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Flag of Kanabia
Motto: You can hate us all you like, but we still love you.
Region Nasicournia
Capital Roquefort
Official Language(s) English,French, Japanese minority
Leader Christopher Kotovesky
Population 2.722 Billion
Currency Kanabian Nuble 
NS Sunset XML

Official Title: The Libertarian Marxist Republic of Kanabia


A timeline of Kanabia's history:

~45,000 BCE- Nomadic tribes enter the desert regions to the northwest, and found scattered tribes, eventually moving closer to the coast.

~35,000 BCE- Other oceangoing tribes settle along Kanabia's southern coastline. (There are still remnants of these tribes living in the thick jungles today)

~4000 BCE- Primitive cities established...Kingdom of Kankoran established along coast.

~1000 BCE- Kankoran civilisation conquered by Asiatic raiders. Raiders found Kanu dynasty.

~400 BCE- Greek and Phoenican traders believed to have first arrived around this time in Kanu empire.

~300 BCE- Kanu dynasty falls apart, conquered by raiders once more, these ones named Aybians, from central Asia.

520-530 AD- A unified empire once again rises- The empire of Kanabia. By now, there is little conflict or emnity between the races which warred eachother for many years and much prosperity is had by all.

833 AD - Byzantine Orthodox Christians establish a mission. They win few converts, however, bring knowledge of medicine, as well as gifts of gold given to them by the royal family, back to Europe.

1123 AD - Islamic Monks and Traders arrive and win a large number of converts. They are welcomed warmly by Emperor Kesaro, who becomes a convert (His heir, however, returns to Buddhism) The population is still nominally Buddhist.

1245 AD - Kanabian emperor marries daughter of the Japanese emperor. Some Japanese come to live in Kanabia with the peoples blessing. They establish communities that remain ethnically Japanese even now. The immigration continues well into the 1800's, pervading Kanabian culture with a Japanese influence - Shinto Shrines can be found in every city.

1437 AD - Portuguese and Spanish monks arrive, winning some converts, but are mistrusted by many.

1522 AD - Religious tensions break out into open conflict. Christians following Don Santos, a radical Portuguese priest, slaughter Buddhists, and Islamic armies pour in from neighbouring lands.

1650 AD - The empire shattered into pieces, Portugal establishes a colony.

1730 AD - French purchase Kanabia from Portuguese.

1825 AD - As a settlement following the Napoleonic Wars, Britain receives South Kanabia. The North remains under French Control.

1898 AD - A peasant from the north named Hajim Kefujo attempts to rise up and return Kanabia to self-rule, capturing several important towns and defeating a combined British and French army. He underestimates European imperial power, however, and eventually is forced into exile in Japan, where he is mysteriously murdered. He becomes a martyr for Kanabian nationalists (and later, marxists).

1914 - Kanabians serve admirably in World War One, albeit mostly as medical, logistics and artillery personnel. The colonies are an important source of rubber, though.

1927 - Citizens in British Kanabia protest, demanding a representative seat in the League of Nations. The streets are cleared by a colonial cavalry brigade. Approximately 300 civilians are killed, and tensions soar. In retaliation, a British cruiser in harbour is boarded and captured a week later, during the night. It is destroyed a day later by torpedo boats; but only after firing shells at the naval base while the staff slept; killing 133 British soldiers and wounding many more.

1932 - Communists from China influence the Kanabian nationalist movement into a new fervor. Communist thought replaces the old ideological beliefs of the popular independence effort.

1939 - Kanabia once more forced into war. However, rubber farmers burn down their plantations en masse, and Kanabians reject fighting a European war. The most famous protest is a group of thousands of people sitting in the streets, refusing to move for 3 days, outside the French Government building in Roquefort. This was called the Lefebre protest- as the man leading it was a French born socialist named Jacques Lefebre. Surprisingly, many ethnic French and British gave their support for a program of at least limited self-rule. This is likely because often the colonial governments did little about the problems even the settlers themselves faced. A settlement granting limited autonomy is passed, but never comes into effect.

1940 - With the fall of France, the Vichy French regime grants North Kanabia to the Japanese. At first, the Japanese are treated as cultural brothers and liberators from European imperialism, but when all active members of the colonial resistance are imprisoned (or worse) and communists are used in medical experiments, sentiment turns ugly and some 5 years of revolt begin. Guerillas use British territory as refuge to launch attacks on the Japanese. The British, fearing these attacks will spread and target British interests, declare them illegal, but are in no position to stop them.

1942 - South Kanabia overrun by Japanese, British citizens unable to escape. Many British, as well as French, actually join the resistance, fighting alongside the very people who originally fought against them; a sense of comradeship develops. Believing the movement to be Communist and against their interests, the Allies fail to assist, generating even more resentment towards the west.

1945, February - Kanabia liberates itself from the Japanese, and establishes a temporary socialist government. US forces land 3 days later, and are surprised not to see the Japanese flag flying above Roquefort. They are heckled out of town by Kanabians and Europeans alike.

1946 - Elections. Socialist/Communist coalition wins.

1947 - Kanabia denied participation in the UN. France and Britain unsure on how to regain their old colonies; the old colonists (Making 25% of the population, 15% French, 10% British) themselves are supporting the socialists.

