North East Somerset

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North East Somerset
Flag of North East Somerset
Motto: For King and Country
None Available
Region Great Britain and Ireland
Capital Radstock
Official Language(s) English
Leader Somerset Coal Corporation PLC
Population 4.25 billion
Currency Sovereign 
NS Sunset XML

North East Somerset is the current Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary for Great Britain and Ireland. He is usually called "NES" by members of the region. He joined NS in April 2004, and the region in March 2005. The player held many positions in other regions prior to joining GB&I, but mainly of little significance. North West Somerset was the players main nation until it was deleted by Moderators for insulting someone in December 2004 and North East Somerset took over.

In March 2004 after watching GB&I, which was held by the players friend --GB--, start to grow, North East Somerset joined. In the first term he stood he was elected an MP, and was appointed the Head of Intelligence for GB&I. During the second term he began to consolidate power after taking control of the Unionist Party, and merging it with the National Libertarian Party. The newly formed NLUP won the third term election against their rivals the HGSPP in a dramatic election.

The first term of PMship was during the summer and much effort was put into keeping the region together, and improving activity and efficiency in the Ministeries. During this time GB&I grew from 120 to 180 nations and major players including Posul and R3n became a part of the region.

The next term was won by a NLUP-BIF coalition and North East Somerset held the role of Foreign Secretary, which he also held during the term after this in a NLUP-IND coalition. During his time as FS GB&I joined ACCEL, and the Foreign Office was remodelled, it is now one of the most efficient ministeries in GB&I. The NLUP was also remodelled during the term by NES, and was renamed the LIP (Liberal Imperialist Party). NES gave up his job as Head of Intelligence.

The 6th term of NES's presence was the second he was elected in a LIP government as PM. This term was dominated by the GB&I-FCS conflict although progress in recruitment, improving GB&Is number from 80 to 140 nations was made. Also a LIP Agenda was constructed to identify what areas need improvements in the future.

The next term was won by the LIP PM Candidate Posul. During this term NES served as the Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer. During this term the LIP, which NES was the Party Chairman of, was dissolved, by vote in the party, in an effort to stop the LIP dominance of parliament. NES was a key figure in this supporting the dissolution, for the good of GB&I.

The next term was also won by Posul and NES was in the government Cabinet as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary. He held Minister of Defence for a short while earlier in the term. The term was relatively uneventful, but population hit an all time high of 240.

In the latest Klopstock premiership NES did not enter the elections for MP, and having become the longest continually serving MP in the region, has left politics, possibly briefly. He has been appointed as an Adjutant-General in the military. He is the Head of Intelligence for GB&I and is also currently GB&I's Ambassador to Conservative Paradise and Galts Gulch. Within GB&I he is a Director of the GBISE and an Immigration assistant for GB&I.