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Flag of Arenumberg
Motto: If You've got it, Flaunt it
Region Oceania
Capital Breseldenberg
Official Language(s) English, Arenumbergian, Unique Elvish, Galactic Basic
Leader High Commissiriat and the Politburo
Population Military Based: 1.46 Billion / Roleplay Based: 3 Trillion
Currency Ruble 
NS Sunset XML

The Eternal Soviet Union of Arenumberg

These Following Articles will be one the Future Tech Nation Only, a new page will hopefully be constructed for the purpose of the modern tech aspect of Arenumberg.

A Brief History of the Union's Creation

On a Small Watery World, created by the whims of space and time, 2 Races Were Born. Over Hundreds of Years, The Elves and Humans of the Planet dubbed "Feraul", they grew, prospering, The Humans mostly nomadic tribes, whilst the elves retreated to their Cities on the coasts, No war touched this planet, the Tribes could not wage one, and the Elves were above conflict.

"Feraul" Gave Life to its inhabitants, Eventually, after hundreds of years of isolation, and language barriers, Humans and Elves Created the Confederacy, Cities blossomed from the Human influence, their hard labour expanding the cities, and the elves concentrating on creating more advanced technology.

More time passed, space travel, the first colony on one of "Feraul's" Moons, the first warship, more and more, the Confederacy expanding hugely, forming the Great Empire, and the Second Golden Era. One that had the first conflict, but the empire overcame the aliens that dared to oppose them, and incorporating those who accepted confederate membership, Hundreds of worlds and Millions of lightyears encompassed what was the empire.

But alas, Elvish Scientists on a newly chartered world discovered the Temporatum. A Temporal Device enabling time travel, this was quickly secreted on the homeworld, and a duplicate was made after many years of study, The Empire and its 122 Trillion Inhabitants rejoiced as the first trip into their past was made, but, The Temporatum Had not been abandoned for no reason. The Tunnels of time distorted, sending its teams to planets in far away galaxies, ones with diseases that could not be countered.

In the short period following, the Empire Was Shattered, Leaving all but 5 million scattered people over a small area of space.

The Confederacy was Dissolved, and a Queendom introduced, the Emperors Daughter taking charge of the scattered survivors, the Temporatum Was Buried deep in the bowels of the Capital, and there it remains.

The Queendom withdrew within itself, making no attempts to reclaim its former colonies, Bandalok and Skeelzania grew up in its former territories, either colonists or old confederate members, maybe even new lifeforms.

The Dominion was declared, and it began rapidly taking back what it had once owned, The Queens Daughter suceeding, Communism adapted as the foremost governmental type.

After much more time, the Great Evolution befell the now psionically advanced nation, pushing it into partial ethereal existence, but it remained, and kept its holdings.

The Union was declared, and the final former members of the confederacy incorporated, along with the last few colonies that could be obtained.

And now the Union Stands where the empire once did, with all but a portion of what it was.

People and Religion

All Religions Are Accepted, and the people are that of a accepting kind.


Formerly Elves And Humans, now, they are of a waterlike existence, described as "big blobs of water in humanoid form, everything you need to know is in their eyes", The latter explains how it is still easy to recognise gender and age, and the people of the Union are psionically advanced, able to manipulate the weak minded and objects.

Arenumbergian Religion

The Religion is that of mystery, mainly involving extensive training in the martial arts, and spiritual Calm, the Kitorsa is there to energize the Soul and to praise the Spirit of the Galaxy for the life it gives.


The Arenumbergian Unions's goal in the Galaxy is to control as many of its former spacelanes as possible so it may project greater control over the area it resides in. The Union rarely cares to attack an opposing people, so smaller nations are offered membership within the Union. Over one-thousand worlds have been reclaimed, however the Arenumbergian Union only ever keeps information for the Seven major systems and the two major celestial phenomena.


Veraul is the Homesystem, and orbits a healthy yellow star. 13 Planets are in this system.


