Atlantian Outcasts

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Atlantian Outcasts
Flag of Atlantian Outcasts
Motto: For the Federation!
Region The Federated Klatchian Coast
Capital Posidopolis
Official Language(s) Atlantian, English
Leader Empress Atlantia, the Atlantian Senate
Population 6.7 Billion
Currency Credit 
NS Sunset XML

Note: The official title of this country is "The Imperial Federation of Atlantis"(Ignore Outcasts...the name is of an outdated direction I was going with AO...and since I can't edit my country's name...).

page construction is still underway...I'll get to it when I have time.

Timeline of Atlantis

Ancient History (Note…all dates are at best guess)

10,000 BZ (Before Zoir): The first major Atlantian political entities arise in on the planet of Atlantis in the Sentinel system, following a very similar pattern of development of Earth’s river valley civilizations.

6,000 BZ: Atlantis’s first world state is established, as the Tirkona war ends, putting the Tirkona Empire firmly in control of the entire planet. The technology level is about that of the Roman Empire.

5,500 BZ: The Tirkona empire collapses after several attempts at reforms, a civil war, and many rebellions. The world is plunged into a dark age.

2,000 BZ: 10 nations have firmly placed themselves as the sole powers on the planet, calling themselves “houses”. This will later be reflected as the 10 kings of Atlantis, and even later as how the senate is divided up. The technology is equal to that of 1800s Europe.

1,500 BZ: The House of Zeus has no heir, and the two biggest powers, Poseidon and Ra, both claim the house’s territory as their own. A full scale World War begins as the other houses all join in, supporting one side or the other. The technology level is that of WWII Earth.

1,400 BZ: After about a century of conflict, Ra’s major cities are obliterated by a storm of newly-developed Nuclear Missiles. Technology level is that of 80’s Earth. The fallout created by the missile strike ends with the climate of the planet being permanently changed. In addition, the economy collapses from the 100 year war. Angered, many joined a new movement that had taken control of the remains of the Osirus house; the Optimum Movement.

1,300 BZ: The Optimum Movement has control over most of the planet, only remains of Poseidon, Horus, and Thor manage to stem the flow of the Optimum’s advance. During the Optimum’s reign, a “survival of the fittest” design is implemented. Hospitals and homeless shelters are banned, as is science not directly controlled by the government. Thus, Libraries and Universities are also banned.

1000 BZ: The movement is overthrown after a 400 year reign partly thanks to rebel space instillations, illegally put up in orbit, as well as a general uprising.

950 BZ: Space technology advancement hits a peak, as the dying climate continues to degrade and people look for a way to escape. Atlantis is unified as the different houses all ally themselves under a Federation.

700 BZ: The first Atlantian FTL ship leaves orbit and makes it to the next planet in the system through a jump node. The government is re-organized into an empire, with 10 “kings”.

600 BZ: Expansion begins, as the new Atlantian Empire begins to colonize other systems in an attempt to flee their dying homeworld.

550 BZ: First contact with an alien species. They are of a lesser technological level then the Atlantians, and are easily eliminated.

400 BZ: Zoir expansion begins. They beat back an attacking Demon fleet from the Omega Centauri cluster on the edge of the Galaxy and seal them in a pocket dimension. Knowing the Demons are still out there, they begin to build up their fleets, and begin expanding their empire to support it.

450 BZ: Atlantis enters into “Pax Atlantica”, a time of relative peace where expansion has slowed. They encounter many nearby alien species of the same technological level as they. After initial skirmishes with them, the Atlantians help create a united alliance with the others. This period of peace lasts for several centuries.

100 BZ: The Zoir encounter the alliance, and begin their attack. Several of the early battles are in the alliance’s favor.

50 BZ: Things begin to go badly for the alliance as the war becomes more intense. Several species have been eliminated by this time. Others surrender.

10 BZ: The Atlantians stand as the only member of the alliance still standing, and the Zoir are slowly encroaching on their inner colonies. The government begins to construct massive “cloaking” devices around planets in the home system, in an attempt to hide from the Zoir.

5 BZ: Realizing the war is lost, the government focuses all remaining resources on constructing massive colony vessels that can carry billions of people.

1 BZ: The home system is laid under siege by the Zoir.

0: The Atlantian homeworld is destroyed. Several massive colony ships manage to escape during the final battle, although most don’t make it. One lands on Earth in an island chain in the mid-Atlantic. They struggle to rebuild their lost civilization alone.

