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Flag of Nepolonia
Motto: In vicis postulo, caries sceptrum totus
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Region India
Capital Nepingrad
Official Language(s) Nepolonian English
Leader HRH Tsanjing-Lee IV
Population 1.35 billion
Currency Nepolian 
NS Sunset XML

Nepolonia - land of hope, land of freedom, land of all that is good. The proud nation of Nepolonia is located on the South Coast of India, and has a population of 1.35 billion (according to most recent figures). The economy is one of the strongest in all of India and the political freedoms of the people are a marvel, although recently civil rights have started to slip. Crime is currently the most pressing issue in Nepolonia, but the government is currently undergoing a massive scheme to put money back into the police force. As the country is completely pacifist, there is no army and owning firearms unless you're a member of the police force is banned.

Nepingrad: Where old world charm meets concrete

In 1951 Nepolonia underwent a communist revolution. To celebrate this, the capital, formally Valhyniasto, was renamed after the revolutionary idol, Tenzing Nepin. In 1981, to celebrate the 1951 year of enlightment, a bloodless coup was held, resulting in the deaths of thousands as democracy was brought back. Unfortunately no one has changed the capital city's name, as it's residents are overly proud. Nepingrad is certainly a city of contrasts though, with beautiful buddhist temples overshadowed by giant soviet-era concrete apartments. It would appear that anything built before 1951 was torn down and rebuilt in reinforced concrete but fortunately there are still many cultural gems in the city.

More shall be added to this wonderful guide in the near future!

This guide was brought to you by the Nepolonian Minister for Information, Mr Propa Ghandi.


The Not Very Holy Empire of Nepolonia