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Flag of Dannistaan
Motto: In Omnis Unus
Region The East Pacific
Capital Dannistra Onn (Dannistaan City)
Official Language(s) English de facto, Dannistaanian, regional dialects of English
Leader P'aanil F'orrlason-Smith (Current PM incumbant)
Population 10 Million (Unofficial)
Currency Ailuropoda (#) 
NS Sunset XML

The Confederacy of Dannistaan is a small island nation in the southern oceans of the East Pacific. It has had a long history of being fought over due to it's supply of precious minerals and the legendary ferocity of the local warriors. Currently the island is under going something of a major change in it's culture due to the increasing openess of the central government.


The island of Dannistra (The name of "Dannistaan" only came later) was first discovered in 1795 by a Royal Navy ship traveling to a Australian penal colony. However according to unofficial sources it was said that the ship took a wrong turn and ended up on Dannistra instead. At the time the only inhabitants of the island are the Dannistaanians (or Dannistrians), an indigenous group of tribal people who amazingly (To the British crew), had no contact with any of the outside world at all and even more astonishingly had been overlooked on mapping surveys of the region.

The island was conquered in 1841, but not before a very bloody battle which saw many of the Dannistrians hold out before succumbing to the cannons of the Royal Naval vessels. However, because of the tenacity of the warriors the Admiral of the fleet paid his respects to the fallen islanders when he set foot upon the settlement now know as "South Port".

The conquering of the island wasn't made public as it was felt that it was unimportant, despite the fierce battle to control the island. On the discovery of certain valuable minerals the island existence was kept secret to avoid any further conflicts breaking out for control. However this policy was not sucessful and throughout the first and second world wars, the island was occupied by many different forces, including the Germans, the Japanese, the Americans and at one point even the Chinese. Eventually the British wrested control of the island from the Japanese (with American help) in 1944 and began construction of two small airfields using early land reclaimation techniques. These have been improved over the years until the reclaimed land was made sufficiently steady. The larger of the airfields is now the international airport for the whole island.

In 1975 the island was granted independence in the Dannistaan Accord, ratified by both sides. The Accord provided the basis for the first draft of the island's constitution. However the British Monarch is still the nominal head of state for the island.

Government and politics

The Confederacy of Dannistaan was previously ruled over by a Governor, chosen by the British Monarch and later the Westminster Parliament in London. The Governor presided over a legislative council (LegCo) of 75 members. After independence, the island is now ruled by a bicarmel Parliament. The Parliament consists of the Lower House (Ti'volas As'embola, literally "Tribal Assembly") and the Upper House (Ti'volas O'varnos or "Tribal Overseers").

The Ti'volas As'embola consists of 150 members, each one elected using Proportional Representation, specifically the Single Transferable Vote. Each town and city has one Member of Parliament (or Kha'mon Ti'volas As'embola, lit: Clansman of the Tribal Assembly, abbreviated as KTA). Each rural area, roughly consisting of two or three villages, will have one MP/KTA.

The Ti'volas O'varnos consists of 75 members. Each O'varna (Overseer, equivalent term to Senator) is also elected directly to the O'varnos via Single Member Plurality or First Past the Post. The criteria being that the O'varna must have served at least 10 years as a KTA before standing for election as an O'varna.

The head of the ruling party is nominated as the Prime Minster, or Ti'vol B'ani'r (Tribe Chief). He has the power to nominate a cabinet of up to 8 MP's/KTA's to assist him in running the nation.


The island is divided into 5 different Ti'vol'ron (Tribal areas, equivalent to a county or province). Each Ti'vol'ron is divided into 2 or 3 Ti'vol'ron-suu (districts). The 5 Ti'vol'ron are actually independent sovereign states in their own right, and reserve the right, under the constitution, to secede from the Confederation. However, the union has worked well in their favour so no reason is seen to seperate from the Confederation so far. The MP's/KTA's are alloacted depending on the proportion of population in each of the Ti'vol'rons. The current formula is:

  • North Dannistaan (Nordu Dannistra) - 15%
  • South Dannistaan (Bas'sou Dannistra) - 55%
  • West Dannistaan (Hal'vos Dannistra) - 10%
  • East Dannistaan (Riu'en Dannistra) - 20%

Official name


Dannistaanians or Dannistrians?








Mount Dannistaan (Dannistra Vol'nus)









