Kedalfax National Flight Corporation

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Established 1929
Headquartered Kennerwyck, Kedalfax
Hub airports Kennerwyck International, Nevada City International
Focus airports Bermont International, Fallietburgh International, Straatstad International, Rensselaer International
Assets K$84,350,000,000 (est. 10/2006)
Company value K$3,331,441,610,000 (est. 10/2006)
Employees 858,643 (8/2006)
Fleet size 25,616
Destinations 130+
Loyalty system KN Rewards
Flight code KN
CEO Nathan Germar
CFO James M. Rosenbaum
Board Chairman Enrique Ingleria
Slogan Fly Better

The Kedalfax National Flight Corporation (KSX:KNFC), more commonly refered to as KNaFCo or KNAFCO, is the largest Kedalfax-based airline company. The airline offers service to all of the major airports in the Kedalfaxian Commonwealth, including Giotizia, Kedalfax, and the Simtropolis Canal Zone. It also provides service to over 100 airports in the Simtropolis region. It is the largest airline in the region.


Since 1974, KNaFCo has only flown Devinson aircraft.

Anti-Trust Suits

KNaFCo has recieved anti-trust lawsuits in Giotizia and Kedalfax. It has become the only airline to provide daily service from Giotizia to any other nation, with the exception of privately-owned GioAir, which provides short flights to Metropolitan Houston, The Digital Network, and Simtropolia's Orlando territory. Townsend Airways, another Kedalfaxian airline, has flights into Giotizia on Saturdays and Wednesdays.

In Giotizia, successful lobbying has allowed it to continue without fines, due to its large contribution to Giotiza's tourism industry.

In Kedalfax, the company must forfeit 10% of its profits to the government each financial quarter. Normally, a company with its market share would forfeit as much as 75% of its profits. The airline was able to bring that number down, due to its status as a national symbol, and the only airline to fly to all parts of the Commonwealth.