Claritia Eärfalas

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Claritia i Calaquenda Imowariel carte Eärfalaso Aranel Gondolin
Date of Birth
2 Ender 34 Corana in Atan (26 Semptember 1966)
Place of Birth
Political Affilliation
Marduuk Party
Position in Empire
Director of the Imperial Security Bureau

Eärfalas, daughter of Imowar of Dorthonion and Clariwe of Gondolin. Eärfalas joined the Tomanian Imperial Security Bureau after graduating from Military Academy in Gondolin. After passing the admittance test Claritia joined the Foreign Insertion Directive (FID), like all members of the FID she had her ears surgically altered from pointy to round, also, she was allowed to have her barcode erased. Before the historic Iron Alliance signed between Morindira and Tomania, the government believed that the Dominion might pose a great threat in the future. Claritia learned Hebrew to perfect fluency and her accent was unmistakably Morindiran. Because Morindira is a matriarchal society her place in the Imperial Security Bureau for Foreign Operatives was of great importance, though, she never was sent on any missions to Morindira, however. She was sent any many missions to Dracoriana, she became the personal secretary to the Dracorian minister of Defense, she also had an affair with him to her advantage. She was successful in finding the full capabilities of the Dracorian war machine, which as minimal in comparison to Tomania. Though, in the end her mission was uncovered and she was quickly recalled. She was then moved from the Foreign Insertion Directive to the Tomanian Internal Protective (TIP), while in this body of Tomanian intelligence she became an agent to spy on other Tomanian officials. During her time in the TIP she used blackmail and bribery to secure a spot on the High Council of Imperial Intelligence, she fabricated evidence of treason and sedition to rid herself of her competitors and become head of the Tomanian Internal Protective.

When Miklós Hedikai declared the Great Purges, Claritia, fearing that she might fall to his paranoia, began to report all suspects and had many people, especially in Gondolin, arrested and shot for treason. It is said that she knows were all the bodies are, because, it was her who put them there. For her obedience and unflinching loyalty the Supreme Cordon promoted her to Director Imperious of the Imperial Security Bureau, which encompases Imperial Intelligence, Foreign Insertion Directive, Tomanian Internal Protective and the Commission to Combat Heretical Thought.

Claritia Eärfalas is the most powerful woman in Tomania, one the most powerful person in the Empire, one the most valued Party member, loyal daughter of Tomania, and trusted confidant to the Supreme Cordon.


  • Fun Facts:
  • She is known as "Claritia the Bloody"
  • She hates nosy people.
  • Drinks a glass of red wine at dinner.