Four Hectares

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Revision as of 19:13, 10 April 2005 by Four Hectares (Talk | contribs)

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Four Hectares
Flag of Four Hectares
Motto: "Tear Down This Wall..."
No Map Available Yet
Capital Brutus
Official Language(s) English
Leader President Timothy J. Kotula
Population 1.6 billion
Currency WW$ETI Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

Economy & Government

The Frozen Empire of Four Hectares is a massive, arctic nation, a champion of modern capitalism and serves as a global economic role model. Legislating from the capital city, Brutus, the democratic government assumes a mostly conservative stance in modern politics and its citzens are afforded a modest amount of civil and political freedoms. It's economy is highly open and free-market, which allows the nation to consistently achieve high economic ratings, extremely low rates of full employment (less than 3%) and a GDP per capita above $40,000/year. It's national animal is the elephant, which is strange considering that no elephant could possibly survive in the brutally cold, arctic conditions which characterize the nation's climate. It's currency is the regional WW$ETI.

