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Cliffton Metropolitan Area
Founded : 287 BC
Population: 32,252,421
Function : Financial and Adminstrative Centre
District: Cliffton Metropolitan Authority
County: Royal Forrest
Region: Cliffton Duchy
Parties :
  • Maanenland First
  • Democratic Socialist Alliance
  • Maanenland Minority Movement
  • Liberal Democratic Party of Maanenland
  • Maanenland National Party
  • Independant Alliance
  • Cliffton Secession Movement
  • [[Worker's Justice Party]
  • Social Christian Party
  • Save the Public Sector Party
  • Green & Environmental Party
  • People's Democratic Movement
  • Executive: Liberal Democratic Party of Maanenland
    Mayor: Sublieutenant Alex Miere]]
    Map: File:ClifftonCity.gif

    Cliffton City is the largest city in the nation of Maanenland and has the greatest metropolitan areas of all Maanenic cities. The City of Cliffton is a world centre for commerce and diplomacy. Large immigration to the city in the 1970s has given the city a very cosmopolitan feel whilst integrating new cultures into the mainstream.

    The city is located in Cliffton Duchy and is it's capital city , it is also it's own metropoltian county. It is the historic seat of power of Maanenland and so has a wide range of historical monuments as well as some of the most cutting edge in modern architecture.

    It's large population of over 30 million is a mix of heavily concentrated high-rise development in riverside boroughs surrounded by ultra-low density suburbia.

    Up to 15% of the entire output of Maanenland is from Cliffton , although the city contains some of the worlds richest districts the level of unequality is higher in the area then anywhere else in the nation.

    The Metropolitan District of Cliffton

    The city itself (as opposed to the metropolitan district) is at the very centre of the conurbation. It is the oldest and most densley populated of the boroughs of Cliffton. Politically it is split into 3 seperate parliamentary constituencies , Cliffton Central , Cliffton City and Cliffton Oakheath all of which are Maanenland First controlled. The city council is also held by Maanenland First.

    Geography and Climate

    The Cliffton Metropolitan Area covers an area of 710 square miles . The river Cliffton flows through the centre and so has made Cliffton a small but important port on the river which has shaped the cities geography and economy. Development originally started on the south bank of the river as it is much higher than the former swamplands of the north that were regarded as being un-navigatiable. The south is therefore much more historic. There traditionally has been only one bridge at Crossford up until the advent of steel and modern building procedures.As the city is situated on a large plain there has been no relief to impediment the growth of the city and so it has grown and sprawled in a circular fashion.

    The River Cliffton in the city has been largely untouched by man and contiues to flow much as it did when the city was first founded. There has been some canal and aquaduct building downstream however due to the problems of flooding during the winter months. These "ditches" remain dry most of the year round and are regarded as eyesores by many of the locals. An alternative is currently under investigation.

    Maritime winds give the city a temperate climate. There are hot summers usually followed by severe winters with heavy , but not frequent , rain throughout the year. In the winter months up to 70% of the days are overcast. Summer temperatures usually peak at 37c however global warming is starting to push this higher. Heavy snowfalls are a major problem in the winter months with several metres falling in relativly short time. This is hampered by temperatures that frequently dip down to -10c. Anthropogenic heat is seen as a problem in the city , in summer months it is not uncommon for temperatures to be 15c higher in the centre than the surrounding countryside which puts large strains on the city's water supply.


    The name Cliffton originally came from an early settlement closer to the cliffs with the border of the Dycan valley. The original name of the city was Naer Cliffrie (Near Cliffs in ancient maanenic). The Naer part fell out of popular usage. Another theory is that the name of the city was taken from the surrounding territory , the cliffed area.

    The fortified settlement of Ciffrie was the adminstrative centre of the surrounding counties and was seen as a beacon of civilisation in stone age Maanenland. Evidence of pre-Feudal times has largely been destroyed or built over with the exception of an ex-watch tower at Hanson Point called St. John's tower which has been preserved by the local population and is a popular attraction for tourists.

