Max Barry Day

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Max Barry Day is a proposed international holiday to be established under a UN resolution by the same name. Both the day and the resolution are intended to honor the creator of NationStates on the Web site's five-year anniversary. As of this writing, the resolution is still at vote, and is expected to pass by a wide margin, though a repeal is already under consideration.


#223: Max Barry Day

Category: Education and Creativity
Proposed By: Dannie E Bolden
Area of Focus: Educational
Status: At vote
(projected to pass)
Adopted: Thu Oct 11 2007
Votes For: 0
Votes Against: 0

The proposal to establish Max Barry Day is considered an oddity, in that it was not written under the traditional format for resolutions, it recognizes an event in real life and does not apply to the NS world at all, and is widely considered illegal under proposal rules as a result.

UN Floor Debate

Despite the resolution's popularity among UN voters, the proposal received a rather hostile reception on the UN floor, and was rejected for "breaking the fourth wall" by most who bothered commenting on it. Many criticized the NS moderators for their lack of oversight. One moderator admitted to being just minutes late to remove it from the floor, having intended to do so, but couldn't since it had already reached vote by the time he got to it. When representatives continued to demand "answers" from moderators for allowing a vote, Frisbeeteria angrily declared, "You can't handle the truth!" [1] Many saw the proposal as a portent of things to come, some citing "the beginning of the end," and Goobergunchians calling it "the seventh sign of the Noobageddon." [2] Others contended the proposal was a good idea, the Intangible envoy saying, "Nowhere in the NSUN charter does it state that every Resolution must be fraught with deep meaning and dramatic import." [3] Meanwhile, a strange woman in a Santa suit hijacked the podium and proceeded to lead the General Assembly in a sing-along of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" in every language recognized by the United Nations. [4] She said it would probably be Christmas by the time they finished.

One day into voting, the Kennyite ambassador introduced a repeal proposal, and promised to submit it the minute voting ended. [5]

Resolution Text

Description: In November of 2002 a man named Max Barry created a website that lets users make thier own nations........This is where we stand today.
This Document declares that every March 18 will be honored as an international holiday called Max Barry Day, in honor of the man who made and created this whole website.

Additional Material