Lisburn Mateys

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Lisburn Mateys
Flag URL
Flag of Lisburn Mateys
Motto: Motto
Region United Kingdom
Capital Lisburn
Official Language(s) English, Ulster-scots, gaellic
Leader Edwin Poots
Population 625 million
Currency Primero 
NS Sunset XML

Formed a long time ago when nine local Barons decided to merge together in order to defend their lands from maurauding vigilantes from nations such as Ballymurphy drive. Each Baron of the nine provinces signed an agreement stating their approval of all laws passed to come in affect in their province and the enstatment of a parliament which rotated annually around each province.

The nine provinces , Lisburn, Dunmurry, Poleglass, Ballymacash, Maze, Crumlin, Moira, Glenavy, Hillsborough and Dromore have had their fair share of ups and downs over the years, for example choosing a national capital which saw Dromore threaten to leave the commonwealth, and also the great line of Windsor dicator ship which saw the commonwealth plunge into darkness and the world turned their back. The commonwealth of Lisburn Mateys have only just come out of those dark days five years ago after a vicous 30 year war in the country and are thriving, with a very strong economy and more recently sports teams.

The real love in the Commonwealth of Lisburn Mateys is football which has recently emerged on the world scene

Primerio Liga

For many years the commenwealth of Lisburn Mateys was living under a Dictatorship rule. No information got in or out.

With the resent change in government however the country has become more open especially after the nations agreement to sign up for both world cup 28 and the under 21 cup, along with the baptism of fire. News has reached the international community about the league structure in the Lisburn Mateys

A brief History

The league system began 30 years ago in the city of Hillsborough but consisted of only 3 teams, Downshire FC, Hillsborough Boys and Lisburn Youth. Each team played each other twice home and away. Downshire FC eventually won the first ever of what came to be known as the primerio liga 10 years later.

The sport was a success with at present the league consisting of ten teams. There are no real leagues outside the primerio liga and therefore no teams can currently be relegated, instead the Managing Directors of each club along with sports minister (no FA yet) decided that only teams with an average attendance of 8 000 or more are to be allowed to play in the primerio liga. This was how the first eight teams were chosen, with Seymour Hill and Crewe being added 15 and 20 years later respectivly after the first season.

Past winners (After 10 years from the first 3 team tournament)

  • Downshire FC
  • Downshire FC
  • Hillsborough Boys
  • Downshire FC
  • Lisburn Youth
  • Downshire FC
  • Lisburn Distillery
  • Lisburn Distillery
  • Downshire FC
  • Hillsborough Boys
  • Dromara Village
  • Lower Maze
  • Crewe
  • Lisburn Youth
  • Lisburn Distillery
  • Lisburn Distillery
  • Hillsborough Boys
  • Lisburn Distillery
  • Lisburn Distillery
  • Lisburn Distillery
  • Crewe

Most successful club (in primerio liga) = Lisburn Distillery (7 time winners)

Most successful overall = Downshire FC (10 time winners)


Ballymacash Rangers

Stadium = Rafarnet Park (Ballymacash) Capacity = 19 184


Stadium = Moira Road (Glenavy) Capacity = 30 602

Crumlin United

Stadium = Airport Road (Crumlin) Capacity = 28 400

Downshire FC

Stadium = Ansan Stadium (Hillsborough) Capacity = 35 000

Dromara Village

Stadium = Fornebu Arena Dromara) Capacity = 15 000

Hillsborough Boys

Stadium = Ansan Stadium (Hillsborough) Capacity = 35 000

Lisburn Distillery

Stadium = Ballyskea (Lisburn) Capacity = 34 700

Lisburn Youth

Stadium = Lambeg Park (Lisburn) Capacity = 15 000

Lower Maze

Stadium = National Stadium (Maze) Capacity = 69 901

Seymour Hill

Stadium = Lisburn Road (Dunmury) Capacity = 12 200

Primerio Liga last Season

Team Pts W D L GF GA GD
Crewe 42 13 3 2 30 16 +14
Distillery 31 9 4 5 27 18 +9
Crumlin Utd 29 8 5 5 24 20 +4
Hillsborough Boys 26 7 5 6 23 24 -1
Ballymacash 22 6 4 8 20 23 -3
Downshire FC 21 5 6 7 19 23 -4
Dromara Village 20 4 8 6 19 23 -4
Lisburn Youth 20 5 5 8 16 21 -5
Lower Maze 20 5 5 8 21 27 -6
Seymour Hill 19 5 4 9 18 22 -4

Award Player Position Team Nationality Other
Foreigner of season Vioerel Moldovan FC Crumlin Utd Bedipital Ape
Goalkeeper of the year Stuart Buffel GK Crumlin Utd Lisburn Matey
Player of season Richard Dougherty FC Crewe Lisburn Mateys
Top scorer Adrian Illi FC Lower Maze Bedipital Ape 17 goals
Young player of season Andrew Stewert DR Lisburn Distillery Lisburn Matey

Primerio, end of season applications

as the primerio division has no team being promoted to it or relegated from it teams have to go through an application process in order to reach Lisburn Mateys' top division. When the team enters the process their application is voted on by the current sports minister and a director from each club involved in the Primerio liga at present.Therefore currently there are 11 votes/voters

The teams asking to join are from the Mc Cheeses Championship which is effectivly the second best league in the country.There are two applicats this year

  • Lisburn Rangers
  • Dunmury Young Men

Lisburn Rangers


Have the biggest average attendance outside the Primerio Liga, along with the biggest stadium of 10 200, and also meet the required average attendance of 8000.

Disadvantages Not uncommon to hear sectarian and racist chanting from the crowds. Fans tend to get into fights and riots and matches both home and away against Poleglass snifffers have been behind closed doors for 4 years.

Final decision = Denied,,7 against - 4 for

Dunmury YM

Advantages Current Mc Cheeses Championship Holders They also have the current captain of the under 21 squad David Mc Cullough,

Disadvantages Do not meet required average attendance

Final decision = Denied ,,10 against - 1 for (Seymour Hill)

Dunmury have therefore decided to merge with Seymour hill as they do not see themselves gettin into the Primerio Liga any time soon, With Seymour hill having a very poor record in the Primerio Liga, this move will give them some very promising players and much larger fan base. Because of this the stadium will capacity will be increased to 17 000. The new Club will also be called Dunmour Hill.

There was a small joint protest by fans of both clubs however only around 350 people turned up in total as most fans seem to welcome the move and look forward to next seasons campaign

End of Season transfers

Stuart Buffel [GK] Crumlin United to Lisburn Distillery þ0.90 million

Vioerel Moldovan [FC] Crumlin United to Lisburn Distillery þ2.31 million

Patrick Kilarny [DC] Twinbrook Hustle to Crumlin United þ0.33 million

Martin Allen [GK] Dunmour Hill to Lisburn Youth þ0.12 million