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Flag of Kaduna
Motto: "Fight For Peace"
No Map Available Yet
Region Pink Floyd
Capital Kaduna
Official Language(s) Kadunese
Leader Grand Duke Karden
Population 1 billion - 1.5 billion
Currency Kendwina 
NS Sunset XML

The Grand Duchy of Kaduna is a reasonably large nation, they worship their warrior god Kadun with almost undying loyalty, some worship him with fanatcal resolve those that do are seen as Treacherous, due to many wars with these traitors everyone has been given some basic military training, the Kaduna hope never to use these conscripts and remain totally loyal to their standing army of Warriors.


The Nation of Kaduna first began it's life many thousands of years before, back then the nation was known only as the Wermen, this became a derogatory term when other nations came and enslaved the poor Wermen peoples, the Wermen made good slaves, they were as strong as an Ox, and as dumb as a Pig, each generation was getting stronger and more intelligent as the two races bred together, thus leading to the Wermen's hero and liberator.

According to the earliest sources, Kadun was the son of a Slaver woman and her Master, he shared the great strength of his forefathers and also had the intelligence of his Bastard father, he was raised until the age of four with his father who taught him how to wield the Axe and to write well, it was at the age of four that his father was called to fight for the Empire, Kadun was then abducted by a rival slaver who put the half-breed to work in the coal mines, it was in this place that he developed an intense hatred for the Empire.

As Kadun grew the Empire became a Republic and the child became a Man, Kadun had gained a huge following of men so loyal to him that they would die for his cause, they had each of them been taught the skils of an Axe and were soon to be tested for their loyalties, in a hot summer in the Northern Republic Province of Borakt Kadun and his men murdered their Slaver and killed the local militia.

Quickly the senate formed together an army to fight the Slave uprising, it was this day that they had dreaded, the Militia was skilled, it had bows and arrows the likes of which could fire themselves, Kadun was not phased, his men were ordered into their positions and the battle started, at first it was obvious that the Malitia were going to win, Kadun still had a cool look upon his poker face, when Kadun's Warriors met the enemy in combat the battle suddenly turned, Kadun was winning and the Republic was on the fleeing end.

Battle followed battle and Kadun's fame spread, the Republic neared collapse and were launching all they could at the hero, assassin followed assassin and they all met the same untimely death, Suddenly Kadun's march stopped, just shy of the Republican capitol, he shouted to the Emporer, demanding that he sign a truce, the Emporer reluctantly agreed and met with the former Slave, for the first hour the treaty went well with both sides agreeing to make few concessions, the trouble began with Kaduns demand that all slaves be freed, after denying and claiming that "all slaves are unworthy of freedom" Kadun got out from his seat and drew his axe, he walked slowly towrds the Emporer, the Guardsmen of the Empire tackled the Warrior, he was stabbed once through the heart, he continued, he was stabbed again through the Kidney, he continued, he was stabbed once more in the shoulder and slowly collapsed in a pool of blood.

Without Kadun the slaves slowly went back to work in the mines, as time passed the Republic fell and was replaced with several Monarchies, the Monarchies fell and were replaced by Democracies, and thus bought about the age of the Civil Liberties, the Wermen were still slaves under the Democratic nations who had them pinned, but there was increasing demand to have the Wermen released, the first nation to order the release of the Wermen slaves was the island state of Albion, Gorel was close to follow and soon all the nations had the Wermen released into the general populace, there were still limitations on their freedom, this caused the creation of the Kaduna Society who demanded that a land be given to the Wermen, this organisation was the origins of the Warrior Priests, at this point no-one knew of it's dark future and they listened calmly to it's demands.

After years of futile campaigning the KS began to take a far more extreme aproach, they were responsible for a wave of fear attacks made upon the democratic nations, there were those within the society who called themselves "Priests" claiming that they were doing only what Kadun taught the Wermen to do, soon the Society was over-run by Priests now nicknamed Warrior Priests who continued to terrorise the planet, Albion fell to the Priesthood first, they were merely too weak to fend off attacks of this magnitude, soon after the nation of Gorel fled into space looking for a new planet to call home, other nations seeing the deadly wake of Kadun either fled or surrendered, they had no intention of fighting.

