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Flag of Nnyobrugium
Motto: "Nnyobrugium Today, Tomorrow, & Sometime Next Week!"
No Map Available Yet
Region The East Pacific
Capital Adirocenna
Official Language(s) Dutch (Official), English
Leader Horatio Mallecours (Prime Minister)
Johannes Olyslaeger (King)
Population 8 Million
Currency The building 
NS Sunset XML

NOTE: This page is a work in progress. Until this tag is removed, some parts may lack NPoV and have other quirks or failings that I'm working out. Be patient Also, in the future, as a note to self, this whole thing will be a quick overview of Nnyobrugium



Nnyobrugium's international involvement is relatively little as of this publishing. The government is currently attempting to gain entry into the United Nations, as well as develop relations with other like-minded countries. Prior to Prime Minister Mallecours' second term, political involvement in Nnyobrugium rarely extended beyond its own borders. However, engagement has been made a priority by the current governing party, and so Nnyobrugium may play a larger role as time passes.

On a regional level, Nnyobrugium is currently looking to join a region. Any representatives of interested regions should contact the Nnyobrugium embassy via telegram.


Nnyobrugium was one of several Dutch colonies that gained their independance in 1948. The then-Duke (or Hertog) Hendrik Olyslaeger was installed as King, and thus his line as the Royal Family of Nnyobrugium. At this time, the government was very much an absolute monarchy, even after the creation of advisory-in-nature Parliament in 1953.

While there exists documented evidence dating back as early as 1954 of organized groups of Nnyobrugians dissatisfied with their government, no great impact was made until 1962. This was the year that the Allied Progressive Party (PPA) was able to gain control of a majority of Parliament. This group, composed primarily of smaller parties all united in their desire to reform the political system, worked throughout their terms to stymie and reverse the actions taken by the Royal Family. However, as Parliament had been created as intentionally subservient to the Crown, King Hendrik was still able to push much of his proposals and his agenda through a hostile Parliament.

The growing frustration of the PPA, combined with the death of Hendrik and succession to the throne of his son Johannes in the fall of 1965 led Nnyobrugium to the brink of civil war. What were originally demonstrators on the capital Adirocenna organized by the PPA turned, over the course of two weeks, turned into an increasingly unruly and armed mob. King Johannes's first actions were to dismiss the protests as insignifcant to governing, which only made the situation worse and diminshed the support for the Crown outside the capital. As the demonstrations grew in intensity, he realized that resolving the crisis should be his top and only priority. While this situation might have seemed ideal for the PPA, the party leadership realized too that they were quickly losing control of the mob inside of the capital for which in the eyes of the rest of the country they were still responsibile. Both sides agreed to meet near the end of the third week of demonstations on November 13th, 1965.

Despite his ealier blunders, King Johannes realized the dire situation his reign and country both were in. Even if he were to resolve terms favorable to the Monarchy's absolute rule, the country would be bitterly split and another uprising would be inevitable. If he were to capitulate and essentially hand over the government to the PPA, then with the angry mob in place and with enough people outside the capital still supporting the Crown, further unrest would also be likely. In an extremely clever maneuver he proposed the agreement that would be accepted essentially remain unaltered and later become the Adirocent Accords, the foundation of the modern Constutitional Monarchy in Nnyobrugium

Politics and Political Structure

The current Prime Minister of Nnyobrugium, Horatio Mallecours
Horatio Mallecours in 1974, behind Minister-Elect Filip Koen

As part of the Adirocenna Accords, the Royal Family agreed to maintain only nominal power over the daily functionings in government, having only appointed representatives present (but not technically empowered) at all high-level government meetings, the ability to break ties, and so forth. The actual government would be composed of an executive branch headed by the Prime Minister, and the legislative body the House of Familiars (akin to the U.S. Senate, based on equal regional representation).

The party currently in power is the Free Unionists' Party (FPU), currently led by sitting Prime Minister Horatio Mallecours. Mallecours was first elected in 1998 by a wide margin, and then managed a narrow victory over Sebastiaan Martin of the Open Market Party (PMO) in the hotly-contested 2002 election, even as FPU lost control over the House of Familiars. As such, Mallecours is widely predicted to face great trouble in the opcoming 2006 election from both the PMO as well as a full field of other political parties.

While in office, Mallecours has pursued agenda to reduce government waste as well as pushing for far greater participating in international politics in his second term. This has led some critics to label him as far more interested in the affairs of other nations than those of Nnyobrugium. Regardless, the FPU managed recently to ratify official membership in the United Nations and still seeks to further involve itself in international affairs.

Unlike his recent opponent Martin, who was seen to be a candidate "of the people," Mallecours has spent all of his adult life as a political operative. Serving as advisors to Ministers Filip Koen (1974-1982, Green Socialist Party) and Lieven Reiner (1990-1994, Fee Unionists' Party), both friends and foes often describe him as uncommonly talented at pushing through a political agenda. However, by critics he is also labelled as dry, impassive, and withdrawn from Nnyobrugian society.

Alliances and Notable Relations

Current and Notable Events