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Flag of Aralonia
Motto: Whatever works. If it doesn't work, fix it.
No Map Available Yet
Region The Western Expanse
Capital New Saris
Official Language(s) Central Aralonian Standard (Regional/British English), Northern Aralonian Substandard (Russian)
Leader Archon Doned Hopkins
Population 18,000,000
Currency Aralonian Ruble 
NS Sunset XML

Excerpt from NationStates page:

The Republic of Aralonia is a small, safe nation, remarkable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, cynical population of 18 million are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

The government -- a sprawling, bureaucracy-choked, corrupt morass -- juggles the competing demands of Education, Law & Order, and Defence. The average income tax rate is 36%, but much higher for the wealthy. A large private sector is led by the Soda Sales, Beef-Based Agriculture, and Information Technology industries.

It is illegal to make racist remarks in public, euthanasia is legal, the mining industry is making inroads into environmentally sensitive areas, and Animal Liberationists are regularly jailed. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Aralonia's national animal is the sand crab, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the aralonian ruble.

Current Developments

Soon after appearing on the international board, Aralonia declared war with the country Red Tide2 for their completely inhumane use of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons on civillian population centers.

Satellite imagery shows the recent construction of a large covered naval construction yard, approximately 500 by 100 meters wide. Incredible amounts of supplies have been going into this area, with only barren trucks leaving the premises. What the Aralonians hope to accomplish is currently highly classified, though with the surge in immigrants and in the national economy, the construction of some sort of large object is undisputed.

For the next ten years, the entire Religion and Spirituality budget and portions of the Military budget have been completely shunted into the purchase of a new aircraft carrier, battlecruiser, and two fleet tenders. The remainder of the Military budget seems to be falling into a black hole.