200 AZ (After Zoir): The Atlantian colony on Earth begins to spread its influence on both sides of the Atlantic; both in Meso-America and the Mediterranean, helping to advance Earth’s culture.

500 AZ (10,000 BC): Atlantis begins to become power-hungry, taking control of Mexico, south-west US, Egypt, Mesopotamia, North Africa, Spain, and much of southern Europe. Only Greece manages to hold off Atlantis, led by Athens. Everntually, during the battle for Athens, Athenian terrorists manage to break into Atlantis and hijack a doomsday weapon, the “Thermal Bomb”. It is activated, ending the Earth’s last Ice Age and sinking Atlantis. The survivors flee to the territories once held by Atlantis. Over the ages, they advance Earth’s culture, trying to make life better for themselves.

Modern Era

12,500 AZ: Atlantis is re-established as a modern country in a chain of islands in the Pacific, near the APTO mainland. Atlantians and Centaurs migrate there after millennia of being scattered across the globe. The 10 houses are re-formed and a senate is put in charge.

12,510 AZ: Atlantis engages in several wars during its early days. Both Rukemian Wars, the Elarian Civil War, and Atlantis’s own Civil War. The only defeat comes at the Elarian Civil War. They also form an alliance with several other smaller countries. The Morning Star is created.

12,520 AZ: After a period of isolation, Atlantis joins the APTO and makes amends with Elara. They have begun to build a fleet of spaceships and begin to look to the stars. A star cluster near the location of old Atlantian space is found to be a decent home for Atlantis.

12,540 AZ: The transfer of the population from Earth to the new Atlantian Star Cluster is complete. They re-establish relations with the Zoir (who have recently regrouped from millennia of civil war and dark ages).

12,544 AZ: The Poseidon’s Fury; a colony ship, is discovered adrift in space. At the same time, demon ships are sighted, and a religious terrorist group called the Loki Loyalists rise, proclaiming the Demons to be the saviors that will rid the galaxy of all that is unclean.

12,545 AZ: The Demon War begins, as the demon fleet sealed away by the Zoir breaks free and attacks the Orion arm of the galaxy. After several costly battles, the Demons attack the Sol system and are ultimately defeated by a coalition of forces including Atlantis, Zoir, LRR, Phalanix, and Xanthal.

12,547 AZ: The rebel house of Isis and the Loki Loyalists conspire to take out the government. The capitol on the planet Cirrus is destroyed, although the senate survives. The second Atlantian Civil War begins.

12,548 AZ: After a brutal civil war, the senate manages to take out the rebels with the help of foreign intervention.

12,550 AZ: An expedition opens up a long-closed Jump Node to the old Atlantian home system. The planets cloaked to hide from the Zoir turn out to have survived, and are ready to take out both modern Atlantis and Zoir. What ensues is a series of brief skirmishes.

12,555 AZ: The Drovian war begins, as Elara wages a war of survival against the Drovians. Several of its allies, including Atlantis, join in. However, the Neo-Atlantians also join in and steal Elarian technology. Enraged, Elara engages in a cold war with Atlantis. Almost on the verge of war, the senate (with help from the LRR fleet) manages to convince Elara that the Atlantians and Neo-Atlantians are separate entities.

12,556 AZ: The Neo-Atlantians unleash a planet destroying weapon on the galaxy, the Typhon, during an APTO conference. The confrontation between the Typhon and the Atlantian fleet ends with the death of Senator Orion, and the destruction of the entire Neo-Atlantian system by a run-away Typhon.

12,559 AZ: Atlantis leaves the APTO, along with at least 11 other countries to form the short-lived Guardian Council. The shipyard Starchaser 2 in Sol’s Kuiper belt is bought from LRR and renamed Hope Shipyards.

12,560 AZ: Atlantis ups its military by expanding its fleet while removing most of its land army…with the exception of a genetic project, giving birth to the Anubite species as a means of shock troops.

12,561 AZ: Atlantis enters into a more isolationist policy. The Elarian and Zoir empires fall apart something in between this period and 12,590 AZ.

12,590 AZ: The little known 3rd gender of the Atlantian species begin a general riot. In response, several members of the fleet and senate devise a genocide plan to launch the rioters into stars. Word eventually gets out about this, crippling Atlantian ego.

