'Express Yourself!' in the Senate. The Commerce sector is headed by Bakkie Laplaz, an expert in modern managing techniques and also Tandpastas' manager. The LDU has 28 seats in the Senate.

Of course, there are also Opposition parties (though their presence is the Senate has more of a symbolic meaning):

- FEDA (Free Enterprise Democrat Alliance): A controversial, but succesful right-wing party, led by the eccentric Leroy Graufeder, nephew of Sir Adler Graufeder (CEO of Silverwing Corp.) The FEDA is in favour of greater economic freedom and a wealthier nation. The FEDA is known for its lavish election campaigns, its colourful posters and their long, spectacular TV adverts. FEDA has 37 seats in the Senate, and is expected to reap in the next elections.

- CPI (Christian Party Ixdeya): A party for the Christian values, for more political freedom but also more moralistic values. It has 15 seats in the Senate and its leader is Vicar Martin Urbain.

- GPS (Green Power Strike): A radical left-wing organisation that wants to regulise all business and wants a much stricter environmental policy. Holds rallies often. The GPS has 10 seats in the Senate and its leader is Rose Wildthorne, who has been arrested fourteen times for graffitiing public buildings.

- Other parties: Baumwollian Values, a party based on the Order of Baumwollos religion (7 seats, leader: Guy Widefield-Farmer); BOSS-P (Benevolently Organized Security-Supporting Party), an extreme right-wing movement famous for the introduction of their controversial "Bigger Brother Plan" (3 seats, leader: Luther Bruthers); and Mindfree (a fusion of the Anarchist Democratic Movement and the 'Stoner Force!'), which devotes most of its attention to Drug Laws and Education ("We need to teach our kids to know da good shit from da bad shit!"). It has no leader and 3 seats in the Senate. Their 3 Representative Senators are currently in jail for trying to sell dope to the Senate Clerk.