The rule of the Priesthood was a bloody one, they instilled daily executions of mostly innocent bystanders, a fall in population that the race would never recover from, those that were totally loyal to the priesthood remained at their side never faulting always focused on Kadun, and on nothing else, technology slowly slipped from the world and soon it were stuck in a dark age, only those high in the Clergy knew how to read and write, and they used that skill to great advantage, these were truly dark times

In all the misery and darkness there were few who stood against the Warrior Priests, they called themselves the Duchal Kaduna and commited acts similar to what the Priests had done in order to gain control, now there was a war, Duchal terrorists would publically behead Priests and would burn down temples, Priests would retaliate by abducting often innocent members of the population and putting them to death, thus angering the populous who had been pushed to extreme limits, it would be only a manner of time before the people would rise up in arms.

Seeing that the Duchal gang had began to use technologies outlawed by the Priests several scientists were captured and put to work by the Priesthood, they helped develop modern Kaduna inventing such things as the Oscillating Axe, and the Priests favoured weapon, the Flaying Staff, thus began the so called "Machine Wars" each piece of technology was made better by each side, the Priesthood had their Staff weapons and were soon developing Spacecraft, the Duchal Kaduna had their Axe weapons and were also looking to the skies.

As the third millenium passed and the warriors of each side now stared down eachothers nose at the enemy, skirmishes had began on a few front lines, mostly in the city Kaduna, fleets of primative craft also had weapons locked upon the opposing side, it was merely a matter of getting ahead of the other side, a variable which would ultimatly swing the war to the side of the more technologically advanced, a variable which was won by the Warrior Priests.

During the first ten days on the 100th year of this war a series of explosions brought almost the entire Duchal fleet to the ground killing many thousands and starting the war in full, with the Duchal fleet out of the way the Warrior priests were clear to bombard Duchal positions, the heavy incendary devices cleared out large areas of enemy resistance easing up the movement of the Warrior Priests.

After the mass bombardment and the near killing of all Duchal resistance the war had fallen back to only the city of Kaduna, the city was so holy to the Warrior Priests that they refused to have it bombarded, an advantage to the Duchal Kadunese who were far greater on the ground than the Priesthood, trouble was that the Duchal warriors were massivly outnumbered, calculations of the day numbered the Warrior Priests as being 5,000,000 times stronger than the Duchal Warriors.

Military strength was however irrelevant during this war, as the Priesthood found out, Warriors were sent to needless deaths in order to push back the Duchal Armies, in one case the live bodies of over 100 Priests were set alight in order to guide a shuttle carrying warriors into the city through dense fog, not only did the Priesthood have to deal with this city but they had other issues, their Priests were losing faith, upon revision of the old texts of Kadun they found nothing to support the actions of the Priesthood, city after city was falling under the flag of the Grand Duke, the massive fleet had devolved into a small fighter wing as maintenance costs proved too large to keep up.

In a last ditch attempt at restoring the order of Kaduna the Priesthood recalled all it's members to Kaduna City, of course Duchal soldiers followed, the Priesthood moved slow owing to the lack of nourishment within their strongholds, they were all caught and arrested by the Duchal soldiers, this was the last nail in the coffin of the Warrior Priests, they surrendered soon after.

Planetary Systems


The Home Moon, although the planet itself began as being relativly green and stunningly beautiful several hundred years of war has dramatically damaged the planet itself causing it to appear more like the lunar body of Earth, the nights are cold and the days colder, rain is commonsight along with snow, it is no surprise that the system it is within is known as the "Eastern Steppes"


The Planet of Krowaden is merely a secondary base colonised only for the circumstance of a retreat from the Home-Moon, the Planet is larger than Kadun and dramatically more green to the extent that many Kadunese have already made the switch to Krowaden, the planet itself is named after the Grand General who died defending Kadun from invaders who had been bought by the Priesthood.