12,593 AZ: Most the senate is killed in a raid by a rival faction, the Acendency. They assume control of the entire cluster. The rebellion, led by the remains of the Senate and the flagship, the Olympia, starts out holding only a few planets and Hope Shipyards.

12,595 AZ: The Acendency probes the defenses of the war-torn Phalanix, invoking the wrath of both Phalanix and the Crimmond pirate fleet.

12,596 AZ: The Atlantian civil war reaches a climax with the rebel victories at Tekara, Gree, and Dopa; as well as the intervention of Phalanix. One of the inhabited worlds in the Dopa system is cleansed of all life by the Ascendency-controlled Morning Star.

12,597 AZ: The war ends on a down note, the last battles being mere footnotes compared to the massive sieges of Allos and Cirrus. Atlantis becomes an “Imperial Federation” with the Senate and a new imperial monarchy being the two branches of the government. As the country is slowly rebuilt, plans are made for a new class of Super Battleship, smaller then the Omega class, meant to battle the Phalanixian vessels.

Major Species


The majority of the population has always been Atlantians. However, in recent years as more and more “non-Atlantian” species have learned to co-exist inside Atlantis’s borders, the domination of the Atlantians has faded somewhat. Atlantians currently make up about 75% of the population.

Characteristically, Atlantians have always been a warrior race. They developed such techniques as the Hoplite, the Phalanx, and other major army units and troop formations used often on ancient Earth. However, they have come to know peace since the old days, and enjoy it. They are extremely patriotic...and will kill anything that threatens their families and homes. Most Atlantians are trained in at least one form of self defense—many of them including blades or guns. They are also extremely elitist. Most races must prove their worth before the Atlantians will think of them as equals. And as such, most Terran nations have yet to do this.

Atlantians stand between 6 and 7 feet in height, and weigh around 200 pounds. They have deeply tanned skin, much like those of the Native Americans on Earth (or the middle Eastern peoples), and have silver hair, as there is no hair color gene. The average lifespan of an Atlantian is about 200 Earth years, although some are known to live to 300.

A little known fact about Atlantians—they have a third gender. The third gender, although they have shown some signs of intelligence, have been widely regarded as non-sentient.


Centaurs make up about 15% of the population. They exactly how you think of them—four legged horses with men’s torsos and heads. They are just like the Atlantians in many ways. They love warfare, even more so then the Atlantians. However, they aren’t very patriotic, as they tend to live out in clans in the wild. The average lifespan of a Centaur is about 500 Earth years. Due to their age, they learn much wisdom, despite the fact that they are a warrior species.


The Anubites are a race bred for war—literally. They are the result of a sucessful Atlantian military project aimed at the creation of shock troops. However, many Anubites have left the army since, and become full fledged Atlantian citizens. They adore sports and other athletics. These creatures make up about 8% of the population.

Anubites stand about 6 feet tall, and look like humanoid black jackals—much like the Egyptian god Anubis, who they are named after. They can jump about 10 feet into the air, and have lightning quick reflexes. An average lifespan is about 20 years, thus proving the theory “What burns shortest burns brightest”

The rest of the members listed here all fall under the same 2% of the population:


The Zoir Empire had a significant impact on the path of Atlantian history by destroying the old Atlantian homeworld before they came to Earth. However, the Zoir Empire has since vanished for unknown reasons. Some stray Zoir have found their way into the Federation, and made their home here.

Zoir are bear-like creatures who are, like many other Federation members, a war race. It is unknown how long they live.


The Terrans are the native sentient life form from Earth, and have somehow managed to dominate this portion of the Galaxy. They are a scamming, devious race, according to many non-Terran nations, and have no value of life (the reason for this belief is based in the fact that Terrans cannot seem to ally under one banner, but rather kill each other in combat). However, some Terrans seem to have good intentions, and several nations are respected by the Atlantians. A small number of Terrans have taken up home in Atlantis. Most of these have come from Atlantis’s old ally, Novus Romana de Italia, which no longer exists. The normal lifespan is about 100 Earth years of age.


You know about the Elves already. This species is a major one in the NS universe, although not as much as it used to be. They are immortal, and extremely wise. The normal likeness of an Elf would be the distinct pointy ears much resembling a Vulcan from Star Trek. They stand about as tall as a Terran—about 5 to 6 feet (although many are taller).

