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Flag of Falgan
Motto: In Hoc Signo Vinces!
No Map Available Yet
Region Europa
Capital Falgan City
Official Language(s) Common Speak
Leader His Holiness Pope Incognito XX
Population 1.69 Billion
Currency Falgano 
NS Sunset XML

The Sacred Realm of Falgan, is the seat of the Falganese people and the Falganite Church. Unlike most nations in the world, Falgan is a theocracy with religion far overtaking the purposes of economics, culture and politics. Democracy here has a distinctively religious flavour as with the people. With 1.6 billion people, the nation is considerably liberal in comparison to conservative theocracies and the movement of politics and religion have begun to reform themselves.


Similar to Roman Catholicism, the Falganite Church is that of Christian origins. In addition, the Falganite Church, or Falganism is highly progressive and liberal despite being a theocratic nature. In their beliefs they believe in the concept of "nobody's perfect" and that faults can be made by anything or anyone. Though theocratic, the nation is far from authoritarian.


The Pope is the absolute supreme head of the nation and all in the world who follow Falganism. The Pope is elected by the Cardinalate, which is composed of more than 200 Cardinals. These Cardinals themselves may be appointed to any political or religious position of authority by the Pope at anytime. This gives the Pope extreme political power that is unquestioned as it is the basis of their faith, that the Pope has supreme unquestionable authority. In addition the Cardinals have influence over th appointment of Bishops and Arch-Bishops. The Pope is elected for life by a conclave of Cardinals. A full 2/3 majority of the Cardinals can choose from any Falganese in the nation, but usually they choose from the Bishops or the Cardinals themselves. This selection may also include non-religious individuals, but that has yet to be

The Pope

Absolute pure leader of the Falganese and the Falganite Church and Government. In essence, the entire nation is under his guardianship including overseas properties, moneys and estates. In practice though the Pope is limited to the role of political and religious leader. With the implementation of The Fifth Council, the Pope's power was restricted only to those roles. The Falganite Tributals maintain objective judicial authority. The Pope is also the Bishop of Falgan City, which is usually a nominal role as the Pope has to handle administrative and religious matters. His political affairs are usually delegated to the Primus Cardinal, or otherwise equivalent to the Prime Minister in other nations.

The Pope is addressed as "His Holiness" by religious followers. To atheists or non-religious groups, the Falganite Church insists that he be addressed as "His Respected Excellency."

The Primus Cardinal

The second head of the Government, the Primus Cardinal is chief of the Vaticus Council, the Cabinet of the Government. The Falga Curia is the official government name, and it is maintained by the Primus Cardinal. The Primus Cardinal acts always on the advise of the Pope if the Pope chooses to directly act. In regular day to day affairs, the Primus Cardinal has assistants and aides as well as Acolyte Advisors to assist.

The Cardinalte

The Cardinalte is the organization of the Cardinals. Currently there are 245 Cardinals, but only 200 sit within the Cardinalte. The other 45 are known as Honorary Cardinals. They physically wear the same crimson red robes of Cardinals and are addressed as so, but they do not have any administrative power. They do hold some religious roles. There are Cardinals that hold various positions.


The official highest representatives of the Pope to foreign nations are the Cardinal-Ambassadors. The Cardinal-Ambassadors are responsible for maintaining relations with foreign states. They too, as with any Cardinal, is a bishop but as a nominal bishop of the embassy.


In the case of a Prelate is not necessary, such as colonial posessions and small micronations, a Cardinal-Governor may be the Falganite Church's highest offial in a foreign nation of smaller size or population.


Cardinal Ministers are the more common of the sub-cardinal positions. They are the Ministers of the State and are on the Vaticus Council. Various portfolios exist that are the equal to Secretaries of State in Republics and Ministers in Parliaments.

Grand Bishopric

The Grand Bishoprics is a unified council of 600 Bishop-Electors. The Grand Bishopric is technically superior to the Vaticus Council, but in truth it acts relatively indepedent of it. Like a republic's separation of powers, the Grand Bishopric represents the legislative branch of government while the Vaticus Council is a part of the executive. As a result, Church and Government laws are introduced by the Grand Bishopric, but then they must be approved by the Pope and the Vaticus Council to become law. However in the case of a law being rejected, the Pope can be overruled by a 3/4 majority vote of the Grand Bishopric.

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The Grand Bishpric meets to discuss issues and debate.

Since hte size of the Grand Bishopric is 600 Bishop-Electors strong, they do not entirely represent constituencies but rather the Greater Falgan, is divided into 600 distinctive represntative zones known as Sees. Each See is composed of smaller diocese where the Bishops and Arch-Bishops maintain usual zones of authority. These Diocese then elect a representative to the Grand Bishopric. These representatives as the Bishop-Electors.

Arch-Bishops and Bishops

The only true difference between Arch-Bishops and Bishops is the population of their diocese. For more than 1.5 million, a Bishop becomes an Arch-Bishop. Otherwise there is absolutely no difference in authority or administrative matters. Cardinals are senior to the Bishops in authority.


The Bishop Electors are representatives of the Sees, all 600 of them each elect a single Bishop-Elector to go to Falgan City and represent each Sees' interests in law and religious matters.

The Episcopate

The majority of the Falganite Clergy. The number of church and politial officials is massive and changes on a daily basis.


The highest official of any nation that has a Falganite population, is the Prelate. Sometimes acting as an "overseas" Pope, the Prelate of another nation is essentially responsible only for that nation's Falganite church. Prelates do not concern themselves with the issues of the Falganite Church within Falgan except to enforce and enact the authority of the Pope. In essence the conventional role of an Ambassador is split between the Cardinal-Ambassador and the Prelate. The Cardinal-Ambassadors represent the Falganite to a foreign nation, while the Prelate is the administrative head of any oversease Falganite population. Cardinal-Ambassadors do not have authority over overseas populations, while the Prelates do. In some cases the Prelate's responsibilities is delegated to a Cardinal-Governor.

Falganite Sovereign Protectors

The protectors of the Pope are the Sovereign Protectors. Numbering more than 35,000 strong, they guard his residences, offices and anywhere he goes. They dress in old fashioned clothing of the 16th century but are trained in modern tactics and weaponry.

The Inquisition

The Courts of the Church investigate heretical practices but usually are more queries than trials. The Inquisition at one time was a feared institution of fundamentalism that struck fear into the hearts of non-Falganese. However this day the Inquisition has become a far more loose organization with the purpose of protecting the church itself.