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Flag of Saidercray
Motto: Cum Pace et Prudentia'
Region International Democratic Union
Capital Amshlay
Official Language(s) English
Leader President Ian Woshkal
Population 90,856,000 inhabitants
Currency 1  Saidercray Thaler = 100  Saidercray Pennies 
NS Sunset XML

The Republic of Saidercray is a democratic republic in the International Democratic Union.


Annotation: These information aren't valid yet, but they will become valid the moment Saidercray gets its place on the regional map of the IDU.


Saidercray is a mostly hilly land. Except for a narrow flat coastal area in the east and a high mountain region in the north-west, the country is typified by woody highlands and sparsely wooded tableland between the hills. Saidercray is dotted by numerous small lakes. The coastline is only about 400 kilometres long and the only major river passes through the mountains near the northern border for about 250 kilometres. Saidercray´s major cities are (from the west to the east): Hilngare, Cuvesbridge, Dropaney, Jallsborough, Amshlay, Aresgreel, Wheshpilston, Telychester, Dawsingham, Hampmouth on Sea.


The foundation of Saidercray (1909 - 1917)

The process resulting in the foundation of Saidercray began on may 15, 1909. Henry VI., king of Cray, died without a son. Due to the succession, Charles XIII., the second son of the dead king´s sister Helen, would have become king of Cray. But three days before his coronation, Charles died during a hunt. Rumours have never stopped that his death hasn´t been an accident, because after Charles' death, king James IX. of Saider had become the actual successor of the throne of Cray. His coronation at Aresgreel on june 26, 1909, united the countries Saider and Cray that had been divided for 788 years. Only a few weeks afterwards, James was assassinated by an adherent of the old Crayan dinasty. This event loosened the Black and Blue War between the Saiderish government and the Crayan population, lead by John Haigler. While the Saiderish and the new king, John V., wanted to defend the status quo, Haigler aspired after and independent and democratic Cray in its old frontiers.

After the battle of Feshton on november 17, 1915, when the royalist troups obtained a glorious victory by fighting and killed John Haigler, king John committed the decisive fault: After three months without any combat, he believed that the civil war was over, although the Crayan hadn´t surrendered. The imperialist king grudged his country the peace after six years of war and sent his armys into World War 1, hoping that Saidercray would get some colonies after the victory. But this was too much for the exhausted country and its people. In april 1916, the Crayan population started a new revolte against the king - with an overwhelming success, because also the population of Saider began to fight for democracy. On july 20, 1916, large parts of the army refused to fight and went back to Saider. The remaining soldiers were no challenge for the hostile armies. On august 23, Saider surrendered; two days later, king John and his government where overthrown. On august 26, the Republic of Saidercray was proclaimed - one democratic state unitig Saider and Cray.

A committee of academics, priests and leaders of the recent revolution elaborated a constitution until december 27, 1916. In a plebiscite held with international help, the people approved it on january 4, 1917.

The Republic of Saidercray (1917 - 2005)

On february 8, 1917, the new state and its people held the first democratic election, resulting into a VCA-PPJ-coalition with Nelson Quarret (VCA) as first President of Saidercray. In the 1920s, Saidercray celebrated itself and its unity. The people were buoyant by a new zest for life, indulged in arts and cultural life and enjoyed the simple fact that they lived in such a time. Famous films like "Anny's Green Garden" (1923) or "When I Was Young" (1925) were shot, the "poet of the nation" Henry Nesswick wrote his expressionist rhymes, and the actors Donald Hurlm and Judith B. Larsson shocked society with a public kiss of one minute at the first performance of Bartholomew East's opera "Cupid and Psyche". In the cities, the war damages weren´t only compensated, but the chance was used to modernize Saidercray's face by building novel houses and skycrapers. Saidercray prospered, but when evrything seemed to be perfect, was struck by the world-wide economic crisis. This event made the socialist party gain a lot of strength and made the PPJ take leave off capitalism. The plentiful correspondence between the PPJ's chairman Edgar Laeni and Mahatma Gandhi also had a strong influence on the PPJ's change from a social-democratic to an anti-capitalist, non-violent party and lead the PPJ to some ideas that are nowadays considered to be central points of its politics.

In 1932, the "year of hunger", Saidercray elected its first SPS-PPJ-coalition. The new government under the socialist President Conor Kingsson passed the "Kingsson Plan" which resulted into the end of the mass unemployment. In World War 2, Saidercray wasn´t attacked and successfully recovered from the effects of the economic crisis. Therefore, the country was a popular destination for refugees and emigrants - the cause for the ethnic and cultural diversity people can still find if they travel to Saidercray.


Political system

Political parties

see: Political parties of Saidercray

  • Green Democratic Party (GDP): The GDP is a small party mainly dealing with environmental issues and one of the topical coalition partners of the PPJ. It´s lead by Julia Pount and has gained 5% in the last election.
  • Liberal Union of Saidercrayan Capitalists (LUSC): The LUSC, Saidercray´s only explicitely capitalist party, is a averagely strong party which has gained 16% in the last election. Its chairman is Jack O´Connor.
  • Multinational Party for Immigrants (MPI): The MPI represents the interest of the immigrants in Saidercray. It´s lead by the Indian Divyajyoti Mandal and has gained 3% in the last election.
  • National Electoral Offensive (NEO): The NEO is a right-wing extremist party lead by Montgomery Lautegger. It has gained 2% in the last election.
  • Party for Peace and Justice (PPJ): The PPJ is one of Saidercray´s strongest political parties. It´s lead by Ian Woshkal, the current President of Saidercray. In the last election, the PPJ gained 30% of the votes.
  • Saidercray´s Women´s Feminist Party (SWFP): The small SWFP is a feminist party. It is lead by Evelyn Redyn and has gained 1 percent at the last election.
  • Socialist Party of Saidercray (SPS): The SPS is a socialist party. Its chairwoman is Angela Fintosthane. In the last election, the SPS gained 21% of the votes. It's one of the topical coalition partners of the PPJ.
  • Virtuous Conservative Alliance (VCA): The VCA, lead by Charles Ellows, has gained 22% of the votes in the last election.