Overall Size: 10,000,000

Logistical: 320,000

Soldiers: 7,680,000

Space Fleet

Totalling 1,000,000

1X Kendwina Flagship: 5,000

- Kendwina [20 Bot Pods, 800 Quad Plasma Cannons, 4 Nuclear Scale Torpedoe Launchers, 20,000 Troop Capacity, 5,000 Fighter Capacity]

25X Battleships: 100,000

- 5 Missile Boat [10 Bot Pods, 400 Quad Plasma Cannon, 2 Nuclear Scale Torpedoe Launchers]

- 10 Fighter Escort [10 Bot Pods, 40,000 Fighter Capacity, 200 Quad Plasma Cannons]

- 10 Transports [10 Bot Pods, 100,000 Troop Capacity, 200 Quad Plasma Cannons]

20X Cruisers: 60,000

- 10 Missile Boats [5 Bot Pods, 10 Incendary Torpedoe Launchers, 4 Nuclear Scale Torpedoe Launchers]

- 5 Fighter Escort [5 Bot Pods, 20,000 Fighter Capacity, 100 Quad Plasma Cannons]

- 5 Transports [5 Bot Pods, 50,000 Troop Capacity, 100 Quad Plasma Cannons]

30X Destroyers: 30,000

- 10 Missile Boats [5 Bot Pods, 5 Incendary Torpedoe Launchers, 2 Nuclear Scale Torpedoe Launchers]

- 10 Fighter Escort [5 Bot Pods, 10,000 Fighter Capacity, 50 Quad Plasma Cannons]

- 10 Transports [5 Bot Pods, 25,000 Troop Capacity, 50 Quad Plasma Cannons]

150X Civilian: 150,000

- 100 Recon [2 Bot Pods, 1 Quad Plasma Cannon]

- 50 Science [5 Bot Pods, 1 Quad Plasma Cannon]

155,000X Fighters: 155,000

- 5,000 Kendwina Heavy Fighters [1 Quad Plasma Cannon]

- 50,000 Interceptors [1 Light Plasma Cannon]

- 100,000 Bombers [1 Light Plasma Cannon, 1 Plasma Bomb]


Deep Space Recon (1st Gen)[Cutting Laser, Deep Space Communications, Deep Space Radar]

Jamming (1st Gen)[Radar Jammer, Deep Space Radar]

Attack (1st Gen)[Plasma Cutter, High Power Cutting Laser, Deep Space Radar]

Attack (2nd Gen)[Plasma Cutter, Light Sheilding, High Power Cutting Laser, Deep Space Radar]

Ground Forces

Totalling 9,000,000


Totalling 3,000,000

Warrior Squad (300,000 Squads)

1 Champion [Plasma Cutter, Personal Shield]

2 Warriors [Plasma Cutter, Personal Shield]

1 Radar Support [Motion Sensor, Personal Shield]

1 Heavy Support [Either; 1 Light Plasma Cannon or 1 Cutting Laser]

Assault Squad (150,000 Squads)

1 Campion [Plasma Rifle, Personal Shield]

3 Warriors [Plasma Rifle, Personal Shield]

1 Radar Support [Motion Sensor, Personal Shield]

Heavy Weapons Squad (100,000 Squads)

1 Champion [Plasma Rifle, Personal Shield]

3 Heavy Support [Either; 1 Light Plasma Cannon ,1 Cutting Laser or 1 Rocket Launcher]

1 Radar Support [Motion Sensor, Personal Shield]

Champions Squad (50,000 Squads)

1 Champion [Plasma Cutter, Personal Shield]

4 Warrior Champions [Plasma Cutter, Personal Shield]

Vechile Support

Totalling 3,000,000

Main Battle Tanks

-K1000 [Twin Plasma Cannon, Side High Power Cutting Laser, Motion Sensors, High Powered Shields]

-K1001 [Twin Plasma Cannon, Side High Power Cutting Laser, Motion Sensors, High Powered Shields, 1 Bot Pod]

Heavy Tanks

-K300 [Twin Plasma Cannon, Motion Sensors, Light Shields]

-K301 [Twin Plasma Cannon, Motion Sensors, Light Shields, 1 Bot Pod]

Light Tanks

-K700 [Side High Power Cutting Laser, Motion Sensors, Light Shield]


-K900 [Large Barreled Twin Plasma Cannon, Long Distance Sensors, Light Shield]

-K901 [Large Barreled Quad Plasma Cannon, Long Distance Sensors, Light Shield]

-K902 [Large Barreled Twin Plasma Cannon, Long Distance Sensors, Light Shield, 1 Bot Pod]


Attack (1st Gen) [Light Plasma Cannon, Plasma Cutter, Motion Sensor]

Tracker (1st Gen) [Tracking Node(Artillery locks on), Motion Sensor]

Scout (1st Gen) [Cutting Laser, Long Distance Sensor, Long Range Communications]

Scout (2nd Gen) [Cutting Laser, Long Distance Sensor, Long Range Communications]