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Flag of Styrland
Motto: "How do you like them bananas?"
[ ]
Region The YoungWorld
Capital Sirap
Official Language(s) Styrish
Leader Charles Styr XXXIII
Population 1.209 billion
Currency Banana 
NS Sunset XML


-1000-0 years before Francis The Island of Styr has been nestled off the mainland youngworld for thousands of years, originally it was a home to the Elves, a race of long lived people who had enslaved the monkey like humans into captivity and slavery. They had built large cities all through the land and were at one with nature. For centuries they ruled like this, but there society became stale and the short-lived humans became more aware and intelligent. Seeing this change amongst the humans caused some of the more human Elves to question laws about the slavery of these self aware creatures, who had developed there own language and culture. The Elven Hero, Gasoon Biggles, led these Elves in a peaceful protest to inform others of there race of the evility of keeping humans as slaves, but the Prince Y'hoe Dirtay led a force of knights to crush these protestors. Gasoon only narrowly escaped the charge of the knights with the help of the Kings daughter Alarielle Ath'el. Upon hearing of Y'hoes charge on the protestors many Elven citizens rose up against the ruling family and a civil war began. The war lasted for nearly eight hundred years, before the weakened Elven society began to crumble in disrepair and the humans took ascendancy over the Elves and took the land by force. The Elves, weakened by war retreated to the great northern forest, where they used there magic’s to hide themselves and began there society anew leaving the rest of the country to the humans. The humans free of there former masters began to build there own society and with there short life span and ability to re-procreate quickly built up a thriving society in three short generations. Then came the human’s war. Three houses had built up in name and power during the war with the Elves and each was thriving for ascendancy over the land. The Romanovs, who ruled Yossar to the north, the Styr's who ruled Sirap on the river Sinee, on the west Coast and the Sailbury's who ruled Slias in the East. The war raged for thirty-three years before the Styr' won the war and HRH King Charles Styr I won. The other two noble houses were given titles and fiefdoms in return for loyalty, and so an era of peace began. Meanwhile in the northern forest of Lorthnam, the Elves had begun to rebuild there fallen society amongst the trees. The Princess Alarielle was crowned High Queen of the Elves, and Gassoon became her champion and later her lover. Gassoon, who already had four children by his wife, who was so cruelly murdered by Y'hoe, sired another daughter with Alarielle, who went onto become a powerful mage. Alarielle had been forced into a political marriage with Ellyrion Elth’ier, in order to unite the Elves, and he became the high King. He is a kind and generous husband, and because of his affection to Alareielle sired four children with her. The five children of the queen are; Ki’era Ath’el, El’esha Ath’el, Aeri’Iller Ath’el (Gassoons daughter) Si’enna Ath’el, Mi’Sara Ath’el. Once that society had been rebuilt in the forests and the healing process had begun, it was the time of HRH King Charles Styr the IV. He led an incursion into the great forest, hinged by madness and lust for making the Elves pay. The war began which the humans began to lose, it was only when Yames of the Woods assassinated Charles IV that the war ended and the human and Elven nobles met that an alliance was made. Alarielle was given the Fiefdom of the northern woods by Charles Styr V, in return the Elves would help the humans in any external war that happened and pay a fief to the King. The Elves, swallowed there pride and agreed, and so a golden age began between the two. 0-33 After Francis The year 0, was the year of the birth of Francis, as well as the year of the birth of Aeri'Iller. Francis was born the son of a carpenter and lived in the costal town of Hesbinell. He trained as his fathers apprentice for many years, and one day reached enlightenment. He became a teacher of men, and claimed to be the son of God. He became a great teacher and told of how men should love one another. HRH King Styr the VII, saw Francis as a threat to his reign and had the man crucified. 34-124 After Francis Many cells of Francisim sprung up over Styrland after he had been martyred, and a wave of soldiers were sent out to put these revolutionaries down, many died without ever putting up a resistance, until 108AF when HRH King Styr XII became King of Styrland and put an end to the killings. His wife Queen Chantelle was a followed of Francis and had converted him years earlier. Now became a time of love and acceptance that lasted for as long as his reign. 124- 740AF HRH King Styr XIII, made it law that all men would follow Francis, and thus the Knights of Francis were created and sent out into the world. The inquisitions begun and for six hundred years the witch hunts continued until they had gained to much power. Then the church began to separate from the government and gain power. 741-800AF The four main noble houses of Styrland, the Styr's, the Romanovs, the Winchesters and the Saiilsbury's, rose up against the Cardinal, Rothford, and the Knights of Francis fought the Kings men, and the civil war raged. In 800AF the war was all but over, the church’s army all but destroyed. The King placed his own private cardinal as head of the church and began the long task of re-integrating the church and the government. 801-1100AF The Dark Ages! Not much is recorded in Styrish history from these dates, Elven records state that a great plague swept the country, the Elves isolated themselves, and it was the only the great fires of 1100 AF that finally killed the plague off in its entirety! According to the Elven warder Keir ath Emyr, it was the darkest of times. The old Elven gateway’s had been found by the humans, and in there arrogance sought to control them. They managed to open one, dialling outwards to far distant planets. Allerielle sensed this shift in magics and sent a band of Elves to investigate the disturbance. Tyric Kor’adris and Keir ath Emyr travelled soutwards in the human lands to the great gate, but they were too late, the Stargate had opened to a forbidden planet, Starside, the home of the Whamphyri! The Whamphyri sensed this hell lands, where the sun was strong, and sent through there gate outcast Lords of the Whamphyri! The lords and there thralls travelled through and began there attack on the Styrish. The Lords made quick work of the Styrish as the Elven heroes turned up and attacked, narrowly escaping with there lives. The Whamphyri went into the night and went there own separate ways, as is the way for the Whampyri. They went into the northern mountains where they set up there great mountain Aeries, leaving only a disbelieving Styrish populace, outcasting the heroes Tyric and Keir. And thus it was for seventy years as the Whamphyri grew in power, becoming accustomed to the short days of our Earth, making thralls and Lieutenants. Then came there attack, slowly it came, thralling entire towns, and cities, then waging war until the blood stained the earth, and they could drink it from the very ground, for as the Whamphyri well know, the blood is the life! And so the plague of vampirism spread the land, churches were destroyed, records oblitereated, the populace reduced. In one such attack the Whamphyri lord, Sparn Helstat, attacked the Styrish town, killing a young officers wife, that young officer was Trent Steel! He teamed up with his oldest and dearest friend Max Power and became Whamphyri hunters! Max’s ancestors were gypsies from Starside, who knew the weakness, and the cure for vampirism, stake, sword and fire. The Elven heroes Tyric and Keir, teamed up with these two and so began the war of the Whamphyri! For almost two hundred years it raged on, but the Whamphyri are resilient and don’t give up the life they have sustained for so long! And so came the cleansing fires, in the last days of the Whamphyri reign fires spread throughout the land, killing off these foul beasts. Then they set about destroying the Stargates, all but one that lay hidden beneath the mountains in the north for so long! But as has been noted, the Whamphyri are a resilient lot, and there tenacity to hold on to there life was strong. And so they began to live by the edict, longevity is synonymous with anonymity! The Whamphyri went to ground, reducing there numbers, and destroying all records of there existence, so only two Elves knew the truth, and in time, none of the Styrish even believed them.