1948 - Kanabia's complete independence recognised. Strong ties formed with India (which has a similar experience of colonialism and independence), Mao's China, and the USSR.

1950- Kanabia joins UN.

1951 - A schism develops between Kanabia and the other Communist nations; Kanabia wants a democratic system. As a result, the USSR and China refuse to aid Kanabia or sell it military equipment any longer.

1953 - Friendly ties reestablished with France, which provides military equipment. (The ulterior motive is believed to be that France wanted Kanabian support in Indo-China; however they did not receive it.)

1959 - Ties re-established with the USSR and China. Financial aid given to Cuba.

1964 - Kanabia becomes a staunch opponent of the US during the Vietnam war. Despite never sending its own army, volunteer corps are formed and fight with the Viet-Cong. A friendship formed with Vietnam after the war, but relations with the US and allies (Except France, somewhat) sour. At this time, Kanabia becomes a hot-spot for leftist immigrants from Europe. The economy begins to industrialise.

1975 - 52% of Kanabians, wary of the conflict religion has caused in the past in Kanabia, consider themselves agnostic or atheist.

1980 - Efforts made to increase Kanabia's economic partners.

1991 - As a result of the above initiative, Kanabia is not hurt severely by the fall of the USSR.

1992- Green Marxists win first election, meaning Kanabia is one of the worlds first environmentalist nations.


Government Outline

Government in Kanabia consists chiefly of three important bureaus- The Senate, The People's Congress, and The Supreme People's Court.

The Senate has 150 seats, Congress has 300 seats and the People's Court has 20 judges.

Elections for Senate and Congress are held simultaneously (However, only half of the Senate is elected at once...typically senators serve 8 years), and are held every 4 years, always on June 1st. Judges are directly elected every 5 years.

There is no term limit for President, and constitutionally, he or she can be either a member of Congress or a member of Senate, though by convention, comes out of Congress.

Election donations by private citizens and foreign governments are strictly outlawed.

Political Parties

Major Parties

Green Marxist Party (GMP)

Current Leader - Christopher Kotovesky (currently in power) Agenda- Environmental protection, neutral military policy, Increased humanitarian aid to overseas nations, emphasis on education spending. Currently control 126 seats in Peoples Congress, 63 in Peoples Senate

Popular Communist Party (PCP)

Current Leader - Marie Lefebre Agenda- Military strength, export of ideology, industrial expansion. Active role in world affairs. Currently control 102 seats in Peoples Congress, 51 in Peoples Senate

Minor Parties

Liberal Democracy Party (LDP)

Current Leader - Kamido Matsuha Agenda- Free enterprise, economic development, disarmament. Strongest of all minor parties, though support fluctuates wildly from election to election. Currently control 42 Seats in Peoples Congress, 21 in Peoples Senate

Kanabian Nationalist Party (KNP)

Current Leader - Anatoly Korenchkin Agenda- Nuclear Weapons capability, strong military, acquisition of foreign colonies. A new citizenship policy: Immigrants can only become "provisional" citizens and only native born Kanabians can be full citizens. Currently control 18 Seats in Peoples Congress, 9 in Peoples Senate

Kanabian Christian Democrats

Current Leader - David McMillan Agenda- Free enterprise, ban gay marriage and other "immoral" government policies, government support to catholic church and religious instruction in schools. A tax towards non-christian churches. Currently Control 6 Seats in Peoples Congress, 3 in Peoples Senate.

In addition, there are 6 independent congressmen and three independent senators.

Important Institutions

K.I.S (Kanabian Intelligence Service) The K.I.S is responsible for all matters of security; both foreign and international, including for example, counter-terrorism and infiltration. Recognised as a "Spy" agency, but its responsibilities also include statistical analysis.

D.F.A (Department of Foreign Affairs) Responsible for treaty making and correspondence with other nations.

Office for Correspondence with The International Responsible for dialogues with other member nations of the Communist International.

Trade and Production Agency A massive office that regulates all aspects of foreign trade, and oversees individual production resources.

K.B.S (Kanabian Broadcasting Service) Kanabia's answer to the BBC, the chief state-owned news service, reaching all homes in the nation.

Economy And Society

The Economy Outline

Kanabia's economy is extremely socialised. While private enterprise is not illegal constitutionally and nor is it outlawed in legislature, entrepreneurial citizens often fail to meet the annual average wage. Strong pollution emissions standards and environmental regulation stifled industry somewhat in previous times, however most of these hurdles have been overcome and Kanabia is ranked as one of the strongest economies in the world.

Kanabia is ranked by the UN as having a 100% taxrate. This is somewhat misleading, as it is only an indication that money spent travels back into government coffers. Effectively, there is a zero taxrate.

Foreign imports are however available from stores, though are usually more expensive than Kanabian made goods. Barter trading of goods is opreferred to monetary exchange in most marketplaces, and these markets are a tourist drawcard.

Means of production are regulated from the bottom up - each factory is run by a worker's council with elected foremen, and factories that are especially productive are rewarded. Democratic election of management is typical, however exceptions occur in military industry and high-level science facilities. Workers in these industries are not denied any form of representation, however.