Systems and holdings in the Atlantian Star Cluster

(Note: Planet classes are those according to the "Star Trek: Star Charts" atlas)

Star 1: Kora Planet 1: Gron, Class B Planet 2: Vega, Class B Planet 3: Neka, Class N Asteroid Belt Planet 4: Cirrus, Class O (1.1 Billion) (Citadel 1) (6 Orion Shipyards) (3 Harpy Turret spheres) Moons: Uxau, Erabus (Class M) (400 Million) (1 Harpy Turret sphere), Uxual Planet 5: Watcha, Class J Rings: 6 Moons: Haxal, Orga, Wenta, Mantal Planet 6: Neku, Class P (5,000) Moons: Boron

Star 2: Vitar Planet 1: Kal, Class B Planet 2: Bron, Class C Planet 3: Xal, Class G Planet 4: Jululth, Class O (200 Million) (1 Harpy Turret sphere) Asteroid Belt Planet 5: Palta, Class I Rings: 18 Moons: Rona, Roga, Thal Planet 6: Pelga, Class P (300 Million) (Citadel 2) (1 Harpy Turret sphere)

Star 3: Lazon A, Lazon B, Lazon C Planet 1: Ralla, Class F Planet 2: Valla, Class K (3,000) Moon: Brotha Planet 3: Exo, Class P (100 Million) (1 Harpy Turret sphere)

Star 4: Dopa Planet 1: Rolka, Class F Planet 2: Allos, Class O (600 Million) (Citadel 3) (3 Harpy Turret spheres) Moons: Mislen, Brotha Planet 3: Meridian, Class J Moons: Druoda (Class Y)

Star 5: Avenal A, Avenal B Planet 1: Triza, Class H Planet 2: Yama, Class H Asteroid Belt (Mining Outpost Beta) Planet3: Tizza, Class K Planet4: Pant, Class L

Star 6: Portas Planet 1: Vanderos, Class G Moon: Maldor (Class O) (300 Million) (Citadel 7) (1 Harpy Turret sphere) Planet 2: Pela, Class N

Star 7: Mempa A Planet 1: Mempa B, Class T

Star 8: Oblissa A, Oblissa B Planet 1: Marno, Class K Moon: Rathma Planet 2: Vena, Class I

Star 9: Gree Planet 1: Metha, Class B Planet 2: Tholia, Class H (400 Million) (Citadel 6) (1 Harpy Turret sphere) Planet 3: Psi, Class C Moon: Yathma

Star 10: Keloda Planet 1: Orthia, Class M (400 Million) (Citadel 5) (1 Harpy Turret sphere) Moon: Ethera Planet 2: Thera, Class Y Asteroid Belt Planet 3: Nathica, Class N Planet 4: Lathica, Class F

Star 11: Trabe A, Trabe B, Trabe C, Trabe D Asteroid Belt Planet 1: Meni, Class D Planet 2: Isaros, Class P (Mining Outpost Epsilon) Asteroid Belt

Star 12: Argala Planet 1: Vernar, Class M (1 Billion) (Citadel 4) (3 Orion Shipyards) (3 Harpy Turret spheres) Planet 2: Uxal, Class M (500 Million) (Citadel 8) (1 Harpy Turret sphere) Asteroid Belt

Star 13: Takar

Star 14: Trakia Planet 1: Bertha, Class Y (Mining Outpost Gamma)

Star 15: Seros

Star 16: Tekara Planet 1: Ven, Class B Planet 2: Zalkon, Class M (300 Million) (Citadel 9) (1 Harpy Turret sphere) Moons: Geratha, Bentha (Class O) Asteroid Belt Planet 3: Hurcon, Class C Moon: Thalamas (Class M) (300 Million) (1 Harpy Turret sphere)

Star 17: Hazari Asteroid Belt (Mining Outpost Alpha)

Star 18: Turi Planet 1: Ul, Class O Planet 2: Litha, Class M Planet 3: Rola, Class H (5,000) Moons: Rolba (Class O) (300 Million) (Citadel 10) (1 Harpy Turret sphere) Planet 4: Yera, Class K

Star 19: Malador A, Malador B

Star 20: Ubea Planet 1: Gratha, Class H Asteroid Belt Planet 2: Vika, Class J Moons: Mintha, Boro, Denta (Mining Outpost Delta) Planet 3: Wek, Class J Moon: Kil

Atlantian Forces

(Note: these forces are projected for sometime in the fall)

