"We are All Sapients" Day

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"We are All Sapients" Day, is a popular major public holiday in Love and esterel to celebrate the vote of the “Sapients Bill of rights” on 12 December 2001, by the Love and esterel's congress.

The vote came after huge peaceful demonstrations which took place in 2001 in Sapients Plaza in Anjuna, in order to grant similar rights to various sapients being species other than humans (ET intelligences, Posthumans and AI).

"We are All Sapients" Day is celebrated every year in many cities and in particular on Sapients Plaza (Yashibu District) and is a stunning peaceful gathering of hundreds species from all over the world.

On the Saturday 20 December 2005, another huge demonstration took place, in order to support the Rights of Biological Sapients UN proposal, presented by the nation of Reformentia. Even if many demonstrators were not fully satisfied with the wording of the text (for its vagueness about sapient criteria and AI left aside), the proposal was an essential first step for them. This time the outcome was less successful for the demonstrators, but they even if they failed, most felt a general feeling to have contributed to the advancement of this cause.