1100AF-1712AF The time of discovery, learning and rebuilding! After the great fire of 1100, the country needed rebuilding and so for the next generation the land was healing and the re-populating. The Elves remerged from there forest homes to help the humans and a time of peace and co-operation began. IT was also a time of scientists, mathematicians and inventors. The land flourished and the population grew steadily. 1713-1719AF The Grigorian wars! Civil unrest had grown amongst the Romanov house. The head of the house Grigori, had had disputes with his brother Alexandros for years leading up to the event and finally the two warred. The Grigorian guard defended Grigori, and eventually killed Alexandros's men. Alexandros was tried for treason against his brother and killed. 1720-1914AF The Styrish became the dominators of the oceans surrounding there country, and there war fleets were the greatest in the world. The land became rich from plundering the new worlds! 1914-1918AF WWI. Styrland helped the allies against Germany. Many styrish lives were lost. 1919-1938AF After the war was a tome of healing, Styrland then went through a depression after the wall street crash, prompting them to remain out of world ecomomy. 1939-1945AF WWII. The Styrish again sent forces to help out the allies against Germany. 1946-2001AF The reign of HRH King Charles Styr XXXII. 2002 King Charles Styr XXXIII becomes King. Piort Nikolovitch leads a revolution against the Romanovs, slaying all but one of the noble house. His army of terrorists begin the rule of the Romanovs fiefdom, with the people behind him. Keir ath Emyr, Landar Jensen, Tyric Koradris, Elly and Nicole Sailsbury rescue the 11 year old Natalya Romanov from death and take her to Lorthnam. They then raise an army, and take back the land for the young Lady, proving to the people that Piort was a power hungry corrupt ruler.

POLITICALLY Styrs King Charles Styr XXXIII, no spouse, no offspring Winchesters Lord Edward Winchester III. Ruler in all but actual title, his father, Lord Edward Winchester II still holds the title. George Winchester, captain in Styrish army Charles Winchester Zoe Monroe (daughter to Edward Winchester III married to Lord Patrick Monroe. Sailsbury's Lord Robert Sailsbury Aeri’Iller Ath’el (Soul name Greystar), 3rd daughter to Alarielle, wife to Robert Jenna Sailsbury (Courting Denmur Prince, James Carlson) Elly Sailsbury (Married to Tyric Koradris) Nicole Sailsbury (Dead, had been married to Landar Jensen) Sophie Sailsbury (Courting Varn Helstat) Rachel Sailsbury (Courting Elf Hero, Jerk Axcel) Romanovs Natalya Romanov Piort Mickolvitch, Natalya's cousin Sherlock Romanov (Natalya's Half brother, son of a pirate queen) Ath'el's Allerielle Ath’el, Queen, powerful Mage Ki’era Ath’el, 1st daughter and heir to the throne. El’esha Ath’el Aeri’Iller Ath’el, daaughter to Gassoon, powerful mage, married to Robert Sailsbury Si’enna Ath’el, Tailsinger Mi’Sara Ath’el