50 Fleets (5 are active, the rest are mothballed and in reserve for all out war): 1 Omega Flagship (only in first ten fleets. However, they are all mothballed during peace) 1 Orion Super Battleship (all are mothballed during peace) 3 Leviathan Battleship 4 Titan Carriers 8 Oceanus Heavy Cruisers 12 Pyramid Light Cruisers 25 Centaur Destroyers 25 Barracuda Scout Class 5 Exodus Gunships 20 Phoenix Cargo Ships Total in one fleet: 103 ships (104 in the Omega fleets) 700 Obelisk Bombers (1000 in the Omega fleets) 1100 Manta Fighters (1600 in the Omega fleets) 315 Scarab Shuttles (365 in the Omega fleets) Total Small Craft: 2115 (2965 in the Omega fleets)

Total (all ships): 5810 ships Total active in peacetime: 515 ships Total Small Craft (Includes Base Craft): 122350

50 Armies (all in reserve): Each Army Contains: 50,000 Hoplite Infantry 20,000 Centaur Cavalry 10,000 Anubite Heavy Infantry 50 Zeus Mechs 50 Hyperon Mechs 50 Chariot Tanks 5 Centurion Heavy Tanks 1 Zenith Battle Carrier 25 Manta Fighters 25 Obelisk Bombers Total in one Army: 80,000 men, 156 heavy, 50 flyers Total: 4,000,000 men, 7800 heavy, 2500 flyers

Special Forces: 5,000 Trident Guards

Defenses: 10 Citadel Battlestations 20 spheres of Harpy defense turrets (1 covering each inhabited planet/moon of over 100 Million) (Cirrus, Vernar, and Allos all have three) 9 Orion Shipyards (6 in orbit of Cirrus, 3 in orbit of Vernar) 1 LLR shipyard (Starchaser 2, renamed Hope Shipyards. In Sol’s Kuiper Belt) 5 Mining Outposts


Omega Flagship [2] 10 Kilometers Virtually no maneuverability 100 Orcalic Beam Cannons 100 Plasma Cannons Shields/Cloak/Ablative Armor 50,000 Total personal (note, personal does not include family members or civilians) 300 Obelisk Bombers 500 Manta Fighters 50 Scarab Shuttles 5 Zenith Battle Carriers (optional) The new flagship of the fleet, the Omega is one of a kind, although four more are being designed to combat Phalanix’s larger ships. Averaging out to about 10 kilometers in length, the Omega nears the size of a starbase; and is in fact just that. A mobile starbase that can construct, repair, and re-supply whole fleets at a time. It is also the most powerful ship in the fleet, with more guns then one could imagine.

Orion Super Battleship [3] 5 Kilometers Low Maneuverability 50 Orcalic Beam Cannons 50 Plasma Cannons Shields/Cloak/Ablative Armor 30,000 Total personal 100 Obelisk Bombers 200 Manta Fighters 25 Scarab Shuttles 2 Zenith Battle Carriers (optional) The Orion derives its name from the late Senator Orion, who was instrumental in building the modern Atlantian nation and driving it forward during the early days. It was designed, as well as the older and bigger brother Omega class, to combat ships of Phalanaxian origin, who’s vessels were naturally much larger then the Atlantian ships. While still quite small in comparison to some of the said ships, the Orion and Omega classes are still capable of withstanding heavy bombardment while dishing out the same if not more.

Leviathan Battleship [4] 2 Kilometers Moderate Maneuverability 25 Orcalic Beam Cannons 25 Plasma Cannons Shields/Cloak/Ablative Armor 10,000 Total personal 50 Obelisk Bombers 100 Manta Fighters 5 Scarab Shuttles As newer, faster warships appeared on the battlefield (and tactics such as the Crimmond vessels being designed to ram other ships and survive), the Atlantian Senate feared that the aging Titan battleship, the flagship of the fleet, would soon become obsolete due to its slow maneuverability. However, the Senate wanted to keep a “carrier” on the field without having to create two different classes of ships. Thus, the Leviathan was born. Slightly smaller then the Titan, it houses about 1 third of the fighters that the Titan could house. However, it makes up for it by being far more maneuverable.

