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Flag of Fourhearts
Motto: "None Shall Break"
Region Texas
Capital Juliana
Official Language(s) English and Latin
Leader King Drake
Population 40,023,788
Currency Ruby 
NS Sunset XML

The Kingdom of Fourhearts

None Shall Break

Fourhearts was originally an island nation in the Pacific. During a massive storm that wiped out the four island, the Airship Fleet led by by King Drake IV evacuated the nation to Texas.

A Nation of Airships

The Airships of the Fourhearts fleet are highly advanced. At high altidudes the very wind powers them, giving the Fleet unlimited range. Highly durable, these airships can support combat operations through AWACS missions, missile defence, subhunting, air and logistics support. The Airship Fleet also carries the Aerowatt, which provides power to the nation.

The Prince and his Queen's Cross

The Queen's Cross is the flagship of the Airship Fleet after the King's Cross was converted to the Town Hall after the evacuation. The Airship is regarded to be the fastest in the world and it's crew have made several undocumented modifications.

Prince Drake served on the Queen's Cross as a young boy. Nobody on the ship except Admiral Peg knew of his royal blood, so Drake was treated as a young cabin boy would. The experiance made Prince Drake a very tough man and a skilled swordfighter.

Today, Prince Drake is mainly concerned with diplomacy as he travels througout the Texas Region. He was the founder of the new captial Juliana, named after his mother.