Clandonia Prime

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The United Kingdom of Clandonia Prime
Flag of Clandonia Prime
National motto:

"For King and Country!"

National anthem: Onto we fight for our Clandonia,
Geographical-Political Map
Region Haven
Capital Clanon City
Largest City Clanon City
Population 579 Million
Suffrage 18, Restricted to Citizens Only
Official Language(s) English
Parliamenty-Monarchy Democracy
Head of State
King William VII
Prime Minister
Mr David Sistilin, Leader of the Liberal Conservative Party
Currency Clander (C$)
Time Zone GMT +10:00 (CET)
GMT +09:00 (CCT)
GMT +08:00 (CMT)
GMT +07:00 (CWT)
GMT +06:00 (CKT)
Internet TLD .clp
Calling Code +244
UN Status Non-Member
Info: NationStates NSEconomy XML

History and the current situation

After nearly 30 years of bloody civil war, a stable government was formed with the view of transforming Clandonia and stepping back onto the world arena ending the period of isolation. Deaths from the civil war numbered in the millions with over 2 million killed by the anarchist purging of the socialist south. With the appointment of President Urkov leading the Democratic Socialists it hoped things could change, but with the recent attacks, there are now calls to restart the conflict as the death toll mounts with an estimated 400 civilians killed in recent attacks. President Urkov has announced a massive rearmament program to modernize the CP's armed forces to fight the anarchists who have been equipped with hi-tech weaponry.

After the end of the Troubles, the war against the various CA began between ADAN and GASN, Clandonia on the ADAN and GASN side was invaded by Blainsville put up by the Griffinfest Corporation. In response several nations rushed to the aid and the invasion was quickly destroyed. In response after a short period Clandonian commanders declared war on Blainsville and bombed the country with the help of the GASN who were also commencing ground invasions against the Blackhelm Confederacy as well. In response the corporation bombed Clandonia and launched chemical tipped scuds at the capital. In retaliation Clandonia authorized nuclear weaponry and used tactical NW-590 warheads on the launch sites in Blainsville and on various other military and strategical targets. Then in a very bad turn of events the Corporation won the support of the Confederacy which launched missiles at Clandonia. In response any bombers still in the air or on route were advised to launch any remaining munitions on Blainsville which resulted in the destruction of the country. With 400 paratroopers on the ground, allied air support came in saving them from an Griffinfest APC attack. In return the Confederacy launched more missiles targeting the entire country in a matter of minutes millions were dead and wounded and the country was severely damaged and demoralized. All military ops were cancelled as ADAN allies poured in aid and support promising to retaliate and be vengeful on Blackhelm as their invasions continued, New Ashua promised revenge and launched several ICBM's at the Confederacy’s capital. With the first democratically elected leader killed, the future of democracy is unknown. Several new groups appeared after the war wanting to take control, a nationalist movement rose up wanting to take revenge on Blackhelm/ Others such as the 'forgotten' mutants who live in the hot spots, scavenge food and attack convoys, scientists said they are no longer humans anymore and are extremely dangerous as such; they are to be engaged on contact.

After the war relations with other countries developed, the entry into the Dominion Commonwealth, GDI and ACTO brought about new allies but also new conflicts. A brief skirmish was thought with the Ackistanis and relations remain poor with both countries close to a state of defacto war. There was a brief mission in Naasha where Clandonian forces went to free the Surduni people, the mission was succesful but the international community complained of the methods employed by the Clandonian military.

The invasion by Whyatican and Skyian forces in a multi nation coalition to free the Clandonian people, the pro Sovereign League government under President Sir. Victor Hughes. The rebuilding and renovation of the Clandonian army was commissioned and the invasion of British Londinium occurred soon after toppling the psychotic regime of baby blenders lead by a tyrannical leader. Following the end of a pro-longed resistance peace was achieved and coalition forces maintained a presence, following the nuclear attack on Clandonia Prime and the complete united destruction of Nova Brittanica the first of the EVIL War's was fought against Kroando which developed into a stalemate after a failed Clandonian-Spizanian advance.

After another invasion of the rogue nation of Laquasa Isle the Clandonian government was brought into shame as news leaked out of war crimes committed by Clandonian troops. In a desperate attempt to try and take control of their military which was in effective control of the government, Whyatican forces then annexed Clandonia ceasing the Empire and ending stage four. As the government issued a surrender and Skynet was shut down as it began targeting enemy forces for nuclear annihilation. The Clandonian Royal of King William VII seeing the news of the collapse of his family's former lands issued a call to unite the Clandonian people and form a new nation.