Feraul - Homeworld, Oceanic Planet

Barrakis - Inhabited, Oceanic Planet

Hellion - Inhabited, Terran Planet

Merina - Inhabited, Lunar Planet

Arama - Inhabited, Jungle Planet

Karn - Inhabited, Arid Planet

Veraul VII - Inhabited, Barren Planet

Veraul VIII - Inhabited, Ice Planet

Veraul IX - Inhabited, Barren Planet

Veraul X - Inhabited, Volcanic Planet

Veraul XI - Uninhabited, Gas Giant

Veraul XII - Inhabited, Ice Planet

Space Installations

Saxony Station

Hyril Station

Centaurian Shipyards

Kremlin Star-yard and Battle Station

Kitorsa Defence Network


Red Dwarf Star, 4 planets, This System contains a major planetary based research network.


Planet Valamor - Inhabited, Barren & Arctic Planet.

Planet Greshalk - Inhabited, Arid Planet, Temperate Zones

Planet Erephine - Inhabited, Ice Planet

Planet Lacaille IV - Uninhabited, Barren Planet

Space Installations

Grinage Station

Smursk Defence Network.


"Yellow" Star 3 Planets, Groombridge is the Last Major System before Struve and the Homesystem.


Planet Refra - Inhabited, Lunar

Planet Hugin - Inhabited, Arid

Planet Ta'Le - Inhabited, Terran

Space Installations

Arevine Shipyards

Nexus Station

Sagittarius Defensive Ring


"Sol" Star, 3 Planets, Struve is the Last Major System before the Homesystem, it boasts huge databases and extensive shipyards


Struve Prime - Inhabited, Terran Planet

Kartina - Inhabited, Lunar Planet

Methos - Inhabited, Terran Planet

Struve Secundus - Inhabited, Terran Planet

Esamir - Inhabited, Terran Planet

Struve Tertiary - Inhabited, Jungle Planet

Staros - Inhabited, Oceanic Planet

Space Installations

Adena Battlestation

Xeno Shipyards

Carana Star Yards

Barant Shipyards

Hyuga Technologies Starbase

Bright Station

Struve Incorportated Homestation

Struve Incorporated Tradehub

Karakis Defense Network

Jukata System

"Green" Star, 2 Planets, Jukata is the foremost producer of the major components used during Battleship Construction.


Jukata Prime - Inhabited, Terran Planet

Jukata Secundus - Inhabited, Arctic Planet

Space Installations

Jukata Shipyards

Valine Station

Manaan System

White Dwarf Star - 3 Planets, Manaan is the only place in the galaxy to produce the healing substance Kolto.


Manaan - Inhabited, Oceanic Planet

Manarn - Inhabited, Arid and Temperate Planet

Menaan - Inhabited, Terran Planet

Space Installations

Kolto Inc Homestation

Manaan Trade Hub Station

Proce Station

Menaan Shipyards

Byhtania System

Red Drawf Star - 9 Planets, Byhtania is a industrial Powerhouse


Bythania I - Uninhabited, Barren

Bythania Prime - Inhabited, Arctic

Bythania III - Uninhabited, Inferno

Bythania Secundus - Inhabited, Terran

Brydale - Inhabited, Jungle

Havenus - Inhabited, Arid

Juhanus - Inhabited, Arid

Bythania VIII - Uninhabited, Gas Giant

Hordburg - Inhabited, Oceanic

Space Installations

Bythania Staryards

Grigor Station

Hubanas Station

Tertiary Prime Station

Bastillion Nebula

The Classified Home to the main military shipyards and command at Bastillion Station. The Nebula contains only one safe tunnel and is constantly rocked by storms and other hazards.

Psionic Nebulae

The Psionic Nebulae encompass the borders and expand with them and contract with them, these nebulae are beleived to be the after affects of containing the psionic power and the evolution.


The Fleet

The Fleet contains hundreds of vessels that ply the tradelanes and the empire, gaurding against its invaders.

The Marine Core

The Main force, the Marine core uses everything and anything in its job.

The Drop Corps

The Drop Corps are crack troops dropped from pods and stealthed dropships into hot zones and behind enemy lines, often with powerful vehicles.

The Armoured Core

The Armoured Core has the least personell and uses Mech units.

Persons of Note

None as of yet.

Memberships Held

Random Facts

More Soon