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Flag of Qazox
Motto: May the Holy Ox bless you and Poop on Your Porch
Region the Q Continuum
Capital Qazox City
Official Language(s) English and Qazian
Leader The Qazian Ox Oxen XXXVII(Spiritual Leader)Mika Riyok

President Villia Ortiz Hernandez (Head of State)

Population 135,000,000 as of 2/22/06
Currency Zaq 
NS Sunset XML

History Of Qazox

The Most Serene Republic of Qazox was founded on July 2, 1578 by Goran Oxfield and his pet Ox Joe. Goran Oxfield and his ox Joe had came to the land from parts unknown, but with in 2 days Goran was near death and had to kill Joe for food. Goran lit a fire and started to cook the meat when a woman appered. Curious, Goran asked her if she had a name. She replied Qaz-ox. Goran didn't understand Qazian and thought that was her name, when in Qazian it means "Hey idiot, if you just walked 400 feet into the forest and met my people, you would not of had to kill your ox." Goran and the woman, whose real name was Signa, went back to the village, where thet promptly killed Goran for killing an ox. Somehow the village, by eating Goran's flesh, learned English and became the nation of Qazox.

However these changes didn't sit to well with some of the native tribes and by November 3, 1677, most of the unwelcome tribes had moved west and became the nation of Green wombat. The two rival countries kept to themselves until 1762 when war broke out over a lake.

Lake Porter War

  • In March of 1762 a message was received in Qazox City from a group of settlers near Lake Porter in the western part of the country. Apparently a settler from Green Wombat had stolen an Ox from one of

the Qazoxian settlers. The Government was quick to respond and with by August 1762 war broke out between the two countries. Eventually it was found out that the Ox was not stolen as originally thought, but had been eaten by a wolf. But by then the 2 countries were so involved in the war that it took 7 years to stop. On May 24, 1769 both countries agreed to a peace treaty and Qazox took control of the Lake Porter Region.

After the Lake Porter War, Qazox ruled the eastern and southern parts of the Q Continuum until the Insaneican Uprising of 1800.

The Insanican Uprising/Qazoxian Civil War

  • On June 8th, 1800, representatives from the northern territories of Qazox came to the Holy Ox Oxen V to ask for independence, and was promptly rebuffed. The represenatives then assassinated Oxen V, and declared their independence from Qazox. The Qazoxian army was swift to recapture the small island of Wickedable by the end of July. However, Green Wombat saw that a fractured Qazox gave them a chance to re-write the results of the Lake Porter War. Green Wombat troops marched into the southern terrtories startign in August 1800 (ones who had stayed loyal to Qazox) and delcared them part of Green Wombat. Having to fight a dual-front war was the last thing Qazox needed and by the end of 1800 had lost most of the southern territories and most of the Lake Porter region.
    • 1801-

By January of 1801, Qazox had lost its grip on the south and was at a stalemate in the north. Unexpectedly in February of 1801, Green Wombat had withdrawn its troops from Qazox, thus freeing the southern territories. the withdrawal was only a ploy as member of the Northern Allies had contacted Green Wombat and had promised to give up part of their territory if they would help them fight Qazox. By May of 1801, Qazox only held the island of Wickedable and the territroy which is now the Countries of Pool Shrimpers and Piscodemons. The Qazoxian troops fought valiently but could not stem the tide of the inevitable. By the end of July,T he Northern territories had ransacked Qazox City and were marching towards Lorax City and Fromburg, the only major cities in Qazox not under enemy control. On October 16-20th the battle of Lorax City began with 17,000 Qazoxian troops versus 32,000 Northern Allied and Green Wombatian troops. For 5 days the Qazox Forces held the city and the river, knowing if they fell it was only a matter of time before the rest of the country would fall. A daring midnight raid by Qazoxian General Robert "Brickwall" Lee in the early morning of the 20th surprised the Rebels and they lost nearly 5,000 troops on the raid with General Lee only losing 300 of his 1,200 troops. This daring raid by "Brickwall" enhearted the Qazoxian troops and the tide of the war turned. On December 17th, 1801 General Lee had reclamed Qazox City and had the rebels on the run.

Climate of Qazox

The Climate of Qazox is one of a usual Temperate Zone. In the Capital, Qazox City, the average High/Low temperature in July is 89F/65F and in January the High/Low is 37F/20F. The highest temerature ever recorded was 113F on August 6, 1914 in Lake Porter City and the coldest temperature was -51F on December 31, 1899 in Bruxen.