    As the city expanded it attracted the attention of nearby rivals who were becoming concerned about the strength of the early city , with a population of nearly 900 it was by far the largest settlement in Maanenland at this time. This resulted in what is known as the Great War of Dycan between Cliffton City and a coalition of surrounding states in 11 AD. The invasion was compromised when the early diplomat and explorer Vilnus van Benn heard of the plot and raced back to his home city to warn the Lord Mayor. After the sucessful repulsion of forces from the city the city governors decided to annexe large swathes of land around the city increasing the population of the city-state (and so it's power) massivly forming a new coaltion called Dernforn in 112 AD.

    In 712 the city formed an agreement with Kingsborough to form the Cliffton Duchy with the city at it's centre. At the centre of the United Kingdom of the Maanenlands the city flourished.

    During the civil war the city was the base from which the hordes of Edward van Maanen conquered the rest of the nation. The King of Maanenland was beheaded in Fletchurch Castle in the city , today a popular tourist attraction.

    Cliffton City then grew steadily over centuries, surrounding and making suburbs of neighbouring villages and towns, farmland, countryside, meadows and woodlands, spreading in every direction.

    Modern Cliffton

    Today the authority area compromises the city-centre (Cliffton City) and several surrounding boroughs that are united under the Metropolitan Authority of Cliffton. The centre for activity in the city is the Royal Borough which is the main cultural , shopping and entertainment district of the city and is a cultural beacon to the world. Most of the Maanenland Governments day to day activities take place also within the royal borough. The home of most of Maanenland's largest manufacturing giants is based in the commercial sector of the city called the Alliance District.

    Cliffton attracts large amounts of tourists and tourism from around the world. The main attractions in the city are the historic Town of Cliffton which has remained largely untouched in over 400 years. The Royal Borough is a major hotspot due to it's high number of bars , shops , restaurants , cinemas and pubs. The government section of the city in the royal borough also attracts large amounts of people as access is denied to the state capital. The Royal Houses of the van Maanen dynasty are a major tourist attraction and limited tours are given around them. Duchy Row is a major tourist attraction where the great and good for Maanenland's past look down on onlookers as they walk down The Mall. The main road from the historic Maanenland capital to the present day residence of the Maaneland Royal Family. The rivarly with Stretford has produced amazing architecture such as the UID Building and Cliffton Central Railway Station.

    Clifton Metropolitan Districts

    City District

    Is the legal City of Cliffton and the first major settlement in the area.

    Alliance District

    The alliance district is the national centre for the giants of the Maanenland economy such as the automobile industry and other such manufacturing concerns. It is the most autonomous of the districts and has its own limited government. It is governed by the Lieutenant of the Alliance who resides in the Alliance Building , the third largest building in the city and nation. It has it's own army , navy , airforce , police and legal system. Historically the area was the centre for rich industrialists to meet and discuss matters of state. Thus security has always been a major concern.

    Royal Borough

    The Royal Borough is reffered to as The Soul of the City (as opposed to the Alliance district which is known as the heart) . It contains the most stunning architecture and is the home of the Maanenland beauracary. It is also the shopping and cultural captial of the nation , the most famous shopping street being Canley Road where most major highstreet stores have their flagship.

    In the west of the district is the SoHo district which is home to the alternative lifestyles of the nation. Crime is a major problem in the small alleyways.

    The New City

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    New City Development After Construction

    The New City was the former industrial centre of the city , during the industrial revolution it had some of the worst living conditions in the nation. So in 1952 the duchy government tore down nearly one hundered square miles of the city. Planners from around the world then gathered to propose ideas for a completely new city.

    The New City saw thousands of tower blocks and new estates built where there were once thriving communities. This expnensive decision is still being paid off by the government.

    It was soon apparent that the project was a failure and the area soon became infested with crime and disorder as well as major strucutral flaws. Organised crime flourished despite huge police funding , the matters were made worse when waves of immigrants arrived on the shores of Maanenland. This culimnated in race riots lasting nearly two months.

    The New City is currently undergoing massive renovation.


    Greenbank is an area of the city to the south of The New City that was left untouched by the development work of the 1960s redevelopment plan. Although living standards are poor here there is a strong community spirit and working class culture. As it has been undeveloped it is a chance to see the city as it once was.

