The Island of Rose

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[The Imperial Commonwealth of The Island of Rose]

The Island of Rose
Flag of The Island of Rose
Motto: "Protector of the Seven Stars"
In the article there is one
Region The Roman Commonwealth
Capital Rose City
Official Language(s) English, Latin, German, French, Russian, Spanish, any European language
Leader Frederick von Hattensberg
Population Around 200 Billion
Currency Rose 
NS Sunset XML

There was an Island, and people immigrated to that Island. Russians, English, Spanish, Germans even some Frenchmen went there. And then... well you know. The Island of Rose's history is one filled with eccentricities and war. Peace and just plain insanity. But this is what makes Rose, Rose. The Island of Rose is named for it's many many Rose fields. Which are protected by law and anybody destroying one will get the death penalty. No seriously, they will. The major cities sit on the coast and inside these Rose fields and most of the population live in these big cities. The major cities are:

Rose: The Capital city and the most busy port of the Island. It is a huge stop for trade and over 400,000,00 people live in the city.

Roska: A former Russian colony, it's home to over 200,000,000 people. A military port, home to one of the Rosian Navy's fleets. It is also home to the Streaking Hall of Fame.

Rosingrad: Formally known as New Greenland, it was taken over at the Revolution and renamed Rosingrad. This is a hot spot for Englishmen and it's population is 200,000,000.

Red: The second newest major city. Built right after the Revolution it is home to 200,000,000. This is a major Hispanic city and if you're not careful with the women you will be beaten, by the women. This is also a major historical site. Home to many monuments in honor of the Rose's history.

Eltengrad: Home to Germans, this city is famous for it's cheap hamburgers and sausages. It's also famous for it's weird German accents. Population is 200,000,000

Rosktai: Home to most Spec Op operatives. It is famous for providing the best soldiers in the Army. It's also where the most crime happens. Currently this is where a small mob is trying to take power. But we'll handle that. Current population is 200,000,000. This is due to the number of underground homes. They're nice looking though.

Ilyanovastein: The newest city to the Island. Named after former President, Sergei Ilyanov. It's population is 50,000 and it functions like a normal city. It's also home to many retired persons. It is also the home of The Rose Resort.


The Island of Rose was nothing but a small Island, home to many colonies. Until 1812, June 5th. That day, all the cities united, and pledged to rid themselves of this tyranny. But luckily they all left to political reasons and there was no bloodloss. The Rosians call this the Red Revolution, as a joke. After the colonists lost the cities decided to make a loose Federation to defend themselves. And so they lived in a Feudal way of live until 1900. Nothing much happened between the years, Streaking was still a sport and trade and the economy prospered. The people were happy... until 1900, which is when the Industrial Revolution took off.

There were no limits to capatilism, for 30 years the people suffered under the wrath of the Coporations. The cities had one major Corporation, but it was ruled under one giant Corporation. Rose Inc. The CEO was Elto Ilyanovastein. Then, the Communist Manifesto sneaked it's way towards the many local bars. The Rosian Phantom, because nobody knows how he looks like or what his name is, got a submachine gun and ran towards the CEO's building. He shot anything that moved. He soon reached his office, rumors said the last words the CEO heard was "For Marx." Bang, the CEO was dead on the floor, his blood pooling. A Revolution was on! This was not a bloodless Revolution, this was a 3 year Civil War. This climaxed into the taking of the City of Rose. Now they were free, but who would run them?

There was a rush to make a federal goverment, a Constitution. All based on the ideas of Marx. Five years after, the cities were united under One Party Rule from the Communist Party. They abolished old racist laws, gave more to the people and provided free housing for the poor. All this meant a rise on taxes, which almost started a revolution. It was put down luckily by a universal streaking match. In which after they were drugged and they forgot.

For 20 years, One Party Rule dominated the Island. One day, a man against communism spoke out. He was arrested. The contreversy known as the "The Red Hater" Contreversy spoke out. They demanded seats in Parliament, representation, more rights. The police put them down. The General Secretary, because there was no President yet, decided to give them seats in Parliament. Because of this taxes lowered and the economy improved.

The 60s are known as the Red Age of the Island of Rose, beacause it was at it's finest. No crime, no problems, no war. It was peace, peace, peace. Becaues of this, there was too much, sex, sex, sex. This lead to a boom in the population. It also lead to problems in the 70s and 80s.

The 70s and 80s are know as the Age of the Right Wing's Revenge. Because of the amount of disease spread through out the population boom, there was a shortage in medical supplies. The economy also went down as a result. A 20 year recession was on it's way. Also a war to take out the Rosian Eagles was underway. They were spreading a disease known as Red Bump. This gave the sufferer soars on him and horrible pain. It was the Island's own Vietnam war, 900,000 died in this war due to sickness. There seemed no hope...

