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Flag of Inkana
Motto: "Strength in Unity, Strength in Faith"
Region Haven
Capital Trieste
Official Language(s) {{{language}}}
Leader King Ferdinand Josef II
Population 1.089 Billion
Currency Krone 
NS Sunset XML

Inkana is a large landmass surrounded by many Sea Islands, much like those off of Real-Life Croatia. It was founded on August 7th, 2004 by King Ferdinand Josef II. The King is the head of state, followed by three councils, Internal Affairs, External Affairs, and Defense. Each council has an ever changing amount of members, each councilman/woman represents 10 million Inkanans.

Inkana is looked on favourably by many of the world's nations. Inkana belongs to many alliances, such as: NATO, The Woodstock Pact, The Union of World Powers, and the Organization of Maritime Powers.

Lately, Inkana has embarked on Colonialism, for all great nations of the world were sucessful becaus of overseas colonies, and the trade from them. Because of this, Inkana has a mighty Navy. Inkana controls Turkey, Syria and North Cyprus. Inkana looks forward to having more influence in world affairs.