    Gentrifcation has been bitterly resisted in the area as has attempts by the duchy government which see's the area as somewhat of an embarrassment of the nation. Despite this crime is low and employment has remained stable for many years , in stark contrast to the rest of the city.


    Holmeschurch was one of the first settlements on the north side of the river. It is a strong cultural centre with many independant art studies , galleries , film production and theatre.


    In 1799 the city had roughly 500,000 inhabitants making it at the time of the most populated cities in the world.

    Residents of Cliffton are known as Clifftonians and has an official metropolitan population of 33million people.

    As of the last census the largest ethnic group as White-Maanenic with 87% of the population reporting that. The largest religion is Christian with 8% of the population reporting that they are devout followers of christianity.

    Government and Politics

    The Metropolitan District of Cliffton is split into several boroughs and The Alliance District. The boroughs are by far the most important unit of local government in Cliffton and are responsible for the majority of public services in the area.

    The Cliffton Metropolitan Authority is the city-wide body resonsible for co-ordination the boroughs , strategic planning and running some city services such as police , fire service and infrastructural services. The Authority consists of a union of the boroughs under the Lord Sublieutenant. He/she is elected by the Single Transferable Vote system as are the members who sit in the parliament.

    The current Lord Lieutenant Basil Arkwright was elected as Maanenland First candidate in the 2001 elections.

    The authority area was created in 1982 to follow on from the Cliffton County Council under the local government reform plans of the time.

    The police force for the city is known as the Cliffton Metropolitan Police Force but is commonly referred to as the Citybeat.

    Transport and Infrastructure

    Transport is administered localled by the Cliffton Metropolitan Authority Area Transport Agency but has it's financial control limited by the Duchy.The public transport network is one of the most extensive in the world, but faces congestion and reliability issues. The network is one of the most complex transit systems in the world with just over 8 billion journeys used every year on the underground alone.

    The networks for transport are : Cliffton Underground , Busses , River Services , Cliffton CitiLink (monorail and maglev) , MaanenRail and the Elevated Railway System.


    The Cliffton borough of Horsemarket is the cities educational hub and contains almost every single major museum including the Maanenland State Museum , the Duchy War Museum , the Civil War Museum and the Museum of Industria are the most popular.

    In this district is the historic King's University Maanenland and Cliffton Open University. Two of the best univerisites in their fields in the world. Local colleges and high schools as well as public libraries are interwoven within the "University" district , the largest university campus in Europe.


    The majority of nationwide media outlets are located in Stretford. Cliffton is a secondary media town where every single major network has at least one base. The original broadcasting studios of RMBC are still in operation and carry some services.

    The majority of popular national newspapers are situated within Cliffton. The local media however is also very strong producing papers such as The Cliffton Local and The Cliffton Guardian.

    Society and Culture

    Style and Fashion

    The Royal District of Cliffton is the capital of Maanenland fashion with headquaters and flagship stores of such high profile Maanenic designers such as Thom , Hautuia and John Cougland.

    Accompanying this is in the same district is Market Street fashion district where most designers have their own often unique designer stores down the street. The entrance and exit to the street are the world famous Piccadilly and Coerpor department stores.


    Historically Cliffton was not the natural place for writers , especially dissenting writers , to be based and write about due to harsh censorship and penalities from the government in the city.

    Nevertherless the city has produced some of the nations greatest industrial age works of fiction such as Marshes and Lions , a story telling of a Cliffton filled with villians.

    It was also the writing place of world-reknowned playwright Elliot Clinton and formed the location for most of his better known plays , most notable Tommmorowe.

    Parades and Events

    The highlight of Cliffton's event season is the Midsummer Parade which starts the two day long Midsummer Festival which attracts large numbers of tourists from miles around attracted to it's often colourful displays and the appearance of the Duke of Cliffton himself who starts the holiday which usually consists of music , street festivals and large feasts.

    The first Tuesday of May see's the city shut down for the annual March of the City. This parade is not one parade and consists of several different parades in each community where community groups from the scouts to the local police force march for their organisation , this is usually a high-profile event and a source of pride for the local communities involved.


    Cliffton has a diverse range of leisure activites that were primarilly designed for the local population but have been increasingly catered for international tourists to the city.

    === Entertainment and Shopping ===