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Flag of Adamsgrad
Motto: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
No Map Available Yet
Region England
Official Language(s)
Population < 500 million
Currency euro 
NS Sunset XML


The Republic of Adamsgrad is a large, economically powerful nation, noted for its hardworking and industrious people. The national animal is the Lion, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests and its currency is the Euro.

A strong business ethic exsists within Adamsgrad. This is largely due to the large multi-national coroporations that have become prevalent within Adamsgrad's society. However, the nation looks towards central government for leadership. Currently, the government focuses its spending on Law-and-order, defence and the protection of Adamsgrad's natural environment from the claws of industry.


It is believed that the indigenious people of Adamsgrad, known as the Gradites, first migrated to the region known today as the South Pacific. Here, they first settled and cultivated the land to ensure their early survival. It is believed that Adamsgrad's early ancestors first lived in caves, then built mud-huts, and from there, learnt the art of construction.

It was only after this that the first sophisticated markets came into being. Before this, the Gradites bartered with their hunted stock, wheat, ancient weapons (spears , bows etc) and other natural resources. It was not until the formation of a proper currency, however, that trade really took off. With the establishment of the Euro, small markets for goods and services grew and flourished. Tradesmen established guilds and a merchant class developed. It is here that the multi-national coroporations that exsist within Adamsgrad today, have their origins.

However, despite the emerging prosperity, the climate within The South Pacific was harsh. Gail winds, thunderstorms and flooding were commonplace. It is also believed that the gradites experienced hurricanes on occassions. Inevatably, this caused the people great difficulties. Difficulties, perhaps, that they felt not worth trying to overcoming.

So, after years of battling against the elements, the gradites decided to uproot and migrated north in search of better settlements. As a result the gradites became something of a nomadic people, never able to truly settle. On their travels, they encountered other tribes and civilizations, and, as a result, learnt much. Eventually, they moved into a region called England.

Once they moved into England, they felt the climate to be much improved, and decided to settle in a northern part of the region. With the technolgical advancements they learnt on their travels, they began to construct towns and small firms came into being. The people decided on a common border to the south of their inhabited land-mass, and, more importantly, the beginnings of a civil service was formed. With the establishment of a civil service, it was widely agreed that the territory they inhabited be recognised as a state and that the state be ruled by a central authority known as government. A constitution was written and a new nation was born. That nation, it was called, The Republic of Adamsgrad.