Liberated New Hope

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Liberated New Hope
Flag of Liberated New Hope
Motto: "Freedom from tyranny, so lives the Liberation!"
Region Raumreich Oversector
Capital Hamunaptra
Official Language(s) Arabic, English, Centris Dialect (local)
Leader Fleet Admiral Sean Murphy
Population ~4 billion
Currency Dollar 
NS Sunset XML

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Liberated New Hope is a small nation within the Raumreich Oversector wholey contained within the Morning Star System, despite the best efforts of many military, business, and political leaders.


However, despite its small size, the nation carrys with it similar economic power comparable to that of even Vernii. This is almost entirely due to the local government's support of a hands free capitolist society, a response to the former Clergy regime's tight control on material and goods. In this environment, vast corporations and other businesses have flourished (thought some say these corporations are similarly oppressive to the old regime).


The society is completely driven by a "do as you may" mentality directly supported by the government, who's only concern is to enforce what few laws do exist with great prejudice. All this, of coruse, stems from the social oppression of the Clergy, however many would say the current free state of society is nothing more than a temporary and unhealthy backlash that will eventually normalize.

There are a few taboos, though. First off, the concept of religion is thought of as an oppressive tool by tyrants and on "The Homeland" (as True Hope is refered to) it is near-strictly forbidden by social and government conventions. Another, oddly enough, is for women to dress too unprovocatively unless of certain economic classes, something that stems from a belief in and for promiscuity (which is explained in the next paragraph) and an unashamadly male-dominated society.

Other peculiar characteristics directly related to the former Clergy regime is the cultures emphasis and encouragement on many things deemed indecent or immoral by other societies. Promiscuity is not thought of as a flaw but more an expression of free love. Trickery in the case of commercial practise (and no-where else) is thought of a testiment to cleverness (but as Liberation businesses branch out into the outside sector, they are quickly learning that other business don't share this sentiment).

A History in Wars and Uneasy Peace

True Hope Miner's Rebellion (LY p22 - p21)

-Gold and saphire miners north of Trinidan on True Hope revolt because of prisoner-slave status.

-Miner's defeated, all killed in battle or executed after the fact. Most now marked in the Book of Names.

Hamunaptra Revolution (LY 1 - 12)

-Slaves in Hamunaptra on True Hope revolt.

-Capture substantial segment of the northern hemesphere.

-Rebels secure the skies through use of GTS missile platforms.

-Lord Hallison's Moon (Now the moon Tiber) Truce, uneasy peace.

Age of the Revolution (LY 12 - 79)

-Anies Kalter, leader of the Revolution, takes position of Foreman to the Revolution.

-Kalter and his subordinates go about setting up the nation, at the time refered to simply as "The Homeland."

-Ban of all practise of religion as a countermeasure to Clergy influence.

-Creation of the Book of Names so that the godless people of the Homeland my not be forgotten.

-Homeland is industrious under Kalter's rule, population increases, economic/military strength increases.

First Liberation War (LY 79 - 93)

-Revolutionary government launches attack on remaining Clergy forces on True Hope.

-Anies Kalter passes out of existance, his hame is placed with special commendation in the Book of Names.

-Luckily, Anies names his younger companion (rumored to be his lover, though this has yet to be proven) Allen Thompson as next Foreman; no power disputes occur.

-All of surface captured.

-Thompson takes the title of Sultan (previously given to the Clergy subordinate who had controlled the planet) to establish his power.

-First Unwritten Truce.

Age of the Liberation Begins (LY 93 - 99)

-Homeland integrates freed slaves into populous.

-Government institutions transfer titles from Revolutionary to Liberation.

-First Navy of the Liberation established.

-Thompson dies in time of truce without naming an heir.

-Milligan of the House of the Eagle's Sun is elected to post of Sultan by Thompson's advisors.

-Milligan declares the nation to be "Liberated New Hope" in an attempt to distance himself from old earther regimes and show his intention to eventually free the true "homeland" of the system, New Hope.

Second Liberation War (LY 99)

-Clergy attempts to recapture True Hope in response to Milligan's obvious show of forceful intent and to re-establish control, basing its attacks from Tiber.

-Liberation Navy and troops fend off attacks and capture the three moons and other satilites directly around the True Hope in a matter of only weeks.

Age of the Liberation Continues (LY 99 - 127)

-Milligan dies in a time of peace, naming Micheal Allen, an advisor, as his heir.

-Allen assisinated by agents of a political rival, Jacob Baker (though at the time this is unkown)

-Baker rules with a the free-rights philosophy developed by slaves during the later stages of the Slave Era.

-Government's responsibility is to provide a secure environment in which individuals may pursue their own interests without government interference.

The Great Trial (LY 127 - 134)

-Liberation forces attack Clergy forces on and around Centris, are beaten badly.

-In wake of defeat, public demands that Baker step down as Sultan.

-Baker steps down after being "convinced" by advisors.

-New Sultan, Samul Hudan, elected by public demand.

Third Liberation War (LY 136 - 141)

-Hudan orders re-organized military to Liberate Centris.

-Campaign successful, leaving only New Hope under Clergy Control.

Age of Hudan (LY 141 - 213)

-Hudan shifts focus from the Liberation to development of the nation.

-Industry buds, cities begin to grow rapidly.

-Council of Trusts formed (from corporations) to assist in the government of the people.

Last Liberation War (LY 213)

-Verniian forces assist in the final destruction of the Clergy.

Age of Hudan Continues (LY 213 - 237)

-Hudan disposes of the oppressive title "Sultan" and creates a new post, "Prime Guardian," naming the nation the "Collective Protectorates of Liberated New Hope."

-External trade begins.

-Nation's wealth grows tremendously.

-Reformation of the Liberation Navy.

Brothers' War (War of the Lion) (LY 237 - 240)

-The Morning Star taken by Valinon.

-Setties' fleet fights NOVA in exile.

Setties Administration (LY 240 - 295)

-Hudan exiled for collaborating with Valinor.

-TiberCorp declares independence from Liberation government, taking up the cause of Hudan.

-Setties rules under the title Admiral, not Prime Guardian, nation teeters on civil war.

-After much negotiation between Liberation Minister Darius of the Setting Star and his cousin, the TiberCorp Representative Samantha of the Setting Star, TiberCorp rejoins the Liberation and Hudan is restored to Honor as well as the Book of Names.

-Business continues as usual.

Great March War (LY 295 - ?)

-Still in progress.

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