Knootoss Elvish Party

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Knootiaanse Elfse Partij
Established 1971
Economic ideology Menelmacari capitalism
Social ideology Moderately permissive
Party leader Tári Calafalas
Party president
Motto Aa' menealle nauva calen ar' malta

The Knootoss Elvish Party (KEP) is an 'Elvish' special interest party which used to have broad support amongst the elvish population segment, taking generally pro-capitalist and pro-Menelmacari policy stances. As such, it was a factor in Knootian politics that was to be reckoned with. However, the rise of Galadriël Táralóm nos Círdan Galadriël as head of the conservative RCPK slashed away their voter base and after the last election o­nly o­ne seat remains for this party that o­nce made or broke conservative coalitions

Stances on issues

Economic issues

  • Economic regulation: deregulate
  • Income tax: Abolish and replace with sales tax and demerit taxation
  • Unemployment rate: increased efforts to attract foreign investment

Social issues

  • Abortion: Discourage but do not ban
  • Death penalty: Opposed
  • Euthanasia: Curb in excesses of Knootian legislation whilst retaining it for extreme cases
  • Gay marriage: Support
  • Prostitution: Legalise but discourage
  • Welfare: Reign in spending on the welfare state, abolish existing programmes

Foreign policy

  • Alliances: VERITAS-based collective security, free trade
  • Defence: Increase defence spending to match Menelmacari levels
  • Diplomacy: Diplomacy when possible, intervention when needed
  • Immigration: impose tougher quotas for non-Elvish immigrants
  • Rejoining the United Nations: Strongly oppose
  • Religious beliefs: Separation of church and state, freedom to choose faith