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Flag of Milchama
Motto: All hail the Fish Lord your masterful ruler
[Map URL], or No Map Available Yet
Region Atlantian Oceania
Capital Alexandria
Official Language(s) Hebrish, Hebrew, English
Leader Tim Gonnenberg
Population Around 1 billion
Currency bob 
NS Sunset XML


Milchama is a nation of almost all former soldiers and war fanatics. The nation's name means war in Hebrew and the nation itself lives up to the name involving itself regularly in conflicts that are none of its business. With one of the best militaries in the region, Milchama can usually live up to its name.

The people of Milchama are not bad people despite the government pressuring and the almost spartan society of which they live in Milchama's citizens have some culture and enjoy history and sport. The majority of the population as Jewish and religious. While Shabbat is not always kept, Kashrut and Synagogue attendance at least once a week is considered socially important.


The government is more or less a democracy despite the fact that only one leader has ever been elected. The people do vote for their leaders although the Limad party has ever been elected to power. The government works in sort of a mix between American and Israeli voting ideas. A person votes for a Prime Minister to hold office and then votes for a seperate party to represent him/her in Conneset. The Conneset is made up of 100 members and is Unicameral. Currently there are 31 members from Limad, 21 from Communist International, 21 from Tashmovitz, 12 from Warrior, 12 from Jewism, and 3 from Conservative Milchama.


The two most important parties in Milchama are Limad the party of current leader Liam Horowitz and Communist International who since the death of Tal Fearlen have been led by Tim Gonneberg. These two parties usually fight over who has control of the Conneset while in accordance with Milchamian tradition Liam Horowitz has been elected leader every year since 130 A.C. The next most important party is the Tashmovitz who are famous for not fielding a real candidate for Prime Minister. Usually its either a sock or a piece of wood who are their candidate for Prime Minister They do however campaign vigorously behind their organizer Amit Mickwe. Mickwe even got them a new high of 20 seats this term and next election they could get as many as seats as Communist International. The only other party of importance after that is Jewism which is an orthodox party led by Rabbi Schlomo Mital.


While explained briefly in the summary a full idea of elections is here. Milchama uses computer elections and all citizens are required to vote or else they lose citizenship or are automatically conscripted into the army as frontline footsoldiers. This threat (since it has always been carried out) works greatly as voter turn outs are usually at 99.5% or higher. The election process is as follows:

Canidacy To become a candidate you have to first get the majority vote in your party with a primary. Then you either have to register your party and you so you/your party can be on the ballot or if your party is already registered then you have to have proof that you won your party primary. After you declare your candidacy you have campaigning but we don't care about that. Although campaigning in Milchama in a contested election usually involves forming at least 1 if not 2 paramilitary groups to take out the opposition.

Voting To be an eligible voter you must be at least 16 years old and have served in some capatacy at least one year in the army. When you vote you are handed 3 ballots. Ballot 1 is the ballot for prime minister. A person can select one person to be the Prime Minister of Milchama. The next ballot is for which party/parties do you want in the Conneset. You can vote for up to two parties but you if you vote for two parties you have to select a "prefered party" if the parties are tied. Then the third ballot is for any social refrendum or any other things that might need to be decided later.


Sports is a big deal in Milchama with no less than 10 sports having professional leagues. The most important and favorite sports are baseball and soccer. Baseball is the national sport and is enjoyed by all walks of life. Almost every little village has a baseball league and the exploits of the national team are followed closely. Soccer is slightly less popular although many people will tell you that they prefer soccer to baseball. The MFL is huge although the local level soccer teams are not usually as important or as numerous as baseball. Some other past times include debate, board games, and fantasy war. Fantasy War is making up a war between two countries and deciding what would happen because of it. Debate also means policy debate none of that other crap that passes for debate.


Enjoyed by all walks of life and taught to young kids as soon as they can walk. Baseball is by far the most popular sport in Milchama. Local leagues enjoy considerable success and to play in the Milchama Little League World Series is every kids goal. The most successful leagues are the East Alexandria League, Mipiel (a suburb of Swooton) and New Oslo. Out of the combined 47 times the Series has gone, these 3 leagues have won a combined 24 titles. Once the kids get older high school and college baseball take over. While these are not as popular nationally as Little League locally they are very important and many times a small town will go out to cheer on the local high school team. After that comes the great MBL or Milchama Baseball League where all the great players in Milchama play. The structure and two leagues are as follows: Milchama’s Baseball League Infantry League Chi Sox Milchama City Avenues Mongolian Horses Wickert Battlefields Swooton Sparrows Tel Morlin Chaialim New Babylon Clippers Alexandria Monarchs Cavalry League Chi Cubs Milchama Warriors Alexandria Ships Swooton Fireballs Alexandria Phalanxes Port James Ferrets New Babylon Pirates Brooklin Dodgers Last Year the Chi Cubs beat the Alexandria Monarchs in the Milchama Series. The Milchamian National Team is also one of the best in the world right now as they finished second in first NS Baseball World Cup while leading the standings before losing in the final series to the Steal-Basers from Bipedal Apes.


