New Felix Election 2005

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The New Felix Election of 2004-2005 was one of the closest elections in New Felix history. The Progressive Liberal Candidate, Incumbent President Ned Pistapoch had succeeded to the Presidency in the wake of President Boris Smith's resignation during the aftermath of the New Felix-Munisha War. The New Conservative Party nominated former Wysterian Union Chancellor Paul Pullman to challenge Pistapoch. In an election season that was dominated by the New Felix War on Drugs, Pullman managed to barely pull of a victory, winning by a margin of approximately 26,000,000 votes nationwide.


President Ned Pistapoch entered his presidency in extremely difficult circumstances. The New Felix Capital City had been decimated by a WMD, hundreds of thousands of Felixans were dead, and the nation was at war. While Pistapoch managed to eradicate the terrorist threat and even capture King Munisha, the man responsible for orchestrating the attack, numerous accusations and rumors were pointed at the Pistapoch administration for allegedly torturing terrorists and illegally spying on Felixans while limiting personal privacy and other civil liberties.

Meanwhile, the Pistapoch adminstration was caught up in the New Felix War on Drugs, and reports at the time from New Felix Law Enforcement Officials seemed bleak on the possibility of winning the war. Voters seemed to be very pleased with the Pistapoch Adminstration's Economic Management, but less pleased with him on the security issue.

Progressive Liberal Nomination

President Ned Pistapoch was unopposed for his party's nomination. The Progressive Liberal Party also nominated incumbent Vice President Geoff Bradley for the vice-presidential nomination.

The Liberal Convention highlighted President Pistapoch's economic management record, leadership skils, and experience. Keynote speakers were Former President Boris Smith, Former President Xavier Desan, Liberal Senate Leader David Barclay, and of course Vice President Bradley and President Pistapoch.

New Conservative Nomination

New Conservative Candidates:

Well before the primaries, Pullman seemed the logical front-runner, and managed 39 out of 44 primaries. The remaining five went to Senator Kevin Dunne, whom Pullman selected as his Vice-Presidential running mate.

At the Conservative Convention, Pullman stressed a plan to fight a more effective war on drugs and to cut taxes for middle class Felixans. Although he refrained from attacking Pistapoch on his handling of the New Felix-Munishan War aftermath, several keynote speakers, including Former President John Petersen did.


After both conventions, the race was deadlocked, and remained that way through the very end. Throughout the campaign trail, both parties exemplified and stressed their strengths. The Liberals pointed to their numerous economic accomplishments, while the Conservatives appealed to suburban families by criticizing the Liberal approach to the War on Drugs.

One Presidential Debate and one Vice Presidential Debate were held in early 2005. Both debates was called a tie, with each candidate scoring points in discussing their strengths. By the end of the debates, 73% of voters preferred Pistapoch when it came to economic management and 75% preferred Pullman when it came to the War on Drugs.


The election was one of the closest elections in history, with the Liberals doing well in Western Continental New Felix and Independence Island, and the Conservatives doing well in the Eastern New Felix and Clancion Island. The Pullman/Dunne ticket strength laid with married couples, winning approximately 70% of voters in that category, whereas the Pistapoch/Bradley ticket did well among unmarried individuals.

Presidential Candidate Political Party Home State Votes Percentage Running Mate
Paul Pullman New Conservative Neagleville 1,293,177,762 49.9% Kevin Dunne
Ned Pistapoch Progressive Liberal Sanderson City 1,266,532,378 48.9% Geoff Bradley
Other Candidates N/A N/A 31,522,494 1.2% N/A


During the transitional period, President Pistapoch's daughter, Jacquelyn, was kidanpped by Koviuusi Drug Lords. Pistapoch, without informing the country of the situation, issued an executive order delaying the Pullman inauguration, which was then stricken down in the New Felix Supreme Court. Jacquelyn Pistapoch was later found dead in Saku, Koivuusi.