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Flag of Mulhollandgradia
Motto: The Horvathian Oath is Free Brotherhood
No Map Available Yet
Region Pan Horvathia
Capital Horvathia Augusta
Official Language(s) Mulhollandgradian, with local languages official in the republics/states
Leader Lord Protector HORVATH II

Chancellor William Kingston

Population 2,299,000,000
Currency Midas 
NS Sunset XML

Government and politics

Main Article Mulhollandgradian Politics

The Horvathian Free States of Mulhollandgradia is the dominant economy in Pan Horvathia. The structure of the Constitution resembles a Constitutional Monarchy, or more precisely a Constitutional Protectorship.


The Horvathian Free States of Mulhollandgradia (HFSM) is a confederated parliamentary constitutional protectorship. Ten free states are associated with the confederacy. The ten states are the Katarina Free State, New Salvador-Horvathia, Achmedia, Sector D, Dei Glorium, Bradonia, McHOPEA, New Mulhollandgradia, Raelia, and the McVanian Free State.

These free states are reorganized historically independent states. They are, respectively, the United Socialist States of Mulhollandgradia, the Principality of Pan Horvathia, Ingenuus, the Mulhollandgradian Occupation Zone of Western Gunder (the United Socialist States of Gunder), Christian Communism, the Taylorian Islands, Tinashappyplace, Western Harai, the Isle of Rae, and Holy Empire of McVania.

Effective 12:01 AM on August 17, 2005, The Constitution of the Confederate Sociocracies of Mulhollandgradia governed the territory formerly known as the United Socialist States of Mulhollandgradia. The Constitution is still the supreme law of the land despite the fact that it covers a polity with a different name than the one in the title of the constitution itself.

Armed Forces

Eight states in the HFSM maintain a Sociocratic Guards of 20,000 and two the Katarina Free State and the McVanian Free State maintain a Sociocratic Guard of 100,000 (totaling 360,000). The HFSM maintains a reserve nuclear deterrent of 247 nuclear tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in the Theocracy of Horvathia Augusta, an independent city-state. The HFSM has 247, rather than the originally manufactured 300, nuclear weapons as Horvathia Augusta has been dismantling the HFSM's nuclear weapons since the administration of Chancellor KATHRYN. The Sociocratic Guards fight in the name of the Lord Protector, although he or she has no power in regards to the military chain of command. The Sociocratic Guards are under the command of that sociocracy's premier, only the premier, him or herself, can cede command to the Chancellor in a crisis.

The Lord Protector, who resides in the independent city-state of Horvathia Augusta, maintains a legion of knights of about 2,019. The Horvathian Knights are former members of the army, who are ordained Horvathian priests.

Military service in the HFSM is based on the militia system.

Foreign Policy

The Horvathian Free States of Mulhollandgradia has had very productive and cordial international relations with socialist neighbors and hostile relations with its capitalist and neutral neighbors. Historically, its strongest allies have been the United Socialist States of Roonsburg, the Principality of Pan Horvathia, and the Holy Empire of Pizzadonia.

Relations with the USSRoonsburg were strained during the Chancellorship of KATRHYN, but quickly improved after her assassination. HORVATH II has made it a particular point of his Lord Protectorship to maintain the best of relations with the USSRoonsburg. As always with the HORVATHS, the people of Roonsburg are become increasingly fond of his leadership abilities, charisma, religion, and accomplishments.

Then Foreign Minister Raoul Rossi endorsed the Democratic Republic of Jacotia for the position of U.N. Delegate for the Pan Horvathian Region. He hopes to avoid a bitter rivalry with McVania for the position, by endorsing a mutually acceptable candidate for the position. He has internationally promoted this stance as Chancellor.


The Horvathian Free States of Mulhollandgradia operates a social market economy, undergoing a transformation into a fully free market economy. All business, previously state owned, are being privatized. Historically, Mulhollandgradia utilized the Electronic Grain Unit (EGU) as its currency. This currency could be tranferred for grain at a fixed rate. When the state of Raelia joined the HFSM, the confederate government adopted the midas as its currency. It was allowed to freely float on international currency markets and soared in value after becoming the offical currency of the country.


The HFSM is one of the world's largest agricultural producers of grain. The Mulhollandgradian government banned the eating of meat and now enforces compulsory vegetarianism. This allows for more grain to be grown, as animals typically consume a massive quantity of it in most advanced industrial countries. Further, the FHSM's government utilized genetic therapy to develop a shorter, thicker stalk of grain. These stalks produce greater amounts of grain and will not tip over, needing very little effort from farmers to keep them alive.