The latest election brought in the new Tory Liberal government under the leader of David Sistilin and the resignation of the Labour leader Steven Brigins after Labours humiliating defeat after failing to secure more than 90 seats. The new Labour leader is Stuart Lewis-Jones, a hard line left wing socialist leader. The Clandonian National Front won 12 seats under the control of Conrad Zackin, a staunch anti-immigration, authoritarian leader who has been labelled as a racist thug and xenophobe.

Climate and Geography

Cold arctic glacial climate in the Northern Mountain range, in the southern province the flat plains provide a temperate climate with occasional desert areas such as the Whiskey Desert to the West. Mineral deposits lie in the Northern Mountains where glaciers still carve up the ground exposing valuable minerals and materials. In the South the rolling flat plains provide excellent crop land. Oil has been found within Clandonian territorial waters which are currently being assessed for its extraction potential. Winter storms have become a major hazard engulfing the southern temperate regions with a blanket of ice and snow which meteorologists have suggested is due to the advancing glaciers. Nuclear winter began with the area becoming even more desolate than it was before, people were forced out of the cities and large pockets of radiation called 'hot spots' are out, travel is only advised by air or on the official 'clean' roads which are guarded by military patrols who protect from the 'forgotten' who are believed to be mutants from the attacks who attack convoys in search of supplies.

Government and Politics

The current situation with regards to the Anarchist conflict threatens to destabilize the country yet again, President Urkov came to lead Clandonia after years of civil war. Recent democratic elections took place peacefully but the situation changed after several attacks on cities causing massive civilian and economic damage. The country has been kept under control a strict Interior Ministry who's Clandonia Prime Internal Security Force (CPISF) have kept crime down but under scrutiny of human rights groups which have accused the government of running an secret police. The CPISF is well equipped and all members are licensed to carry and use firearms at their discretion. Clandonia Prime joined the ADAN alliance after an offer of invitation and assistance in the Troubles where a peacekeeping from Cravan was promised. Democracy has been put on hold for now; the government has now been placed under full military command for the unforeseen future. After Urkov was disposed off in the Coup of October 2006, General Lancer placed in putting a complete military rule of the nation which lead to several conflicts and his deployment of Clandonian troops several times. After the brief civil unrest in November 2006 where the Corporation killed Lancer, shooting down his plane near Danskeran. General Daniel Puriton lead the Clandonian Conservative party into leadership wiping out the extreme powers who tried to violently take over, the communist and nationalist parties were purged and the Clandonian Parliament was reinstated allowing democracy to be restored.

The Empire

Clandonia controls several parts of the world, most in Africa of the former countries of Chad, Libya and Egypt. These were taken bloodlessly by winning the hearts and minds of the local people, promising food and healthcare they were given full Clandonian citizenship. Now a force of 540,000 Clandonian service personal is preparing to put in place a more permanent force to construct airbases and naval yards for the strategical position in the Mediterranean Sea.


Clandonia's small military had been forgotten about for many years in the civil war, with a mixture of weaponry of various designs. It has been decided to increase the military budget to modernise and improve the armed forces with concern on the airforce. Not set figure has been announced yet on the total increase. Air force Commanders have looked towards to increasing the countries offensive air force buy purchasing several Harrier jets due to the need for heavy air support which the current mixture of SU-30. Clandonian Prime Aerospace Engineering have unveiled a new design for the X-35 is hoped to be able to be in production in the next 2 years for active use by the military. Naval forces are nonexistent but plans have been drawn up for possible construction of dry docks to construct a fleet. The Clandonian Prime army is a based on three elements. Due to the nature of conscription in the young population between the ages of 19-22 citizens must serve for 3 years in one the branches of the military if war occurred nearly eight million men and women could be called up. During the war many troops served and several thousand were killed in the attacks, the military were put in control after the attacks and lead the country out of the dark times.

The military is one the most heavily funded for a nation of Clandonias size on the entire planet giving it some of the best combat superiority over foes of Clandonia. Over 42% of the goverment budget which account for nearly 1.3 Trillion Clanders in December 2006. However, this means Clandonia has military technology equal to the 1300s. Spizanian military analysts have on more than three seperate occasions argued with Questarian analysts about the military of Clandonia. The Spizanians claim that it is impossible for Clandonia to have developed the poleaxe - the Questarians disagree and are adamant in their belief the Clandonian Army is being equipped with matchlocks. However, many states agree with the Spizanians that the Clandonians oculd not possibly have gunpowder. This is because the Clandonian PM, upon being presented with gunpowder, said "WHAT IS THIS GREY POWDER?? A GIFT FROM GOD??"

In excercises with the Questarian Naval Air Service, it was heard that Clandonian troops shouted "MY LIEGE! THE METAL EAGLES ARE COMING!" in response to which their general replied "metal cannot fly you dolts. The Pope himself said it heresy."
