Four Hectares

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Four Hectares
Flag of Four Hectares
Motto: "The world is not too complex for simple solutions."
No Map Available Yet
Capital Brutus
Official Language(s) English, German, Finnish
Leader President Timothy J. Kotula
Population 2.4 billion
Currency WW$ETI Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

Economy & Government

The Frozen Empire of Four Hectares is a massive, arctic nation, a champion of modern capitalism and serves as a global economic role model. Legislating from the capital city, Brutus, the democratic government assumes a mostly conservative stance in modern politics and its citzens are afforded a modest amount of civil and political freedoms. It's economy is highly open and free-market, which allows the nation to consistently achieve high economic ratings, extremely low rates of unemployment (less than 3%) and a GDP per capita above $40,000/year. It's national animal is the elephant, which is strange considering that no elephant could possibly survive in the brutally cold, arctic conditions which characterize the nation's climate. It's currency is the regional WW$ETI.


The Frozen Empire of Four Hectares was born on December 28, 1961 when the national Constitution was signed on a bitterly cold, snowy morning (-42F) in the nation's newly proclaimed capital, Brutus.

The history of the region goes back almost 150 years, when the West Pacific explorer, Captain Roland, first landed on the eastern shores of what would eventually come to be called the WWSETI region. He soon fell in love with the region's enviornmental diversity and it's native people and eventually gave up his very lucrative sailing career to settle there, becoming the region's first leader. Captain Roland's discovery attracted people of every color, race and creed from all over the NS World, thanks to a very savvy advertising campaign and a series of horrific wars between other regions. By 1955, all but the vast northernmost reaches of the region's land had been explored and mapped and the region was an economic and democratic success. It was assumed that the arctic regions were completely uninhabitable, due to extremely cold temperatures, permafrost and harsh blizzards, 9 months out of the year.

At this point, we enter the world of James F. Gigler. A young and eager explorer from the North Pacific region, Gigler was attracted to the WWSETI's northernmost reaches because of their sheer size, not to mention that he had a controlling stake in several ski resorts back in the North Pacific and the area had a vast mountain range running right through it. He told President Roland of the Hagge nation that he intended to explore and properly map the region, as well as found a nation there. Armed with a .38 caliber pistol, a journal, a pen, ink, cold weather gear and leading a group of approximately 150 pioneers, he left for the arctic on April 1, 1955 - many took this to be a bad omen.

However when he and his party returned four years later, on June 15, 1959, he brought with him a wealth of information, a detailed map and an even stronger desire to form a country from the now charted territory. This he did.

Today, after nearly 50 years of hard work, Four Hectares has grown and propsered so much that it is consistently among the top 5,000 most economically powerful nations in the NS World, thanks to an open market and free trading policies. It is an extremely popular skiing destination as it has the only ski resorts in the northern hemisphere that can be skiied May-September, rather than November-April, due to the incredibly harsh winters. The nation also has some of the world's largest, most productive uranium, gold and platinum mines, produces fine jewelery and serves as a reseaching, production and extreme testing ground for new, non-nuclear weapons technologies.