Saidercray is currently governed by a coalition of PPJ, SPS and GDP with the PPJ as the strongest party. The coalition has 56% of the seats in parliament. The topical cabinet is formed by:

  • President: Ian Woshkal (PPJ), 53 years old, leader of the PPJ
  • Vice President: Thomas Gilrose (SPS), 65 years old
  • Minister of Domestic Affairs: Angela Fintosthane (SPS), 56 years old, leader of the SPS
  • Minister of Foreign Affaris: Melanie Wathers (PPJ), 47 years old
  • Minister of Defense: Harry Old (SPS), 49 years old
  • Minister of Economy and Infrastructure: John Donald Icclat (PPJ), 60 years old
  • Minister of Environment: Julia Pount (GDP), 46 years old, leader of the GDP
  • Minister of Education and Families: Takeru Yamaguchi (PPJ), 37 years old
  • Minister of Finance: Michael Henzoc (SPS), 58 years old
  • Minister of Justice: Colleen Ulham (PPJ), 66 years old
  • Minister of Health: Peter Mistle (GDP), 49 years old
  • Minister of Science and Research: Frank Polernd (SPS), 51 years old.

Therefore, the cabinet contains five members of the PPJ, four of the SPS and two of the GDP. Seven members of the cabinet are male, four are female. The average age is 52 years.

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  • Jan 1: New Year's Day
  • Jan 4: Constitution Day
  • Feb 8: Saidercrayan Democracy Day
  • Mar 21: Spring Day
  • May 1: Workers' Day
  • Jun 21: Summer Day
  • Jul 24: Democracy Day
  • Aug 26: Republic Day (national holiday)
  • Sep 23: Autumn Day
  • Oct 2: Nonviolence Day
  • Dec 21: Winter Day
  • Dec 24-26: Christmas Days
  • Dec 31: Old Year's Day
  • without fixed date: Easter Days, Election Day
  • 1 week between Apr 1 and Apr 30: spring holidays
  • 8 weeks between Jun 15 and Sep 15: summer holidays
  • 1 week between Oct 1 and Oct 31: autumn holidays
  • 2 weeks between Dec 15 and Jan 15: winter holidays


Faith Denomination %
Christian all
Roman Catholic
Islam all
Jaina all 6.23
Buddhism all 12.19
Judaism all
Pantheism all 5.15
Agnosticism and atheism all


School system

Level/Grade Typical age
nursery school 3-5
kindergarten 5-6
elementary school 6–12
1st Grade 6–7
2nd Grade 7–8
3rd Grade 8–9
4th Grade 9–10
5th Grade 10–11
6th Grade 11–12
lower school / upper school 12-15 / 12-18
7th Grade 12–13
8th Grade 13–14
9th Grade 14–15
10th Grade (only upper school) 15–16
11th Grade (only upper school) 16–17
12th Grade (only upper school) 17–18

Saidercray's school system includes three kinds of schools: the elementary school, the lower school and the upper school. At the age of six, all children enter the first of six grades of the elementary school. These six grades are jointly passed by all children of an age-class. After the sixth grade, all children who have achieved an average mark of between 1.00 points and 7.49 points enter the lower school, all children who have achieved an average mark of between 7.50 points and 12.00 points enter the upper school. At the end of the 9th grade, which is the last compulsory grade, all pupils with an average mark of at least 5.00 points recieve their lower conclusion. Those who have achieved an average mark of at least 10.00 points in the 9th grade of a lower school are allowed to visit the last three grades of an upper school where they can try to get their upper conclusion. To recieve an upper conclusion, it is necessary to achieve an average mark of at least 5.00 points at the end of the twelveth grade. An upper conclusion allows its owner to study at a university.

National symbols


The flag of Saidercray
The flag of Saidercray shows a black and a broader blue beam on white ground. The beams don´t touch each other, but they are connected by a yellow star. The beams symbolize the two countries which have once been seperated, but have united and founded Saidercray, which is represented by the star. The large white area represents peace and the national animal, the stork. In earlier days, the white area included a black silhouette of a stork, but in 1967, the silhouette was deleted. The lands of Saidercray use the national flag together with their blazons on the white ground.

The flag has two nicknames, "White Black Blue" and "White Stork on White Ground".


The national anthem "Loving you, our good mother Saidercray" was composed in 1917 by John Jelkind:

Loving you, we see the eternal day
Which is full of honour, light and peace
Loving you, we see the eternal day
Hate has died, and joy and luck increase
We are children of your shapely shores
And your fruits have made us grow
In the very centre of our cores
Takes its rise a solemn vow
Loving you, our good mother Saidercray
We shall be your peace for all our days
Loving you, our good mother Saidercray
We shall be your noble spirit´s grace


Saidercray´s motto "Cum pace et prudentia" is Latin and means "With peace and prudence".