...Until the 90s! The early 90s, were the worst. People were looking for a fresh young leader. This is when the very own Sergei Ilyanov ran for President. He flooded the ballots, winning 95% of the vote. With him, he implemented socialist and capatilist methods to improve the economy. He also increased health spending and is currently fixing the military. He joined his nation with the International, Victoria, and the United Nations. He was also Delegate for a time. Yes, he saved the Island from it's ruin and now it's doing better then before. Yhen his term ended... and Robert Chavez of the Libertarians was elected. But a month later he was overthrown because he was too oppressive, believe it or not, by Frederick von Hattensberg! An election later and his party won! Now he's in charge, rawr.

Leaders throughout Time

(You see inumerable names of Dukes and Ducchesses)

CEO Master: Elto Ilyanavostein 1900-1930

  • Sex: Male
  • Age when elected: 50
  • Death: Shot by a Tommy Gun
  • Legacy: Made the Island very left with his evil... which was evil!

General Secretaries:

(Term is 10 years)

Orcha Iyostein 1938-1948

  • Sex: Male
  • Age when elected: 55
  • Death: Natural Causes
  • Legacy: First General Secretary.

Roska Eltanav 1948-1958

  • Sex: Male
  • Age when elected: 57
  • Death: Natural Causes
  • Legacy: Repaired the economy.

Rosa Inta 1958-1968

  • Sex: Female
  • Age when elected: 56
  • Death: Car Accident
  • Legacy: First Female General Secretary and gave conservatives seats in Parliament.


(As soon as the conservatives took seats, the leader's now became know as Presidents. Term is 10 years.)

Elso Einvach 1968-1978

  • Age when elected: 60
  • Sex: Male
  • Death: Natural Causes
  • Legacy: Screwed the Island of Rose over... fun.

Taleso Gonzalez 1978-1988

  • Age when elected: 55
  • Sex: Male
  • Death: Suicide
  • Legacy: First Hispanic President and began the healing process

Ota Yinla 1988-1996

  • Age when elected: 60
  • Sex: Male
  • Death: Assasination
  • Legacy: First assasinated President and almost screwed us over again...whee.

Sergei Ilyanov 1996-2006

  • Age when elected: 45
  • Sex: Male
  • Death: N/A
  • Legacy: He put the Island of the International stage, elected most eccentric person of the Island, elected most sexiest person of the Island, just plain cool, but no longer President!

Robert Chavez 1996

  • Age when elected: 33
  • Sex: Male
  • Death: Revolt
  • Legacy: Basically ruined the economy and caused a third Revolution. Captailism equals evil! Kidding!

Frederick von Hattensberg (Current)

  • Age when elected: 37
  • Sex: Male
  • Death: N/A
  • Legacy: He is currently turning the Island into an Empire and he revised the system of Government to suit it. He is slowly turning the Island into a corporate power and is slowly making the Island more independent from trade.

Armed Forces

The Armed Forces of the Island of Rose is not the largest, but counters this by using tactical maneauvers.

Rosian Ground Forces

Each Division contains:

  • 12,000 Personnel
  • 200 Eagle APCs
  • 100 Falcon IFVs
  • 300 Imperial Mk. I MBTs
  • 10 RCH-1s (Chinooks)
  • 8,000 Support Staff (including M.A.F.H unit)
  • 2,000 Soldatoya HMMWV
  • 450 Soldatoya Cargo Trucks
  • 60 ROH-1s (Blackhawk)
  • 120 Holy Antioch Mk. I 155mm Medium Howitzers
  • 40 St. Peter's Fist 120mm MLRS Launchers
  • 20 Chaplins
  • 45 RLAH-1s (Cobra Attack Helicopter)
  • 40 RAH-1s (Hind)

Ground Forces:

  • 1st Division=1st Corp=1st Army
  • 2nd Division=1st Corp=1st Army
  • 3rd Division=2nd Corp=1st Army
  • 4th Division=2nd Corp=1st Army

  • 5th Division=3rd Corp=2nd Army
  • 6th Division=3rd Corp=2nd Army
  • 7th Division=4th Corp=2nd Army
  • 8th Division=4th Corp=2nd Army

  • 9th Division=5th Corp=3rd Army
  • 10th Division=5th Corp=3rd Army
  • 11th Division=6th Corp=3rd Army
  • 12th Division=6th Corp=3rd Army

  • 13th Division=7th Corp=4th Army
  • 14th Division=7th Corp=4th Army
  • 15th Division=8th Corp=4th Army
  • 16th Division=8th Corp=4th Army

  • 17th Division=9th Corp=5th Army
  • 18th Division=9th Corp=5th Army
  • 19th Division=10th Corp=5th Army
  • 20th Division=10th Corp=5th Army

