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Flag of Perrus
Motto: Sharp claws sheathed until needed.
No Map Available Yet
Region FurNation
Official Language(s)
Population 1.249 billion
Currency royal 
NS Sunset XML


Perrus could be considered a blending of ancient Persia and czarist Russia under Nicholas, with a touch of "modernism" thrown in. They export fine textiles and import various exotic woods and precious metals. Kingship is by succession. The Kind family is big believer in an educated populace, so there is a high literacy rate.

Some basic notes (the use of the male gender is for convience only, other than military service (male only at this time), and applies equally to both male and female):

There is no "nobility". The only appointed positions of power are that of governor of the various states.

There is a "House of Commoners". One representative per 10,000 population, or fraction thereof, per state. Currently 100 sitting. The House of Commoners is an advisory body to the king.

The population elects a mayor, if it is an established city or town, the alderman, and their representative(s) to the Hose of Commoners. Elections are held every three years, with half of the representatives elected on alternating 3 years. The representative is ideally not a "career" politician. The longest term, unless a special writ is granted by the king, is 3 terms, with each term being 6 years.

Census is done every 10 years.

Constitution is in place to define king's power.

King can be removed, but only by unanimous votes by both all governors and the entire House of Commoners.

King still has final "word" on all laws and policies, but he must take in account the governors and House of Commoners.

Capital punishment is reserved for the most heinous of crimes, or those against the kingdom. These would be "capital" cases. This includes, but not limited to: actual, or attempted, assassination of a royal; high treason; corruption, or malfeasance of office, of a very large magnitude; mass murder. Any capital case that results in a conviction is automatically sent to the next higher court for review; i.e. a case tried locally would go to the state level, etc. The convicted have the right to appeal to the next level if the first review goes against them.

Slavery has been abolished and slavers are held in great contempt. The best one could hope for, if caught, is to be declared a "persona non grata" and banned from ever setting foot in the country again. The worst would be very long prison sentences of hard labor. In either case, all slaves would be freed and sent to their home country if they so request.

Pirates are treated the same as slavers.

Monogamy is the rule, but polygamy is not unknown and tolerated.

Monistic religion, with an all encompassing "Creator", is the predominate religion, but other religions are tolerated.

Persecution of religious beliefs is strongly discouraged.

Various lifestyles are not persecuted, as the Kind family believes to each their own. This does not apply to lifestyles that actively seek to detory another's lifestyle or person (i.e. if you are gay no problem, but if your lifestyle seeks to persecute someone on their lifestyle (i.e. being gay) or demands a sacrafice of a senient being, then that lifestyle is frowned upon).

All children are required to attend formal schooling from 5 to 12 years of age, during the non-growing season.

All male children, including royals, are required to serve in the military for at least 2 years when they are 15 years old.

Oil, coal, iron, and other mining and common woods (oak, elm, maple, etc.) are some of the resources available.

Climate is equivalent of that of current day Israel.

Diplomacy is preferred over warfare, but a highly trained, and equipped, army, air force and navy are maintained at all times.

Education is very important, and vast libraries and universities are maintained.

All people are free and own their land.

While the people must swear an allegiance to the king, the king also swears an allegiance to serve the people to the best of his abilities.

All townspeople are strongly advised to be involved in the local government, in the form of town meetings, but no persecution or prosecution is implied, or meted out, if they don't.

The government is laid out as follows: King (kingdom), Governor (state), Alderman (district), Mayor (if required).

The judicial system is fair and relatively quick. There is enough time for both plaintiff and accused to gather witnesses and evidence and a maximum of three requests of postponements are allowed in one month's time. After that the trial will happen.

The local judges are elected by the people. Number of judges are determined by population: 1 judge per 1,000 population, or fraction thereof, of local city or district. State judges, with a maximum of three, are appointed by the governor. The king appoints three judges to the "King's Court". Terms for judges are for 4 years, with no maximum.

The appeal process is as follows: local, state, King's Court, King. An appeal to the king is only granted under very special circumstances. On the average only one or two cases per year are granted king's review.

All Crown Princes must go through extensive schooling, starting with the basic schooling starting at age five, to learn what will be required of them as king. The one thing that is impressed upon them, repeatedly, is that they must lead by example.

Anyone who could be considered a regent must go through the same schooling as the Crown Princes.

Most of the populace are leonine, or other big cat, but other races are fair in number. On the whole the populace is of "average" size, with the royals (the Kind family) being somewhat larger than normal.

The local police chief is appointed by the mayor, if there is one, or the alderman.

Large prisons are rare, and most criminals are tried to be "re-habbed". If that process fails then either they are sent back for hard labor or exiled.

There are prison islands that are maintained, but to be sent there one would have been spared their life in a capital punishment case, convicted of a "high" crime, or possibly a slaver. These are for the most hardened criminals or those that are thought to pose a serious threat to the kingdom.

All possible advisors to the king are given a through, as is possible, background check. This is done not only to protect the king, but also to protect the kingdom from an advisor that might mislead the king into a decision that might have devastating repercussions later.

King Nichols has been on the throne for 6 years. He ascended to the throne at the death of his father, Leonard, when he was 39. He was married to his queen, Elsa, when he was 16.

Arranged marriages for royals are discouraged, but do happen.

The monarch is normally a King, but there has been a Queen.

Magic is rare, though not unknown to the commoner. Stress is put on the fields of science and technology.

The monetary system is as follows: base unit is the "royal", with 2 semiroyals (semis), 4 quadroyals (quads),10 demiroyals (demis), 20 royalette (ettes), or 100 centiroyals (cents) to a royal. There are also 5, 10, 25, and 50 royal coins in circulation, but the higher the denomination the rarer the coin. The royal is a circular coin is ~1.5" in diameter with the smaller coins losing about 1/8" in diameter until the centiroyal is ~ 7/8" in diameter. The larger coins gain 1/4" in diameter until the 50 royal is ~ 2.5" in diameter. The monetary system is based on gold and the issuance of new coinage is strictly regulated.

The counterfeiting of money is a high crime, but not a capital one. Conviction of serious counterfeiting can land one on one of the prison islands. Cases of counterfeiting are always remanded to the state court to be tried.

Various political views are encouraged and political prisoners are, for the most part, unheard of.

The economy is driven by the manufacture of textiles for export, mining, manufacturing needed goods, and agriculture. Secondary economic processes include shipbuilding, science, and services. Perrus, is for the most part self-sufficient, but does rely on imports of exotic woods, other exotic materials (i.e. stones - like marble), and rare metals and gems.

The country of Perrus believes in equality of the sexes, except in milltary service.

Royal Family:

King: Nichols (45)

Queen: Elsa (44)

Princes: Alexander (28), Peter (27), Löwen (26)