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Flag of Lingostan
Motto: "We believe in strength in Eqauility"
Map of Lingostan
Region Mushroom Wonderland
Capital Emiligo
Official Language(s) New Yitanese
Leader President Gregory Neshara.
Population 17 Million as of April 24th 2006
Currency the Xeu 
NS Sunset XML

History of Lingostan

Lingostan was first settled by travelers from the Yitane isles in the year 126 RE. RE stands for Recorded Era and was the system used in Lingostan until British occupation in the Late 18th Century. It counts forward from around 723 AD, thus 126 RE is 849 AD. It was established for the record of kwown history commisioned by Lord Ikanata in 722 AD.

To these original expolers, the main isle of what is now Lingostan was known as Arakath, a Old Yitanese word that mean "New Land". On this island, they established Ikanatakura on the shore, and later Emiligo further inland. Emiligo was built in a wet, open, lowland area that made it ideal for farming. It, and Ikanatakura would become would become centers of trade in the region.

By 860 AD, the people of Arakath had established there own goverment, centered around Emiligo, and began explore further. Soon, in 872 AD, an island just north of Arakath, that was christened Kathyuki, which translates roughly to "Third Land". However, 878 AD, Lord Karamak began to grow suspicous of the growing power of the people of Arakath, and attacked it the next year in 879 AD. In a bloody battle near Ikanatakura, the Arakathians, led by Lord Karamak's brother Izahaka, emerged victorius.

In the period of growth afterwards, Lord Izahaka evantually ruled over the entire Yitane island chain, Arakath, Kathyuki, the Treangure Isles (Now known as the triangle islands) and Jero, conquering them one by one in impressive shows of force, and uniting the entire Archipeliego under one ruler. However, soon the citizens of the islands rose up, and he was killed by a knife through his chest in 886 AD.

In 987 AD, a 100-year period of war and anarchy ended with the acceptence of Lordess Terakuva as ruler, the first female ruler of the Arakath. She soon conquered Kathyuki, Yitane and Ui Tinkala, a penninsula near Kathyuki. In 989, she gave birth to a daughter, Terayuki. But in 1002 AD, Terakuva was murdered by an advisor named Umali, who took the position of lord. In 1003, Terayuki and her head advisor Zomari led an army 15,000 strong, the largest army ever established in the region at the time and dethroned Umali.

Terayuki, upoun becomeing Lordess, declared herself Empress, and took supreme power, as opposed to the old system, where three main figures rule, two advisors and a single lord, which was inspired by believe in the region in three main deities. She quickly conquered the entire region, and by 1006, established the city of Terayuki in Yitane as the seat of her power and as a monument to the great nation.

But, once again, forces acted to tear the civilization apart, as in 1020 AD, Terayuki was murdered, and the nation quickly fell into disaray, which caused the Half-Century's unrest, whichlasted from 1020 to 1523, when Lord Kamovi was crowned in Emiligo as Lord of Arakath, Kathyuki, and Ui Tinkala. His brother Lord Jimoka recieved Yitane and Treangure, and Jero remained in anarchy.

In 1794, bringing an end to almost 300 years of peace, a British ship found it's way to Arakath. It was at this time that the country earned it's name. A British explorer remarked "The most peculiar and recognisable trait of these people is there strange and random lingo". After this, members of the exploration began calling the country Lingostan, and the name stuck.

For many years, the country enjoyed a peacefull, though somewhat oppressive British rule, but in 1925, a riot sparked, and in 1926, the unrest escalated into full-scale revolution. One key revolutionary was accually a British supporter, and used his many connections to establish a goverment with him at it's head but ruled as a puppet state of Britain's after the revolution. In 1937, Britain attacked Lingostan after it severed ties with Britain entirely, and Jero soon joined in the conflict hoping to get a piece of the county.

However, in 1940, the Japanese attacked and routed the Jerese and Lingostani troops, and forced the British to retreat. Lingostan and Jero where ruled by Japan until 1943 when the USA captured it and ruled it until 1946. After that, Amares Emmeray, daughter of former leader James Emmeray ruled until 1949, when she was assainated. Arthur Zasmir took over as president of Lingostan, and under his rule, he established the Lingostani constituition, created the modern Lingostani goverment, and established defined holdings on teritories for Lingostan and the entire archipeligo it exists in.

In 1970, a rebellion started in the Yitane Isles, stating independance as it's ultimate goal. This rebellion became a bloody conflict that lasted from 1970 to 1974 and resulted in Lingostan capuring the island of Zantara, which was ceded to Jero in 2006. After it, Lingostan began to disarm and scale down defense spending.

In 1988, Eveler Neshara came to power in Lingostan as the result of an emergancy election after the murder of the previous president. It was unkwown at the time that he was infact behind the murder. He then implemented a new law that made elections after emergency elections take place 5 years after the previous election, instead of at the time they would have taken place if the emergancy election did not happen. In 1993 he was murdered while aboard the Royal class cruiser LSV Ghost, in a terrorist attack that brought the ship down. In 1994, his son, Gregory Neshara took power, and no elections have been held since.

Lingostan played a small roll in the Chitzeland revolution, with two Lingostani cruisers firing missiles that destroyed a Pudite Lionfish class destroyer and helped destroy the Helina class Battlecruiser Holy Ward during the battle of Locke, as well as holding a small city near Zarzor for the period that Lingostan was involved in the war, and fighting in the battle of Locke in the air and on the ground.