  • 21th Division=11th Corp=6th Army
  • 22nd Division=11th Corp=6th Army
  • 23rd Division=12th Corp=6th Army
  • 24th Division=12th Corp=6th Army

  • 25th Division=13th Corp=7th Army
  • 26th Division=13th Corp=7th Army
  • 27th Division=14th Corp=7th Army
  • 28th Division=14th Corp=7th Army

  • 29th Division=11th Corp=8th Army
  • 30th Division=11th Corp=8th Army
  • 31st Division=12th Corp=8th Army
  • 32nd Division=12th Corp=8th Army

  • 33rd Division=17th Corp=9th Army
  • 34th Division=17th Corp=9th Army
  • 35th Division=18th Corp=9th Army
  • 36th Division=18th Corp=9th Army

  • 37th Division=20th Corp=10th Army
  • 38th Division=20th Corp=10th Army
  • 39th Division=21st Corp=10th Army
  • 40th Division=21st Corp=10th Army

  • 41st Division=22nd Corp=11th Army
  • 42nd Division=22nd Corp=11th Army
  • 43rd Division=23rd Corp=11th Army
  • 44th Division=23rd Corp=11th Army

  • 45th Division=24th Corp=12th Army
  • 46th Division=24th Corp=12th Army
  • 47th Division=25th Corp=12th Army
  • 48th Division=25th Corp=12th Army

  • 49th Division=26th Corp=13th Army
  • 50th Division=26th Corp=13th Army
  • 51st Division=27th Corp=13th Army
  • 52nd Division=27th Corp=13th Army

The Rosktai are the Special Forces of the the Island of Rose. They contain 10,000 men and women trained in Special Operations.

The Rosian Navy

The Navy contains 100 Battle Fleets, each fleet contains 25 ships.

Each Fleet contains:

  • 1 Rose Class Carrier (Carries 125 Aircraft)

(One Rose Class Carrier Carries)

    • 5 E-2 Radar Planes
    • 10 RCCP-1 Carrier Based Cargo Planes (C-2)
    • 10 S-3 Refueling Planes
    • 35 R/F-91s
    • 35 R/B-91s
    • 3 RCH-1s
    • 10 ROH-1s
    • 5 Ospreys
    • 7 RASH-60s Anti-Submarine Warfare Helicopters (SH-60)
    • 4 EA-6B Electronic Warfare Jets
  • 3 Roska Class Carriers (Carries 20 Aircraft)

(One Roska Class Carrier Carries)

    • 10 R/MRF-41s (F-41)
    • 7 ROH-1s (Blackhawks)
    • 3 Ospreys
  • 2 Alexander Class Battleships
  • 1 Enviromental Class Guided Missile Light Battleships
  • 3 Rokstai Class Submarines
  • 3 Red Class Destroyers (For Sea on Sea Battle)
  • 1 Hammer Class Destroyer (For Anti Aircraft Operations)
  • 2 Elten Class Ammunition Ships
  • 1 Josef Class Oiler Ship
  • 1 Rosa Class Hospital Ship
  • 7 Garland Class (FFGN) Frigates

Leftover Ships:

Hospital Ships
  • 25 Rosa Class Hospital Ships
  • 25 Healer Cross Class Hospital Ships

Patrol Boats
  • 200 Armados Class Police Boats
  • 100 Rosten Class Patrol Boats
  • 20 Elderberry Class Patrol Boats
  • 20 Nova Class Large Patrol Clutters

Command Ships
  • 10 Presidential Class Command Ships

Misc. Submarines
  • 20 Augustus Class SSGN Submarines

Landing Craft
  • 140 Terra Class TSV Landing Crafts
  • 70 Terra Class TST-TT Landing Crafts

The Home Fleet

This is the Fleet that protects the Island. It is not allowed to leave Rosian waters no matter what, it consists of 600 ships.

  • 1 Hattensberg Class Super Dreadnaught
  • 20 Rose Class Carrier (Carries 125 Aircraft)
  • 60 Roska Class Carriers (Carries 20 Aircraft)
  • 40 Alexander Class Battleships
  • 20 Enviromental Class Guided Missile Light Battleships
  • 60 Rokstai Class Submarines
  • 60 Red Class Destroyers (For Sea on Sea Battle)
  • 20 Hammer Class Cruisers (For Anti Aircraft Operations)
  • 40 Elten Class Ammunition Ships
  • 20 Josef Class Oiler Ships
  • 20 Rosa Class Hospital Ships
  • 150 Garland Class (FFGN) Frigates

The 1st Fleets of the Protectorates

Each Protectorate does not have a Navy per se, what they have is a Fleet consisting of 101 ships that protect the Protectorate and the waters around it.