While not as popular at the local level as baseball, soccer is still by far the second most popular sport in Milchama. Soccer though is much more watched at the college where many a great college player has come thru to star in the MFL. The U21 soccer team is also followed closely whenever they play in the U21WC. The first two times they have competed in this tournament the Young Warriors have made the second round before being beaten by superior competition. The senior team has had much less success with only a quarter final apperance in the Cup of Harmony being the only lasting achievement. Three times the senior team have tried to qualify for a World Cup and 3 times they have been rebuffed but as they said fourth times the charm. Recently though the senior team has come under fire for not performing well at the most recent Cup of Harmony as the U21 team made a suprise Quarterfinal Appearance in the local AOCAF tournament, despite being in the toughest group.


Policy Debate is big in Milchama with the current resolution being the same as the current high school resolution for 2005-2006 IRL. While not getting the attention internationally that baseball and soccer get debate is a very popular activity in Milchama for the non-athletic.

Suicide Footballer

A sport that is unique to Milchama and Collonie, suicide footballer has been called by many the Milchamian "National Game." The game was founded by Kenny Wickenstein who was looking for a mix between all the weird looking ball sports (rugby, american football, aussie rules football). He then added a few of his own rules and got suicide footballer. The game is played 5 on 5 with one person having to be the goalie of a padded wall. There are 3 different ways to score. You can get a try by trying to run past/over the goalie into the padded wall (thus suicide). A try is worth 4 points plus two points for the kick after. Another way to score is by a half goal which is done by hitting the ball into past the goalie into the wall. A half goal is worth two points. The final to score is by a kick goal, which is kicking the ball into the wall. A kick goal is worth one point. A professional has been going for two years these are the teams: 1 Alexandria Kings 2 Brooklin Shekels 3 Schreider Martin XI 4 Swooton Fireballs 5 Milchama City Fighters 6 Wickert Witches 7 New Babylon Bandits 8 Chi No-Looks 9 Port James Frigates 10 Tel Morlin Attributes The Schreider Martin XI has won every title so far. They beat the Chi No-Looks in the final last year.


The Warrior Peoples of Milchama started out as a raiding band of nomadic tribesman looking for food. Much like the Mongols centuries earlier these Warriors would sweep down on more settled people like the Concodilanders or the Collonians. After a time the Collonians finally decided to teach these nomadic raiders to farm. This changed everything as after learning to farm the Milchamians began to start making more advanced weapons and creating more advanced attack methods. These methods led to the conquering and subjugating of Collonie in 0 B.C. (Before Conquest). The subjagation allowed not only a place for nuclear testing but allowed them to expierement with different forms of military, economic and political strategies. Since the conquest of Collonie, Milchama has settled down into a nice Democratic Socialist country.

Milchama has had 5 leaders since it became a unified nation in 50 B.C. The first leader was Emperor Kristian Fleur who ruled for 75 years as a dictator before he died in 25 A.C. (After Collonie). His reign brought the start of unification of the country. The unification was completed by his son King Thomas Morel (26-51 A.C.) who after subjugating the Mongols up north, began democratizing the country. He started with parliamentary elections originally hoping for something like a Constitutional Monarchy, unfortunately for him his new parliament rebelled and started a civil war. The war lasted 15 (51-66 A.C.) years and left hundreds of thousands of Milchamians dead. In the end the parliament won and with the win came the leader of parliament Chet Brenner (67-99 A.C). Brenner, who called himself the President of Milchama, slowly reunified the country and brought back much of the stability that had been stopped by the Civil War. He continued elections but decided to have a two party system. The two party system was not successful and would have resulted in another civil war had Brenner not been assisnated and a new ruler, Comrade Leader John Hawking (100-128 A.C.) came to power. Hawking, started the socialization process by turning all farming to kibbutzim and allowing all parties to participate in elections. His freedoms made him the most popular leader in Milchamian history. Many of his reforms are still in place today including the kibbutzim, concealed carry legal and at least 25% of the budget must be military spending. He died peacefully in 128. The winner of the next hard fought elections, which included no less than 1000 deaths on all sides, formed 5 paramilitary groups and took more than 2 years to decide the real winner. The winner was current leader Prime Minister Liam Horowitz (130-present) who beat out main rival Tal Fearlen by 102 votes. Since he has been in office Prime Minister Horowitz has overseen the basic Milchamian withdraw from Collonie as well as the almost complete subjagation of the Mongols (best example being their football team winning getting to the MFL 1st division).

Leaders: Emperor Kristian Fleur (50 B.C.-25 A.C.) King Thomas Morel (26-51 A.C.) None (51-66 A.C.) President Chet Brennar (67-99) Comrade Leader John Hawking (100-128) Prime Minister Liam Horowitz (130-162)

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