Titan Carrier [5] 1.5 Kilometers Super Low Maneuverability 20 Orcalic Beam Cannons 20 Plasma Cannons Shields/Cloak/Ablative Armor 8,000 Total personal 150 Obelisk Bombers 300 Manta Fighters 5 Scarab Shuttles Although feared to become obsolete, the Titan has actually become the official “Carrier” for the fleet, having three times as many fighters and bombers than the newer Leviathan class. It also showcases an impressive amount of firepower. The ship’s one weakness is the same as all of the older classes: It is too damn slow and unmaneuverable.

Oceanus Heavy Cruiser [6] 950 Meters High Moderate Maneuverability 15 Orcalic Beam Cannons 15 Plasma Cannons 400 Gravity Mines 3 Atomic Torpedo Launchers Shields/Cloak/Ablative Armor 5,000 Total personnel 3 Scarab Shuttles As the “non-classic/aero-dynamic” design of the Leviathan class became extremely popular, the Senate voted to replace every class in the fleet. Unlike classes of old, the new generation of ships where based on maneuverability, instead of how many fighters and weapons one could hold. No class except the battleship housed fighters anymore, and so the ship classes where smaller. The Oceanus was the exception. It was an “homage” to the older classes. However, it proved just as clumsy and bulky as its older kin, and so the class was scrapped. But instead of creating a completely new class, the Senate just “upgraded” several Centaur light cruisers, making them bigger, more powerful, and slightly less fast. It utilizes several disposable types of weaponry.

Pyramid Light Cruiser [7] 600 Meters Moderate Maneuverability 15 Orcalic Beam Cannons 15 Plasma Cannons 500 Gravity Mines Shields/Cloak/Ablative Armor 800 Total personnel 3 Scarab Shuttles Replaced by the Oceanus as heavy cruiser, the Pyramid still has the function of supporting larger ships in battle, especially the Titan carrier. It is exactly what one thinks of when one mentions Atlantis—a giant flying Pyramid.

Centaur Destroyer [8] 350 Meters Super High Maneuverability 5 Orcalic Beam Cannons 5 Plasma Cannons 1 Ion Disruptor 1 Sensor Jammer Shields/Cloak/Ablative Armor 300 Total personnel 1 Scarab Shuttle The avatar of perfection itself in terms of maneuverability, the Centaur puts new meaning into the phrase “Fast Flying”. This ship is small, compact, and is designed to outmaneuver anyone and anything. In addition, it is the fastest ship in the fleet, faster then even the Manta class fighter.

Barracuda Scout Class [9] 150 Meters High Maneuverability 5 Orcalic Beam Cannons 5 Plasma Cannons Shields/Cloak/Ablative Armor 150 Total personnel 1 Scarab Shuttle While the Barracuda was “demoted” from its classification as Destroyer when the Jaguar was built, this older class still serves in the fleet. The Barracuda patrols the edges of Atlantian space, as well as the Sol system frequently, looking for signs of trouble for Atlantis. They usually travel in packs of two or three.

Exodus Gunship [10] 1 Kilometer Low Maneuverability 10 Orcalic Beam Cannons 10 Plasma Cannons 10,000 Maximum Soldier Load Shields/Cloak/Ablative Armor 100 Total Personnel 25 Scarab Shuttles 2 Zenith Battle Carriers A new “next generation” upgrade of an old class, the Exodus still serves as the primary troop ship for the Atlantian Federation. It is slow, clumsy, yet still looks as if its part of the newer generation of ship classes, thanks to its massive upgrades. However, be warned—it is still armed to the teeth, and can take a shit load of punishment from enemy forces. It lands troops by launching either Zenith Battle Carriers or Scarab Shuttles down to the planet.

Phoenix Cargo Ship [11] 400 Meters Low Maneuverability 5 Orcalic Beam Cannons Cloak/Ablative Armor 100 Total Personnel 2 Scarab Shuttles In the same boat as the Exodus, the Phoenix is also an old class of ship treated with massive upgrades. It too is slow and bulky, but it also lacks in the weapons department (It may have something to do with the fact that these cargo ships are military versions of civilian freighters). These ships have the duty to send supplies, weather it be medical, arms, or food.

Manta Fighter [12] 20 Meters Ultra High Maneuverability 1 Orcalic Mini Beam 2 Orcalic Pulse Cannons Ablative Armor 1 Total Personnel Originally designated the “Swarm” fighters, these are twice as maneuverable as the older Obelisk class. These are launched from either the battle stations or the battleships. They utilize newer technology in the fact that all of the “Orcalic” weapons are “mini”. Smaller versions of the weapon, half the effect on enemy vessels.