Elth’ier's Ellyrion Elth’ier, High King Genevieve, Ellyrions wife

S’Meredith’s Prince Yar’ith S’Meredith Lady Gayladriel S’Meredith, Yar'ith's wife, mage Lord S'rith S’Meredith, Yar’ith’s brother, warrior Kornass S’Meredith, Yar'ith's son, Elven SAS Lady Gwendalin S’Meredith, Yar'iths daughter, young mage Genevieve S’Meredith, Yar'ith's youngest daughter

S'Freck's Lord Grig S’Freck Lady Heliene S’Freck, Grig's wife

Charmine's Prince Knockeir Charmine Kristina Charmine, Knockeir's sister Spackley Charmine, Knockeir's brother, young naval hero, only has one arm.

KOR’ADRIS’S Si’erille Kor’adris, Dragon Prince Myk’l Kor’adris, Si’erille’s brother Tyric Kor’adris (soul name 'Blackheart’), Si’erille's son, married to Elly Sailsbury

ESPionage Division or E-Branch 1971-2004 E-Branch was originally formed in 1971 after long and strenuous campaigning by Sir Keenan Gormless, a Locator who had managed to pick out several ESP'ers. The dubious government gave them a limited funding and set them up in offices in the capital. In 1975 they had a handful of crack operatives working for them, however it wasnt until 1976, when they stopped an assination attempt on the King that they earnt there place and had funding increased. There main duties have been the location and extermination of the Whamphyri within Styrish borders although they have also been instrumental in stopping other activities and giving pre warnings. In 1994 when the Stargate was opened it was E-Branch operative Hary Keokh that went through the Stargate with Jizz Simmons and helped destroy the Wamphyri Lords there. The planet was then Nuked.

Head of Operations Darcy Sharke - Deflector Ben Basking - Lie Detector Harry Keokh - Necroscope, intuitive mathmatician, access to the Mobius continum! ** Sandra Sharkham - Low Level Telepath Alec Smile - Pre-Cog Liz Merrick - Telepath Trevor Moredan - Telepath Ian Godly - Pre Cog David Hung - Locator Plus some other unnamed members! Edit Landar Jensen - Supreme physical condition, Genius IQ, Empath Elly Sailsbury - Telepathy, Telekinesis, Empathy, Genius IQ Rachel Sailsbury - Danger sense Joseph Mason - Advanced metabolism, Heightened senses, Supreme physical condition

    • There is only one Necroscope and only one person has access to the Mobius Continuum. For more information on either read Brian Lumleys Necroscope books.

Also there is a CTU. They are highly trained operatives. Head of CTU - George Mason Deputy Head - Tony Smellyalater Other Operatives: Nina Lyers - Liason officer Michelle Hussler Jerk Bauser - Crazy, ex SAS, mixed up fish out of water in a world he never made! Chase Edmunds Blackadder

Anyway, internal security stemming from the Romanovs, is the Grabatonne cleric. An order that specialises in the art of Gun-kata. Gunkata is a close quarters gun-based martial art. It emphasises kata, or body positioning and movement excercises. This is important because each kata of Gunkata is designed for maximum effeciency in both lethal force and defense. It is of course impossible to see an oncoming bullet and dodge it, but an advanced Gunkata practitioner, known as a Grabatonne Cleric, can put himself in the least statistically possible place to be hit at each moment of a gun fight. Gunkata is based on a scientific analysis of bullet trajectory and range based on the mathematical possible outcomes of a gunfight.

Gunkata forms can be used soley as a form of meditation and self-centering. In civillian applications, Gunkata can greatly increase your chances of coming out a gun fight alive. Sports such as paintball are a good applictaion for Gunkata techniques without the use of deadly force. Gunkata also teaches how to disarm an armed opponent, and has forms for using a weapon that has run out of ammo.

The order is based in the Romanovs part of Styrland, with several temples throughout there province. The head cleric is John Lecher, bodyguard to Natalya Romanov. In recent years, Grabatonne clerics have been allowed to work for all the lords of Styrland. They work as personal bodyguards to the lords and as a peace keeping force against terrorists working alongside Styrish SAS.

Now for the Styrish police force:

The Judge system: The SPF are the police, judge (and executioner if necessary), and their word is absolute. The only thing preventing them from being a totally oppressive police state is the psychological conditioning they receive.

Before becoming fully fledged 'Street cops', Cadets must serve 15 years at the Academy of Law where they will receive the intensive training and conditioning that will enable them to enforce law and order in Styrland.

A Cadet is inducted into the Academy either as a cloned infant, or as a child aged five or under (although in exceptional cases older children have been recruited). After this the Academy is the recruit's entire world; unsupervised contact with the city outside is forbidden under any circumstances in order to maintain the strictest discipline and mental conditioning. Before graduating, a Cadet must undergo assessment by more experienced senior Police in order to gauge their suitability and competence. The failure rate for Cadets is extremely high, with no second chances usually allowed.