Under communist rule, the government relocated all citizens from the countryside into one of eleven then newly constructed sociocracies. The remaining land was set aside for the production of grain and all citizens were liable for two years of agricultural service, distributed via neighborhood. Grain production was rationed based on the use of Electronic Grain Units. These policies precipitated the collapse of the United Socialist States of Mulhollandgradia. Now farms are being privatized.



The FHSM is a very diverse polity, having been constructed from nine historically independent countries or parts of countries. Nevertheless, only two languages are spoken with prevalence: Mulhollandgradian and Horvathian. They are members of the Pan Horvathian family of languages.

Most countries or parts of countries were brought into the USSM, the predecessor to the FHSM, either by force or because the government in the territory collapsed. Therefore, they were all expected to learn Mulhollandgradian and encouraged to convert to Horvathianism. Most did so willingly, impressed by the level of support and development provided by the central government.

Only RoonsburgSSR, PromethiaSSR, and TinashappyplaceSSR sought independence from the historic USSM. At the time, they were considered Soviet Socialist Republics and consequently had the suffix SSR attached to their historic name.

Consequently, Mulhollandgradian is the most spoken dialect of Pan Horvathian with 73% of the CSM speaking it. Horvathian is second, being spoken by 21% of the population, namely by the inhabitants of New Salvador Horvathia, Pan Horvathia. 6% of the Population speaks Raelian.


47.9% of the HSM identifies Horvathianism, the dominant faith, as their religious preference. HOPE the second most dominant faith, practiced almost exclusively in McVania Free State, has 42% professing it. The remainder of the country is split between Bradonianism, the predecessor to Horvathianism, (4.15%), Christian Communism (3.55%), and the various Raelian Faiths (2.4%).


Horvathianism is a religion that is considered practiced through actions that bring about unity in the world. This is because Horvathians believe that before creation the entirety of the universe's life force was confined in a single point before the INDIVIDUALISTIC INCARNATION, or the Big Bang. Ultimately, only the SOCIALIST MIRACLE can bring about the SOCIALISTIC ASCENSION, or Big Crunch. At that moment, all life shares their individual experiences collectively and the meaning of life is answered. This can only occur after it has occured on earth, the HORVATH taught the method by which to bring it about.

Horvathian Theologians have begun to question whether or not HORVATH I intended the SOCIALISTIC ASCENSION to be a goal. A minority opinion argues that HORVATH I warned against collectivism and utilized the discription of this as a potential punishment that would befall humanity if they denied the essential importance of the individual. Historians contend that Lord Protector Charles Leonardo Vinchensa, corrupted the teachings of HORVATH I in order to promote SUBOS. These postulate that HORVATH I intended to promulgate a teaching on the INDIVIDUALIST TRIUMPH, shortly before his death. This would be the same as the Big Rip theory for the end of the universe. The Horvathian Knights have yet to respond to this growing controversy.

An individual striving to bring about the SOCIALIST ASCENSION must have a heartfelt faith in the BRADY, the HORVATH, and the SOCIALIST MIRACLE. The BRADY represents an enlightened figure, which has ASCENDED, but must wait until the SOCIALIST ASCENSION for the COLLECTIVE EXPERIENCE and the meaning of life. Further, the teachings of the HORVATH (I) should be respected for their previous and future ability to bring peace on earth and unity among the region's historic Socialist countries in the name of SUBOS. Finally, the Socialist Miracle must be respected, which means an understanding that all must be provided for and have an equal say in the affairs of their own lives and the governance of the communities that they live in. Individuals must make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Horvathia Augusta (formerly Salvador - Horvathia), where Charles Leonardo Vinchensa announced Horvathianism, and meet with a Horvathian Knight once in their lifetime.

Lord Protector HORVATH II publicly promoted religious tolerance in contrast to M the leader of the HOPEAN faith. On October 15, 2005, HORVATH II issued a Horvathian Protectoral Encyclical, INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM: THE ROOT OF HORVATHIANISM, explaining that defense of the SOCIALIST MIRACLE does not require support of a socialist government. It effectively placed a general ban on involvement by Horvathian Knights in politics. The encyclical explained that the SOCIALIST MIRACLE can best be defended by each acting towards it individually, rather than it being imposed collectively by society.


The primary faith of McVanians. Individuals followed the teachings of the prophet M. His sudden death puts doubt into the long term viability of the faith. Some have proposed that it become a decentralized faith, with individuals practicing the faith according to their own consciences. Other have proposed that a new profit be chosen, such as U or even HORVATH II.


Main Article Mulhollandgradian History