Obelisk Bomber [13] 30 Meters High Maneuverability 2 Orcalic Mini Beam 2 Plasma Cannons 25 Gravity Mines Ablative Armor 1 Total Personnel Now used as the “Bomber” of the fleet, the Obelisk is still in service, thanks to its large storage hold, making it also a class-A minelayer. They have been upgraded, now outfitted with the “Mini” weapons, like the Manta. The bombers main mission is to take down enemy capital ships, while the Manta focuses on other enemy fighters and bombers.

Scarab Shuttle [14] 70 Meters Low Maneuverability 1 Plasma Cannons 5 Total Personal 500 Troop Limit The Scarab Shuttle is a troop ship, designed to assault planets and starbases from its mother ship (usually and Exodus, although Titans and Leviathan’s occasionally fulfill this task). They latch onto the hull of an enemy vessel and cut it open using a phaser, allowing marines to pass through.


Harpy Orcalic Turrets [15] 10 Meters 3 Orcalic Pulse Cannons These ancient unmanned instillations have only one purpose—to keep you out. They are cheap, quick to produce, and easy to move. Large groups of these can take down entire fleets if the enemy is unprepared.

Citadel Battle Station [16] 10 Kilometers (in height) 30 Orcalic Beam Cannons 50 Plasma Cannons 1 Neutron Destabilizer Shields/Ablative Armor 50,000 Total Personnel 300 Obelisk Bombers 500 Manta Fighters 10 Scarab Shuttles This is the central nerve of the fleet. This is where ships are built, repaired, de-commissioned, and re-supplied. Originally only able to serve four ships at a time via four platforms, the stations have since undergone refitting to include two more shipyards underneath the platforms.

Orion Shipyards 3 Kilometers (width) Shields 8,000 Total personnel The Orion class Shipyard is essentially a large complex of shipyards lined up. It can construct most ships (excluding a Leviathan, Titan, Exodus, and an Omega, due to width constraints), but is very fragile and only has a system of shields to support it.

Mining Outpost 500 Meters Shields 2 Orcalic Beam Cannons 2 Plasma Cannons 150 Total personnel 2 Scarab Shuttles A mining outpost is usually constructed in an unpopulated or lightly populated system where a major source of a valuable “must have” material is located, but there are no major populated worlds nearby to do the job. These outposts may also be used as a “spy” by the government, as a way to keep a lookout for potential enemy threats in frontier systems.


Hoplite Infantry Body Armor 1 Orcalic Rifle Species: All except Centaurs and Anubites Hoplites have been the center of Atlantian armies since the Atlantian race first learned how to walk. These where eventually modified and placed on Greek battlefields centuries after the Atlantian colony on Earth failed, but the concept remains the same—except now they got guns. Big guns.

Centaur Cavalry Body Armor 1 Orcalic Twin Rifle Species: Centaur As Centaurs could not fight in the regular infantry due to their size, a new division was formed. The Centaurs fit the twin rifle around their waist, and fire in unison as they charge down a hill. Occasionally, regular Hoplites will “ride” the Centaurs as they charge, also firing, making the advancing wall twice as deadly.

Anubite Heavy Infantry Body Armor 1 Orcalic Rifle Species: Anubite The Anubites did not evolve naturally. They where the successful result of an Atlantian genetic program designed to create new, deadly foot soldiers molded after the old Egyptian god “Anubis”. They can jump as high as a yard into the air, and come down either with guns blazing or with claws extended—aimed at your neck.

Zeus High Maneuverability 2 Orcalic Pulse Cannon Turrets 1 Reasonator 1 Total Personnel The Zeus is one of the oldest heavy artillery pieces still active. It has gone though innumerable upgrades, and still remains a worthy Mech.

Hyperon Low Maneuverability 1 Ion Disrupter (disables a vehicle for a short period) 4 Orcalic Pulse Cannon Turrets 1 Total Personnel The other form of Mech on the field is the Hyperon. It is meant to be the brawn on the battle field, it’s slower form and heavier arsenal complementing the more maneuverable Zeus perfectly.

Chariot Tank Moderate Maneuverability 1 Plasma Cannon 2 Total Personnel The Chariot tank was designed as an “all-terrain vehicle”, devised to traverse any and all territory to reach its destination as fast as possible. It is usually employed in “Blitzkrieg” operations, where a quick roll over of enemy lines is needed.