Religion of Qazox

The primary religion of Qazox is Qazian. The Holy Book of Hoofaran; Hoofaran, according to the 1st chapter was visited by the spirit of the Ox Joe, tells the people of Qazox that no Oxen may ever be harmed, unless they eat your rutabegas. The Holy Book of Hoofaran is the spritual guide to life in Qazox and 98% of the population follow its precepts, even the ones that contradict themselves.

  • an Example of such a contadiction
    • Chapter 13 Verse 5--The Holiest Ox Joe did so command that half of your rutabegas be set aside for Ox consumption, where as those who eat all their rutabegas without setting half aside will have said rutabegas eaten by wombats.
    • Chapter 14 Verse 6--The Holiest Ox Joe doth command his people to eat rutabegas without setting aside any for the Oxen as rutabegs give said Oxen gas.

Most scholars belive that Hoofaran had a bad nightmare after eating too many rutabegas and that the Holy Book is just a scam to make people eat rutabegas, but most of those scholars have nightmares from eating too many rutabegas so they largely ignored.

The only other animal mentioned in the Holy Book of Hoofaran is the Wombat. According to outside religous scholars, the wombat is the Qazoxian version of the devil. According to Chief Hanky-Panky Wizzinator of the Qazian tribe, a wombat actually told Goran to eat his ox Joe, but since no one alive today can confirm this, it may just be legend.

International Sports in Qazox

Qazox just recently sent its first international team to the Baptism of Fire(WC27 version) and had a record of 4 wins and 1 loss in the qualifing round. The Black Oxen, as the team is called, advanced up to the Rejistanian SemiFinals, where they lost a hard-fought 2-1 match in extra time to Allied Anime Worlds.

Qazox has also joined the Newly Created NSOC (NationStates Olympic Council) and has plans to compete in both the First Winter and Summer Games, once the host cities have been chosen.

Qazox at the First Winter Olympics

Qazox football league

Government in Qazox

The Government of Qazox is made up of a President,a Judiciary Court and a bicameral legislature. the Senate which is comprised of 51 people (so there can't be a tie). The senate is comprised of 17 clergy (appointed by the Holy Ox), the governors of the 17 regions, and 17 Senators directly voted on by the 17 regions. The House of Commons has 300 members directly voted upon by the people them selves with no regard to region. The President has a 5 year term in office and can run up to 3 times for a maximum of 15 years in office. The Senators are voted upon every 7 years and can only be in office for 2 terms. The governors of each region are elected to a 4 year term and can be re-elected up to 3 times for a 12 year max. The Clergy serve for the lifetime of the Holy Ox who appointed them, when the Holy Ox dies, the new oly Ox must appoint 17 new Clergy to the Senate within 90 days of his ascending the Oxency. The Commoners (as they are called) serve a 3 year term with a maximum of 15 years to serve.

How a bill becomes law in Qazox

the easiest way is the House of Commons, in which all 300 members are working class citizens, proposes a bill and they vote on it. The bill must passby a vote of 160-140 or greater. The bill then goes to the Senate where it is voted on and must pass with a vote of the 27-24 or greater. If a bill does pass both houses, it then goes to the president who must sign it or veto it with in 10 days. If the president vetoes the bill, it goes back to a joint session of both houses and if it passes with a vote of 187-164 or greater then it will become law.

The second way is a bit complcated. A bill can become law if at least 5,000 people in each region sign a petition. The petition will then be voted upon by the people in a national referendum to take place within 45 days of being confirmed. If the petition recieves a majority of votes it will become law.

All laws can be made null and void by petition and a national vote. All laws must also not contradict the Holy Book of Hoofanan.

List of Holy Oxen and Presidents of Qazox

Some Useless Info about Qazox

  • Top Ten Cities by Population in Qazox
    • Qazox City 13,500,950
    • Fromburg 10,423,510
    • Lake Porter City 8,975,450
    • SaxerVilla 8,741,960
    • Bruxen 7,862,400
    • Pika City 7,236,000
    • Lorax City 7,081,500
    • St. Nash 6,430,210
    • Vogg City 6,391,750
    • Cuidad de Iguana 5,975,630