Rolatia (Earth VII)

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Rolatia (Earth VII)
Flag of Rolatia (Earth VII)
Motto: Intelligence is the highest asset
Region Wysteria
Capital Redmofo
Official Language(s) English(84%), Dutch(34%), German (14%), Japanese(11%), Spanish (5% - unofficial)
Leader Dr Joseph Edwards
Population 1 billion
Currency Generi 
NS Sunset XML

Rolatia is a large country in Earth VII, with land on a a total of four continents (Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg in Europe, Sierra Leone and Liberia in Africa, El Salvador in Central America and Guyana in South America). It is renowned for its first class political freedoms and civil rights. Despite having a unreliable economy, it is a paradise for those who are oppressed in their own countries. It is expanding often as the country experiences rapid population growth, with nearly 1 billion people and still growing

It has a mainly English-speaking population. However, Japanese is regarded as an official language as it is spoken by many academics in the country. There are also a large amount who can speak Dutch (due to the old colony being based in Holland) and a fair amount of German speakers too



Rolatia is a former British colony, the result of a bitter conflict at the dawn of the second decade of the millenium, originally comprised of the land of Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg, but since expanding to comprise an empire of over a billion people and land on four different continents.

Rolatia was the result of a British invasion in the First Union War. In 2010, the British forces landed in Holland, and started a takeover, continuing to take over Belgium and Luxembourg before stopping and merely working on re-enforcing their borders. As time passed and the war ended, Rolatia became a rather peaceful state and a civil rights paradise in a world of much corruption. They stayed strong despite the collapse of the UN and NATO.

On the 1st of January 2017, Rolatia was finally freed from the grip of the United Kingdom, and declared to be an independent power. At this time it had approximately five hundred million people, most of whom had fled from the CAS and CRA to this European beacon of hope. After being released, the first elections were held in November with the first New House of Commons ending with twenty seats of thirty-five in total belong to the Liberal Democratic Socialists Party (or LDS for short) meaning their leader, Dr Joseph Edwards - a highly educated former British citizen - became Prime Minister, a position he holds to this day

The Rolatian economy had a rocky start. It started off quite weak, and eventually collapsed into a huge depression where it would stay for most of 2018 and 2019. Eventually, in July 2019, after a new chancellor had been enstated in January, the economy finally was back on the rise. Right now, Rolatia is experiencing a golden age, with a GDP per capita of approximately $7000 and government spending that includes two trillion dollars per year on education. The economy has been helped

As the economy started to grow, so did the army. Rolatia had been without an army since the British civil war in 2018. It started out as a core of about 15,000 men, but has grown to over 600,000 extremely well funded personnel and with a possible increase in this amount. It has a relatively small navy of only a few ships, but a large airforce which is famous for its transport planes - it has 2000 on active duty, and these are enough to transport the entire Rolatian army with room to spare. It is because of this that the Rolatians have so many paratroopers in their army

The army has been on the offensive in the last couple of years. At the start of the formation, a small core group made an attack on Sierra Leone with 1600 front-line personnel - this was highly successful. They went on to deploy a moderate force in El Salvador, and massively increased Sierra Leone delopyment before pushing through into Liberia. They have also got a large garrisson in the peacefully-acquired Guyana territory, currently on the brink of war with neighbouring hostile Venezuela, and a small force in Gibraltar - a land they share control over with Pyschotika

They have been a major force on the international scene as of late. They proposed and successfully implemented the French treaty to stop Pyschotika invading any further, and also implented a treaty sharing control of Gibraltar with Pyschotika. They are involved in the four-nation South American Alliance, and are allied with the merged Scandanavian countries under the name of Warta Endor

Government Goals

The government is built around the premise of civil and political rights for all, and the education and welfare of its many citizens. Its economy has fallen by the wayside but it still stands strong as a shining beacion of hope. It has been forced to adopt the controversial strategy of trade concessions for humanitarian aid recently, but it declares this is not an attack on freedom of refugees but a necessary step to boost the economic prowess of this huge nation, as right now it cannot quite afford some of its technological aims to make Rolatia the most advanced nation on Earth - the great dream of Dr Edwards, a keen technologist and an expert in the field of computers. They have driven the basic cost of living down extremely low making life better in total


The Rolatian army is not particularly large, at an approximated size of under 0.1% of the population currently, and is not particularly advanced technology (around the turn of the millenium) - though it has battlsuits of the era of the second decade of the millenium and mass-produced transport planes from Czardas


Political System

The Rolatian system is one where political views are allowed to be expressed freely. As thus, there are many candidates for each MM position, with 5 recognised political parties (i.e. parties that regularly win seats)

The representation shows how many Members of the House each county has (it depends on the amount of sub-counties). Each year an election is help and the winners are elected to the House of Democracy. The Prime Minister is elected depending on which party gets the most seats.

The government has a simple administrative system. At the top is the Prime Minister, who oversees everything. Next is his Cabinet (the system is similiar to England) who are appointed to certain categories. This is then passed down to the leaders of each county, then to the sub-county leaders. The importances of MHs (Members of the House) is on new laws. They vote on new laws and therefore decide on the general governing direction.

Political Parties

Liberal Democratic Socialists (LDS)
Slogan: Intelligence is the highest asset
Political Stance: Left-wing. Devoted to rights and freedoms of citizens
Notes: The definitive political party, gaining a total majority over the other parties of 15 in a house of 35 people. Very popular with the common people. Not so good with the upper classes, who accuse them of being bad for the economy. They are actually trying to drive it onwards and upwards, but not at the expense of the people in general.
Centrist Party
Slogan: Working towards an economically stronger Rolatia
Political Stance: Very moderate right-wing authotarians. Believe that for small cutbacks in civil rights the country can prosper much more economically and thus make up for the losses
Notes: The main challenger to the LDS, the Centrist Party are the only other party with representation strong enough to seriously challenge them. They think that despite the importance of civil rights, they must make small cutbacks in the area. In return, they will be able to strengthen the economy and enrichen the lives of the average Rolatian
Liberal Captalists
Slogan: Rolatia must move forward
Political Stance: Radical right-wing liberals. Believe that the economy must be strengthened greatly even if civil rights must take a fair hit
Notes: A party supported by many upper-class citizens, they believe that they must make the economy much, much stronger. They believe that the government should not intrude in people's lifes almost at all, but every person should weave his own web, so to speak.
Slogan: Guiding the people socially but not economically
Political Stance: Radical right-wing authotarians. Believe that the governement should have a greater control over people's lives, and that the economy should be strengthened greatly
Notes: A party opposed by many, they believe that the government should regulate people's lives quite strictly on a social scale. However, they also believe that on a economic scale the poor should be made to fend for themselves, and economically the nation should prosper
Green Party
Slogan: For the protection of Mother Nature
Political Stance: Left-wing liberals. Believe that the environment is precious and should be kept well.
Notes: A rather minor party in all, the Green Party are generally left wing and very liberal, but their most inportant policy is of the environment, which should be saved as much as possible. Supported by the LDS, who share many of their views and believe that the environment is a precious thing and should be helped to survive


The military page can be found here