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Flag of Whyatica
Motto: Suscitatio Bestia
No Map Available Yet
Region Necronomicon Ex Mortis
Capital Whyatica City
Official Language(s) English
Leader Agent
Population 700,000,000
Currency Credit 
NS Sunset XML

Early History

Whyatica began as a Socialist state, under a highly inefficient government that was internally known as the Directory. Economic problems raged throughout the country, and the army floundered in conflicts with neighbors. Five years after the Directory took power, the General Al-Na'ib Whyatica, along with numerous higher military officials, staged a Coup de'tat against the Directory, removing the leaders within days.

It was widely believed that Al-Na'ib Whyatica was a direct ancestor of the legendary Mohammad Whyatica, the founder of the nation. He was an obvious candidate for leadership, and as soon as he was appointed leader, he dissolved Parliament and declared himself Sultan for life.

The military budget increased immediately, and the economy flourished under the new jobs created by the increased military spending. Everything was great in the new Sultanate, and public opinion of him was extremely high.

Middle of the Reign of the Sultan

It was very obvious early in the reign of the Sultan that he could not handle the tasks of leading a nation alone; so he appointed four Ministers from the top ranks of the various agencies. Minister Aziz Afnan, Minister of Defence, Minister Mohammad Varhoch, Minister of Finance, Minister Ali Anvari, Minister of State, and Minister Abdul Al-Malakk, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The nation continued to prosper, however, some nations which were anti-dictatorial threatened to invade the nation if the Sultan did not abdicate immediately. When the Sultan failed to respond to the ultimatum, three smaller nations invaded the land of the Sultanate.

The military of the fractured states of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Uzbekistan sent a combined total of 400,000 soldiers to seize Whyatica City and rip the heart out of the nation. The first battle of the War of Defiance as it was commonly called outside of the nation was at the former province capital of Tehran, where a Uzbekistani mechanized division collided with a Whyatican infantry division and was routed by the Whyaticans.

The rest of the war continued badly for the invading powers, and the Sultan himself was said to have rode out in a heavy tank himself destroying the infidels. The Sultan threatened to invade the defeated countries if they did not provide substantial war reparations, which were given, so peace was gained after two months of bloody fighting.

End of the Sultan

With his victory over three nations, the Sultan began the slow process of losing his sanity. He continued to increase the military budget beyond economically sane levels, and the economy took a downswing as several other important funding areas were left alone. Millions of people became unemployed, and the Sultan did nothing.

It took months of overtime work by the Ministry to decrease the military budget behind the Sultan's back, to put the economy back at normal levels. But still, the Sultan continued to sink further. He ordered the construction of a massive 1 kilometer long Super-Dreadnaught be constructed for himself, paid for by the healthcare and education budgets. The Navy had no choice but to obey, and still the Sultan descended.

He declared war on a militarily weak nation known as Rulerz Utopia because of a disparaging remark made by a Utopian newspaper, and he sent over 400,000 troops and sixty warships to assault them. They made landfall and captured the beach, when the Whyatican Minister Aziz Afnan made a deal with The Kraven Corporation to assassinate the Sultan.

The Kraven Corporation deployed their elite Wolf Brigade to eliminate the Sultan, and while this was occuring, Whyatica secretly pledged it's support to the [[Velkya]Velkyan] invasion of Concremo. The Kraven Corporation's Agents, (Cloned people specially made by the Corporation for foreign affairs) heard of this invasion and kidnapped Minister Aziz Afnan's relatives. When the Minister saw his relatives threatened, he went berserk. He drew his personal pistol, fired at one of the Agents, and was killed on the spot.

The Sultan was killed by the Wolf Brigade, and the Kraven Agent assumed control of the country.

Slave State