Centurion Heavy Tank Low Maneuverability 3 Plasma Cannons 10 Total Personnel The Centurion isn’t meant for blitzkrieg operations like its smaller brother. Its main focus is firepower, to just completely flatten anything in its path.

Zenith Battle Carrier Almost no Maneuverability 20 Orcalic Pulse Cannon Turrets 20 Plasma Cannons 50,000 Hoplite Infantry 20,000 Centaur Cavalry 10,000 Anubite Heavy Infantry 50 Zeus Mechs 50 Hyperon Mechs 50 Chariot Tanks 5 Centurion Heavy Tanks 25 Manta Fighters 25 Obelisk Bombers 100 Total Personnel Ablative Armor Shields The Battle Carrier is the Omega of the ground, averaging out to several hundred meters. It is designed to carry an entire army into the heart of battle, and taking a beating while doing so. However, due to its size it is very slow and unmanageable…only its massive guns can hope to keep enemy forces at bay. It is also used as the main “drop ship” for the fleet when attacking a planet, and they need a force larger then a Scarab shuttle can carry to do the job. As such, it is capable of atmospheric and orbital flight

Special Forces:

Trident Guards: Body Armor 1 Trident 1 Orcalic Rifle/ Twin Orcalic Rifle Race: All Trident Guards are not normal military. They are the personal protectors of the senate members (as well as other high ranking people when they visit the senate—such as Admirals). As the last line of defense, they are expertly trained, yet don’t have to use their skills that often. Their Tridents are both hand-to-hand weapons, as well as projectiles. They fire Orcalic blasts from their tips at the enemy.

Orcalic Beam Cannons: These are beam weapons based off older Orcalic lasers, and later, phasers. As the third generation of beam weapons, they are able to burrow through enemy shields and hulls. Orcalic is a strange metal alloy that is rare on Earth. Its strange electro-magnetic properties allow it to be channeled into an energy weapon using the right technology.

Plasma Cannons: Plasma Cannons are some of the oldest Atlantian weaponry still in use. They fire a concentrated burst of plasma (Matter on the verge of becoming Energy) at another enemy ship. These blasts dissipate over a short distance, part of it cooling down into gas, while other parts evaporate into energy.

Gravity Mines: These mines latch onto the largest nearby object in the area and explode—once they are activated by the minelayer at a safe distance.

Atomic Torpedos: This is a retro style weapon recently put back into play. Using mini-nuclear warheads, these weapons cause massive radiation poisoning if they manage to break though the hull.

Neutron Destabilizer: This weapon, when it hits the hull of an enemy ship, warps the structures of atoms, knocking most (if not all) of the Neutrons in a structure loose. Not only does the material corrode away, but the free-flying neutrons can affect non-hit atoms as well by colliding with them.

Sensor Jammer: This can flood all radio and subspace channels with static in the area, keeping any ship from communicating with other ships.

Orcalic Pulse Cannons: A pulse version of the regular beam cannon.

Ion Disruptor: Ion Disruptors can destabilize shields and other systems, leaving a ship paralyzed temporarily. However, the effect soon wares off, and the enemy ship can continue the fight—if it’s still in one piece.

Orcalic Mini Beam: This is a compact version of the Beam Cannon, with half of the same effect.

Resonator: The Resonator can only be used while on a planet as it needs air to work. All matter vibrates at a particular frequency, and if a wave of some sort makes the entire object vibrate at the exact frequency that its atoms are, the structure retains damage (AKA: A woman who sings and breaks a wine glass).

Defensive Technologies:

Shields: Shields protect against energy based weapons by absorbing the impact. Each time a weapon hits, the shields drain. If no weapons it, the shields can recharge (slowly). However, disposable weaponry, such as missiles and bullets, can pass right through.

Ablative Armor: This is an advanced version of the hull. When a ship is under attack and the shields are down, sheets of metal unfold and cover the ship, making it twice as tough to punch a hole though.

Cloak: Atlantian vessels can cloak, and hide from enemies. However, they cannot fire, nor can they have shields or armor engaged, as the cloak uses a good deal of energy.

Polarized Hullplating: This is the oldest way to defend a ship hull. If shields are down and Armor is failing, the hull can be magnetized, making it slightly stronger...but not by much.