Composition and Figures

GDP Per Capita- $37,530 US Dollars

GDP Growth Rate- 3.2%

GDP Composition by Sector- Agriculture: 3% Industry: 28% Services: 69%

Population Below Poverty Line: 0%

Inflation Rate: 2.8%

Unemployment Rate: 2.4%

Leading Industries: Mining, Industrial Equipment, Aeronautics and Space equipment, Petrochemical, Steel

Agriculture Products: Rubber, Rice, Sugar, Wheat, Cattle, Poultry, Fish

Major Mineral Resources: Oil, Coal, Gold, Silver, Tungsten, Aluminium, Iron, Uranium

Population Structure

Age Structure: 0-14 Years: 24.6% 15-64 Years: 62.9% 65 Years and Over: 12.5%

Infant Mortality Rate: 2.46 deaths/1,000 live births

Average Lifespan: 87.6 years

Ethnic Groups: Asian (53.7%), European (42.4%), African (1.5%), Middle Eastern (1.1%), Jewish (0.8%), Pacific Islander (0.5%)

Religions: Agnostic or Atheist (52.7%), Christian (32.4%), Buddhist or Shinto (9.4%), Islam (4.5%), Other (1%)

Official Languages: French, English Note: All Citizens Raised Bilingual. There are Portuguese and Japanese speaking minorities.

Literacy: Definition: Age 15 or over can read and write Total Population: 100% Male: 100% Female: 100%

Military Overview

Kanabia runs a military with a mix of imported Russian and French equipment (Among others), though these are taking second place to newer indigenous designs, as logistics have proven a problem. It has global deployment capability. Unusually, Kanabia possesses no nuclear, chemical, or biological weaponry. (Though it certainly possesses the capability to build these on short notice.)

Citizens, male and female, face compulsory national service for one year at the age of 18. Service is not necessarily military, with conscientious objector status guaranteed constitutionally, however many choose to take the military training. Others complete their service as part of their education, serving in hospitals and other public service areas.

(Marines and Airborne Infantry sections to be added soon)

The Army

10,000,000 Soldiers on active "Ready to deploy" duty at any one time. 40,000,000 On call reservists. 160,000,000 With some army training.

A standard division size is 20,000 men.

Frontline Equipment:

(If equipment is followed by a "u" it has been upgraded to ensure higher effectiveness)

MBTS- T-90u (26,000 in Service) Leclerc (15,500 in Service) Leopard IIu (4,000 in Service) T-1 (Beginning to Enter Service)

APCS- BMP-3u (40,000 in Service) Type-90u (15,000 in Service)

Recon Vehicles- BRDM-2u (10,000 in service) Luchs (4,000 in Service) Rasit (500 in Service)

Field Ambulance- Samaritan (700 in Service)

Artillery- 2S19 (18,000 in Service) TOS-1 (10,000 in Service) AUF-1 (10,000 in Service)

Anti-Aircraft- 2S6M Tunguska (14,000 in Service) SA-20 Triumf (Entering Service)


5 Million active personnel. 12 Million reserves. 59 Million with some naval training.

Carriers- Orca I Class CV (4 in Service) Orca II Class CV (2 in Service) Trotsky Class Super CVN (1 in Service) A planned expansion of the Carrier fleet is due to take place.

Cruisers- Aurora Class Stealth Cruiser (1 in Service, 13 additional planned) Modified Kirov Class (22 in Service) Slava Class (18 in Service, mainly with home fleet) Modified Kresta Class (4 remain in service, rest mothballed)

Destroyers- Sovremennyy Class (78 in service) Udaloy I Class (64 in service) Udaloy II Class (40 in service)

Frigates- Dolphin Class Stealth Frigate (62 in service) Marlin Class (113 in service)

Patrol Boats- Piranha Class (140 in service)

Submarines- Prometheus Class (6 in service) Akula II Class (40 in service) Seawolf Class (20 in service)

Air Force

7 Million on Active Duty 20 Million Reservists 70 Million with some Airforce Training (Mostly logistical, but civilian pilots are on call)

Frontline Equipment

Fighter Aircraft- K-35 "Firefox" Interceptor (Approx. 1,000) K-37 "Firefox" Multi-Role fighter (Approx. 3,000) MiG-29M "Fulcrum" (Approx. 8,000) MiG-31M "Foxhound" (Approx. 4,000) SU-37 (Approx. 5,000) SU-25 (Approx. 5,000)

Strategic Bombers- TU-22M "Backfire" (1,000) TU-160 "Blackjack" (780) KB-40 "Blizzard" (230)

Transport Aircraft- KT-200 (Approx. 5,500) AN-124 (Approx. 500) KT-170 (Approx. 1700)

Tanker Aircraft- KT-180 (240)

AWACS- K-AEW-300 (40)

Helicopters- Mi-28 Havoc Ka-50 Hokum MD-500 Defender Mi-35

In Storage

Fighter Aircraft- MiG-21 MiG-23 MiG-25 MiG-27 Su-22 A-4 Mirage F1 Mirage 50

Strategic Bombers- Tu-16