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Flag of ChevyRocks
Motto: "The right and freedom to cars, nukes, and so forth..."
[Not Available]
Region SupercarsNet
Capital Duntovostok
Official Language(s) English
Leader Ragnar Johanson
Population 510 million
Currency Edsel 
NS Sunset XML

The Confederate Republic of ChevyRocks is a large, democratic, developed nation in the SupercarsNet region. Though previously an isolationist nation, more recently they have developed a more global involvement with international events, particularly in the Beltway - Gilabad conflict, detailed further below.

International Relations

Break From Isolationism

In 2005, the Chevrokian Navy was in serious need of modern aircraft. With indigenous aerospace firms already backed up with production of land-based fighters and bombers, as well as retrofitting of older inventory, the only option left was to ask the international community. The initial contract was for an aircraft carrier based bomber aircraft, to be used from the nation's ten Duntovostok-class carriers.

The contract winner was from Isselmere-Nieland, Detmerian Aerospace, and their DAS-4M Swordfish heavy fighter-bomber. 150 of these were introduced into the Naval Air Wing, under the designation F/B-51A. Additionally, the entry from Martin Avionics of The Beltway, the F/A-22B Sea Raptor, was also well-liked, and 700 of them were purchased for the primary naval multi-role fighter.

The Beltway - Gilabad Conflict

After the ICLU massacre, in which pro-abortion supporters were executed by the Gilabad Secret Police (GSP), forces from The Beltway, Pythagoria, and Quaon were posted in Gilabad to help evacuate the liberals. When The Beltway detained 12 GSP personnel, Gilabad responded and attacked the Beltway forces at their temporary base.

A vicious battle ensued, between infantry, tanks, and aircraft from both sides. Though putting up a fierce resistance, the Beltway forces were overrun, though some were able to evacuate the base. In the meantime, a naval combat force from six countries, consisting of some 700 vessels, were either at the scene or would soon arrive.

The President of ChevyRocks, Ragnar Johanson, believed that the Gilabad government and their genocidal practices, should be removed from the world. The Chevrokian support initially for the conflict was two CCN carrier battle groups, an AWACS plane, and four tankers.

As the Chevrokian task force, made up of the Garrison and Minneapolis carrier battle groups, approached the Gilabad coast, a strike force made of 30 F/A-22s and 15 F/B-51s were sent to attack the Gilabad fleet. On the way there, however, a group of 50 enemy F-14s took flight and set course to destroy the Chevrokian AWACS and tankers already airborne. The fighters diverted to defend the support planes, and a missile fight broke out. 45 enemy F-14s were destroyed, at a cost of 8 F/A-22s and a KB-60 tanker.

Later that day, the government of Gilabad sent out a cease-fire to all nations invovled, and it was reluctantly agreed to. President Johanson flew to Georgetown in The Beltway, to participate in the Georgetown Peace Conference.

Chevrokian Republic Defense Forces

Republic Army

Observations from the Beltway-Gilabad war showed that the current armored force of the Republic Army (tanks, armored peronnel carriers), was inadequate for modern warfare. The Army is currently undergoing a massive restructuring, introducing heavier-armed and -armored vehicles, and attempting to refit the infantry force with newer light arms.

Republic Marines

The Republic Marines are also undergoing a restructuring to improve combat abilities in modern warfare. Most recently, Marines are being deployed on the Navy's new Churchill-class amphibious assault ships.

Republic Marines Air Wing

Another large aircraft purchase was completed recently, this time for the Republic Marines. Defense Secretary Erik Borgesov authorized the procurement of 520 F-35B Joint Strike Fighter planes, and yet again, the deal was made through Martin Avionics. The new fighters will allow the Marine pilots to assist ground forces during an assault, and are STOVL capable, allowing them to be sortied from just about any location.

Republic Air Force

The Republic Air Force was the first to recieve the restructuring, and is now close to being fully modernized.

Fighter Command

The prime purpose of Fighter Command is to defend the nation from enemy aircraft incursions. It is also designed to help in making incursions into enemy territory, as well as escorting friendly aircraft.

The standard fighter in the force is the F-52A Firebird, which is of multi-role capability. The F-52 is currently being introduced to replace the seriously outdated F-16E. It is of a swing-wing, twin engine design with canted vertical tails. It is capable of carrying most air-to-air and air-to-ground armaments in the Air Force.

For longer-range escort operations, the F-50B Spectre is most commonly used. The design is somewhat like that of the F/A-22, though the fuselage is much longer and has a two-seat cockpit, as well as having a large delta wing with drooping tips, and forward canards. It is normally armed with twelve AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles.

For national defense and quick strike interception of hostile aircraft, the F-40C Rapier is used. It is the fastest aircraft in national service (Mach 3.50), and can carry either eight AMRAAMs or four AAM-1 Defender missiles.

Bomber Command

The prime purpose of Bomber Command is to eliminate an emeny's ability to wage war.

For tactical missions, there are currently three aircraft in service. The B-73A Stingray is a medium bomber, of a flying wing design and a payload of 28,000 pounds. The B-58E Hustler is a light strike bomber, able to carry 22,000 pounds of armaments. The B-70E Valkyrie is a heavy strike bomber, and capable of 65,000 pounds of ordnance.

For strategic missions, the Republic Air Force has two aircraft types. The elder of the two, the B-36M Terminator, is a massive aircraft with ten engines (six turboprops, four turbofans), a range of 7,500 miles, and a payload of 80,000 pounds. A variation of it, the B-60E Terminator II, is all-jet powered, has a longer range, and slightly more payload (90,000 lbs).