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Flag of TilEnca
Motto: Emova malna mathr'
Region The West Pacific
Capital TilVala, Catriana
Official Language(s) Common, Aslan
Leader Toriella Thiten
Population 401 Million
Currency Gold Piece 
NS Sunset XML

General Info

TilEnca is a nation in The West Pacific. It is a generally medieval land with few major cities. The largest city is TilVala in the County of Catriana. Outside of the cities, the land is mostly arable, and, despite a lot of work by various agencies, monsters of various types can still be found in the more remote areas of the countryside.

Around two hundred years ago the whole of TilEnca went through a large social, governmental and religious change. Despite this huge revolution the three sentient species (Elves, Dwarves and Humans) that make up the population of TilEnca still live together in relative harmony.

Since The Liberation the nation has progressed both socially and technologically, and while most of the nation still follows the old ways, there is a significant movement to a newer, more modern TilEnca. The study of magic is still popular amongst the people of TilEnca, as are the traditional callings of Cleric, Theif and Hero. However new callings are coming to the fore, including software development, networking and tehcnomancy.

In it's ancient language (Aslan) TilEnca translates as Three Realms - named after The Mortal Realm (Thema), The Realm of The Blessed (Ellian) and The Realm of Darkness (Morana).


Looking at TilEnca's history helps to explain a lot about the current style of government, and about the way it looks at the world. While the history is mostly peaceful, there have been a few defining moments, and two people, who have shaped the country to be what it is today.

The Dark Review

Approximately two centuries before The Liberation, The Church of The Lords conducted what has become known as The Dark Review. The official explanation was that blasphemy was everywhere, and that society was slowly being engulfed in a wave of immorality.

The Dark Review went on for seven years, and as it continued it became apparent to neutral observers that The Review was serving another purpose. At first it was magic users and clerics who were targetted, as people working against the good of The Church. However soon it became anyone who spoke out against The Review, then anyone who spoke out against The Church. In the final months of The Review it became anyone who spoke out against anything.

In the seven years of The Dark Review over five thousand people were killed in Catriana alone, with an estimated twenty five thousand people world wide.


While there were a lot of people who were responsible for The Liberation, a small group of free lance monster hunters was the main driving force behind it. Founded in a town called Aleheim, EON was made up of a number of people who had come together to protect the town from the monster attacks that were plauging the area. After recieving some information, EON began the resistance movement against The Church Of The Lords, leading to it's eventual overthrow.

EON was founded by two people - Toriella and Nickolas.

The Liberation

The Liberation was the turning point in TilEnca's history. EON exposed the corruption at the center of The Church of The Lords, and by doing that managed to remove much of it's support and it's power. It's role as a government began to dwindle, and within a decade it had returned to being the purely religious body it was before the corruption had set in.


Since The Liberation, the emphasis of government has been on protecting the rights of the people, while not interfering with the lives of the people. The Church of The Lords was an oppressive regime, creating laws for the most minute details of people's lives, all the while telling them that it was the Will of The Lords and that to disobey would mean death.

After The Church was overthrown as the government of TilEnca the people still believed in The Lords, but no longer lived their lives in devotion to them. People were encouraged to make their own choices, and to rule themselves. Although it did not happen all at once, discrimination was all but eradicated, people learned to govern themselves and embraced democracy and TilEnca gradually made the change from a dictatorial regime to a democratic nation.

Present Day

TilEnca is divided in to fifteen administrative regions called Counties. These were originally orgnized by The Church, and were kept to ensure a speedy transition between the two governmental eras. They are all more or less the same size, with around the same population in each.


Each County is divided in to nine districts - again for administrative purposes. The districts are all about the same size, and only really exist for election purposes.

Each County has a Council, made up of one minister from each district. This Regional Council governs the County, making all the local decisions. It sets taxes and the various local laws.


Each Regional Council sends a delegate to the national government, known as The Council. This body governs at the national level, making laws that effect all the people. It is not permitted to set local taxation levels, nor can it interfere with the Regional Council in Catriana, as it is a national body, rather than a local one.

All laws passed by The Council at a national level superceed local laws, and it can not pass laws that affect specific disticts in specific ways. The exception to this is the Special Dispensation Order, that permits Regional Council rulings to overrule national ones. However SDOs must be granted by a majority of The Council to take affect.


There are no political parties in TilEnca. Although most Councilors can be grouped by their beliefs, there is no party political structure to force them to vote one way or the other. While this might seem like it will cause problems in causing legislation to be passed, it does mean that the issues are fully debated and discussed, so that an actual consensus is reached when making descisions.

Regional Councilors

A Regional Council is made up of nine members, one from each of the districts in the county. The election of these members is sorted out within each district, and the method varies from district to district.

Each Regional Council member serves for as long as he or she is endorsed by the people of his or her district, and there is no limit to the number of terms that can be served.

National Councilors

The National Council is made up of fifteen members - one from each of The Regional Councils. The delegate is chosen by The Regional Council, and can vary from meeting to meeting depending on the circumstances.

As the delegate is chosen from a Regional Council, there is no need for elections at a national level.

Every three years all the members of The Regional Councils meet for The Conference. This is the only time that the guidelines for the way The Regional and National Councils operate can be changed, and can be done by a majority vote of all the Council members.


The President Of TilEnca is a mostly ceremonial role. Since the people of TilEnca were coming out from under the rule of a dictatorial government, it was decided that no one person would have absolute power to make decisions. And that everyone who was making decisions had to be chosen by the people.

The President serves as the sixteenth member of The Council, but does not have a vote on it. He or she is there as an advisor and an independent voice on The Council to ensure that it stays a fair and balanced body.

After TilEnca joined the UN the role of The President was extended to include the role of Ambassador to The United Nations. While this did not increase the power of The President at the national level (in regards to law making and voting in The Council), it ensures that no national or regional laws can be passed that would violate the Resolutions passed in the UN.

Chosing The President

Due to the non-governmental role of The President, there is no election held for the position.

The President, after five years of service, choses the person that will suceed him or her when she resigns. A President may serve for as long as he or she wishes, however traditional generally holds that they only serve for fifteen years, after which they resign and hand over the position to their sucessor.

In the history of The Councils there has only been two instances where a President has died before chosing their sucessor, and after the second one a rule was introduced that The Council may select the next President should no choice have been made when the current Presdient dies.


With the three races in TilEnca, there has always been a tradition to use one language for communication. While Elves, Dwarves and Humans do have their own languages, the language most spoken in TilEnca is Common. By a happy co-incidence it sounds a lot like English, and is used in all international discussions as well.

The other major language is Alasn - a language originally used extensively by The Church of The Lords. It is believed to have come down from the time when The Lords walked amongst the people, and as such is considered as an ancient and sacred language. It is now used mostly in the practice of magic, and for specific ceremonies (both religious and secular).