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The Grand Empire of Invisionize, formerly known as The Republic of Invisionize, is a average sized but growing nation, that is a member of The Isles of Invision. Recently, Invisionize annexed former war enemy, The Republic of Veraco.

"One for all, and all for Invisionize!"
Official Name The Grand Empire of Invisionize
Region The Isles of Invision
 • Emperor
 • Head of Government
Dymero Invisa
Hector Ingard
1.328 billion (Invisionize) + 853 million (Veraco)
Official Language English
Capital Barrion
Currency Ize
National Anthem We Are The Champions
National Animal Jackrabbit
TLD .ei
Map None Available
Stats: NSEconomy XML


Main Article: History of Invisionize

Forming a Nation

For thousands of years, Invisionize had been divided into small regional kingdoms. Over the years, there were several attempts to bring together the kingdoms and unite them into a modern nation-state. While these attempts failed to achieve the ultimate goal of national sovereignty, supporters of a unifed Invisionize continued to call for further negotiations between the kingdoms.

In January 2003, a new Invisionize Council was announced by the leaders of all six of Invisionize's remaining kingdoms. Led by Council Chairman Regalo Zareck, the council was able to successfully agree on a form of government and write a constitution. The new nation, The Republic of Invisionize, was formally founded on April 13, 2003. In the elections that followed, Dymero Invisa, council member and formerly monarch of the Agnon Kingdom was elected President.

The Great War of 2005

Main Article: The Great Invisionize War of 2005

In May 2005, media outlets started reporting of a military build-up at the island's five bases. Initial speculation was that terrorist cells within and outside of Invisionize were plotting attacks at then unknown locations across the country. However, other media reports seemed to link the increased military precense with the tightening tensions with other nations, particularly with The Republic of Veraco. A televised press conference with President Invisa on May 25th confirmed that Invisionize was preparing for self defense in case of attack.

In the beginning of June, The Republic of Veraco declared war with Invisionize and President Invisa called on Parliament to declare war as well, a motion which was later passed unamiously in both chambers. The events which led up to the war are not yet known, but in the months prior to the beginning of the war, Veraco had accused the IIA (Invisionize Intelligence Agency) of spying on weapon-making facilities, an accusation the Invisionize government denied. Several battles were fought during the two-month long conflict, with many losses numbering in the thousands on both sides. Despite the on-going battle, President Invisa and Veracan president Lin Heggo insisted in separate news conferences that diplomatic efforts were well underway that would negotiate peace and end the war. Not long after, on August 1st, a binding peace accord went in to effect, ending the bloody two-month conflict.

On September 10th, 2005, a month and ten days after the end of the war, Veracan President Lin Heggo announced that both chambers of Veraco's Parliament had voted unanimously for control over Veraco to be handed over to Invisionize, fueling speculation by opposition groups that the war may have been coordinated and controlled by Emperor Invisa. Invisionize's Parliament acted in turn, voting to annex Veraco.

From Republic to Empire

The events surrounding the change in government policy are still unclear, but some facts are known. On June 6th, 2005, President Invisa asked Parliament to declare martial law, a motion which passed with a 2/3 majority in both chambers. According to the President, the additional security was necessary to keep the island under control as it was host to most of the fighting.

On July 1st, President Invisa came before Parliament again to ask that he be given additional ability to make tactical decisions on day-to-day governmental and military activities. As part of the expansion of his power, the President asked that any executive orders be treated on the level of constitutional amendments. Parliament declared that such expansion of the powers of the Office of President must go to referendum. Despite the war, which had already claimed 100,000 soldiers from both countries, the referendum turn-out rate was almost 98%. Of the voters, 85% agreed to pass the President's resolution.

