Resistance (Laurasia)

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The Resistance is - according to the Truthful Cooperative - a massive underground network in league to undermine the great Laurasian society, The Party, The Council, and Father. However, due to some controversy over facts released by the Truthful Cooperative it is unknown whether or not this statement is entirely true. Most either believe that:

  • The Resistance does exist and is actually attempting to destroy the Laurasian government.
  • The Resistance does not exist and is simply another tool of control used by the Party as a means to control the population.
  • A combination of both theories where only small bands are ever active in an actual resistance movement.

Not much information has been discovered or released about the Resistance. However, the Lawful Cooperative has released information stating that "terrorists active in subversive attempts to undermine or ruin the Oligarchy have been dealt with to the maximum extent possible." Many believe this quote means that some groups have been captured, tortured, and possibly executed for having ties to the Resistance.

The Resistance exists

One of the least believed theories states that the Resistance is an actual group that works beneath the radar of the Lawful Cooperative and police. This theory cites that continued terrorist and revolutionary activity within Laurasia is proof that the Resistance actually exists. They also state that so-called free nations are not making any attempt to help these freedom fighters n their quest to overthrow the Oligarchical Administration.

This theory is mostly held firm within the idealists around the world. Heavily liberal and democratic countries tend to believe the Resistance actually exists. Besides these, some enemies of Laurasia also uses the Resistance in anti-Laurasian propaganda as if it were a real organization in order to ralley support for invasions and revolutionary activities against Laurasia.

The Resistance as a tool

The most widely accepted theory is that the Resistance is actually a tool created by the Laurasian government in order to incite ultra-nationalism and hatred for foreigners. This theory's proof is mostly cited by those who have heavily studied Laurasian society. They note that several facts have arisen that seem to point that the Resistance is a creation of the Laurasian state:

  • The Resistance never appeared until after the Soviet Reformation.
  • The Resistance only appears in State published propaganda.
  • The Resistance is used heavily in cooperation with Hyperborean propaganda.
  • The Resistance seems to be made up of (according to the Truthful Cooperative) foreigners from nations such as Delta Green, Pacitalia, and Sarzonia.

These facts - plus others - seem to show proof for the use of the Resistance as simply another apparatus of control, completely made by the Laurasian government in order to give their population fear and a constant enemy

The Combination Theory

The final theory - the latest to be published of the three - cites a combination of the two. The theory is best explained from an article by Charles duBron (a Pacitalian citizen journalist and founder of the theory):

"Since February of this year, nations around the world have been stupid enough to not realize the amount of control The Party has over the Laurasian citizens. Mandating of Dystorium, fabricated wars, and now the Resistance are all simply tools of their control to use and manipulate the population into such a way that it benefits their goals. The latter of the three seems to be one of - if not thee - more terrifying truths about Laurasian society and the limit the Laurasian government is willing to go to in order to have total control over their citizens.

"The Resistance is a fabricated rebellion movement created by the Laurasian administration in order to lure and capture those individuals who are either immune to Dystorium, are unaffected by government brainwashing, or both. The Party uses the Resistance as a means to capture dissenters and possible rebels against their totalitarian regime. They use the very movement meant to bring about peace a freedom, to cause eternal war and tyranny.

"This is the worst form of human abuse ever seen on the face of earth."