  • 1 Hattensberg Class Super Dreadnaught
  • 4 Rose Class Carriers
  • 12 Roska Class Carriers
  • 8 Alexander Class Battleships
  • 12 Rosktai Class Submarines
  • 12 Red Class Destroyers (For Sea on Sea Battle)
  • 4 Hammer Class Cruisers (For Anti Aircraft Operations)
  • 8 Elten Class Ammunition Ships
  • 4 Josef Class Oiler Ships
  • 4 Rosa Class Hospital Ships
  • 4 Environmental Class Guided Missile Light Battleships
  • 28 Garland (FFGN) Class Frigates

Rosian Air Defense Corp

The Rosian Air Defense Corp contains of small fast fighters and bombers, we believe in tactical strikes, followed by Special Forces Operations. Here are our forces, in total, I will not state how many squadrens and such because it's too complicated.

  • 500 R/F-91s (F/A-91 renamed)
  • 200 R/B-91s (F/B-91 renamed)
  • 50 RAH-1s (Hind renamed)
  • 100 RLAH-1s (Cobra Attack Helicopters renamed)
  • 25 RCP-1s (C-17 renamed)
  • 100 ROH-1s (Blackhawk renamed)
  • 200 RSH-1s (Little Bird renamed)
  • 50 RHB-1s (B-52 renamed)

Rosian Culture

The Rosians are known to be eccentric by nature. They're national sport is streaking. They judge by size, bounce, proportion, speed, and agility. The current champion is a nudist and resides in the City of Roska. They are known to be very liberal about topics. Though, they can be insane at times. They are also very anti-dictatorship. This is due to the fact that Facists are shot on site, and the police "didn't see the crime". They also are a very compassionate and intelligent people and spit on ignorance. Ironically, you can still be dumb and vote. The roads are also dangerous, with trucks sporting 50 Calibur machine guns and grenade launchers, it can be terrifying, which is why people walk, and which is why the Rosians are a fit people. Due to steaking, pornagraphy is also very cheap. 5 cents is the least and 5$ is the most in prices. Their food consists of hispanic style foods, such as rice, chicken, pastries, and croquettes. Alcohol is only consumed in special holidays, such as Christmas. Talking about Christmas most Rosians are Roman Catholics, but don't act like them, heh heh. The music Rosians like are rap and techno, even the President listens to them. Guns are plentiful and it keeps crime down. It also makes the Rosians even more dangerous in formal society. The Rosians hate suits and prefer a t-shirt and jeans, which is why suits cost 10,000$ and it's better to sow your own. In the end, Rosians are insane and eccentric, so tread lightly...

Rosian Geography

The geography is mostly flatland, with two major rivers cutting into the City of Rose and the City of Roska. Small villages and towns scatters the Island with a rocky coast protecting the shoreline. That's about it...


National Map

Political Parties

The Red Party:

  • Ideal: Socialism
  • Leader: Orcha Yultanov
  • Support is 30%
  • Seats in Congress: 30

(Main Opposition)

The Libertarian Party:

  • Ideal: Libertarinism
  • Leader: John Buskez
  • Support is 10%
  • Seats in Congress: 10

The Nationalist Party:

  • Leader: Adolf von Roska
  • Ideal: Fascism
  • Support is 5%
  • Seats in Congress: 5

The Militant Communist Party:

  • Leader: "Major" Alexei Vitca
  • Ideal: Right-Wing Communism
  • Support is 5%
  • Seats in Congress: 5

The Liberal Imperialist Party:

  • Leader: Frederick von Hattensberg
  • Ideal: Constitutional Monarchy
  • Support is 50%
  • Seats in Congress: 50

(Main Political Party)

The Imperial Council

The Imperial Council is the Cabinet of the nation basically. It consists of 5 people, which will be listed now.

First Chancellor of the Interior: [Tanya Zukov]

First Chancellor of Foreign Affairs: [Sergei Ilyanov]

First Sea Lord of Defense: [Admiral Wilhem von Sturben]

First Chancellor of Commerce: [Rosta Einvach]

First Chancellor of Finance: [Nicholas Haven]

(Yes, I ran out of pictures.)

The Legislative System

The Island of Rose is divided into seven cities. In those seven cities are 10 to 14 districts. In total there are 100 districts. And each district elects a Senator to represent them.

Speaker of Congress: Lord Anthony Calvus

Majority Leader: Lord Alexandr Ultinska

Minority Leader: Lord Frank Hapsberg

Rose City: 19 Districts

Roska City: 17 Districts

Red City: 16 Districts

Eltengrad: 15 Districts

Rosingrad: 15 Districts

Ilyanovastein City: 3 Districts

Rosktai City: 15 Districts

The individual Senators and the districts that they run will soon be listed.