After the war ended, it seemed only a matter of time before the new powers handled by the President were handed back to Parliament, which was the main tenent of the interest group A Return to Old Invisionize. On the other hand, approval ratings had consistently stayed above 92% throughout President Invisa's entire term, indicating a public consent to the President's policies. On August 6th, President Invisa called an emergency joint session of Parliament. There he announced Executive Order 127, which created sweeping changes to the government:

"I have called this joint session of Parliament to announce my plans for post-war reconstruction. Even with the success of the peace accord, the horrifying and heart breaking events of this war have left many with a great deal of anxiety. Homes have been burned down and families torn apart. When I look at the faces of the people I represent, I see pleas for help. I see pleas for assistance in rebuilding their homes and salvaging what they have lost. But most of all, I see pleas for a nation that is safe and secure, a nation that can be led not to war, but to peace. A nation with rules and boundaries that are set very carefully to ensure that such disastrous conditions are never to be found again. And that plea, my friends, I fully intend to act upon!

During the speech, Executive Order 127 was presented, a series of articles which defined a new form of government for Invisionize. A new constitution was included that assigned supreme power to President Invisa (now known as Emperor Invisa), made martial law permanent (including suspending the writ of habeous corpus), and granted law-enforcement duties to the military.


Main Article: Government of The Grand Empire of Invisionize
Historical Article: Government of The Republic of Invisionize

Country Name:
Long Form: The Grand Empire of Invisionize
Short Form: Invisionize

Form of Government: Imperialist state with most powers held by the emperor with some legislative functions handled by the Council of Provincal Directors.

Capital: Barrion, Agnon Province

Flag: The all-seeing eye representing how each nation of the newly unified island looks out for its fellow regions; six stars, one for each of the six former kingdoms.

Executive Branch

The Empire of Invisionize is ruled by an emperor, an absolute monarch who controls nearly all aspects of the government. This is because the Imperial Constitution put in place by Executive Decree 127 dissolved Parliament and furthermore outlawed political parties and interest groups. The Chairman of the Council of Directors also acts as Head of Government.

Current Head of State: HIM Emperor Dymero Invisa
Current Head of Government: Hector Ingard

Legislative Branch

The legislative branch of The Empire of Invisionize is controlled by the Council of Provincal Directors. There are three directors on the council, appointed by and reporting directly to the emperor, who control two of Invisionize's six provinces. The directors aid the emperor by creating and implementing imperial policy as well as overseeing the day-to-day work within their regions. The program was founded as "Aides to the President" by Emperor Invisa in the latter half of the Great War of 2005. The current chairman to the council is Hector Ingard, director of Provincal Region Two.


There are six provinces in Invisionize, each one formerly having been a kingdom and nation in its own right.

Provincal Region One
Director: Regalo Zareck

Agnon ~ Governor: Lilly Tiss
Naher ~ Governor: Tom Wong

Provincal Region Two
Director: Hector Ingard

Invisio ~ Governor: Geoff Handen
Luvenia ~ Governor: Victoria Ingard

Provincal Region Three
Director: Sally Landen

Grandon ~ Governor: Oman Zand
Yencko ~ Governor: Jared Denefore

Provincal Region Four
Director: Lin Heggo

Veraco ~ Governor: None
Veraco is not truely an Invisionize province, but rather a newly controlled terrority of Invisionize. However, to keep continuity, Emperor Invisa reorganized the government to follow that of the Invisionize provinces.

Judicial Branch

Invisionize lacks a true judicial system as found in democratic republics. Although there are yet to be any active trials in the nation, previously planned criminal trials will be run by a military tribunal.

Rival Factions

Although interest groups are legally outlawed in The Empire of Invisionize, there have been rumors of rebel factions sprouting up across the nation. Most of the speculation concerns the former interest group Return to Old Invisionize, who lobbied then President Invisa to return his expanded power to Parliament. However, the existence of organized rebellion groups has not been confirmed.



As an island, Invisionize is bordered on all sides by water, most significantly the Invisionize Bay. However, is it close enough to some of its fellow regional members that it is often quoted as being bordered by them, rather than water, on two sides.


Invisionize is temperate for much of the island, although a small sub-tropical region exists in the most northern parts of the country.


Flatland plains for most of the island, which the exception of a series of hills ending in Mount Inviso in the southern half of Invisionize.