Political Parties in Niploma

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All political parties are legal to organise in Niploma. For exceptional cases some parties may not be able to stand for certain jobs. For example all southern-Niplomian based parties may not enter the national political scene - this is a punishment for the violence in the south.

Creation of a party costs nothing but merely needs to be registered with the Electoral Commision. To stand for a election for the Democratic House a deposit of 500Pfunds is needed. If the party wins more than ten seats the deposit is returned. For the Senate a party needs a deposit of 1000Pfunds and this deposit is only returned if the party is able to five seats. Elections for councils, Southern Niplomian Assembly and Failegn City Council are completely free.

Left or Right?

Few of Niploma's poltical parties fit onto a traditional left-right axis and nearly all need further explaining. For example, the Libertarian Reform Party is socially left wing but economically right and therefore impossible to place on a left-right axis (naming it 'central' would be even more incorrect). The 'political compass' to the left explains all the parties on the only axis to which many will fit.

National Parties

Liberals and Libertarians

Social-Democrats and Centrists


Liberal Socialist

Centre Socialist

Authortarian Communist


'Right Wing'

Extreme Authortarian

Christian Right-Wing

Extreme Capitalist

Regional Parties

Failegn City


see Southern Seperatist Movement



seperatist or sympathist