Premier League Year Seven

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League Table

 1) Captera Athletic   91 Pts     
 2) Shoreland United   87 Pts
 3) Porasse FC         84 Pts
 4) Bronkstone FC      81 Pts
 5) Aanjar FC          79 Pts
 6) Honsfield Athletic 74 Pts
 7) Rappor FC          66 Pts
 8) Dorpar AC          66 Pts
 9) Riviera FC         61 Pts
10) Brickell United    57 Pts
11) Momesta AC         52 Pts
12) Groftanne AC       52 Pts
13) Zupera United      52 Pts
14) Kimstronne FC      48 Pts
15) Nurpert AC         40 Pts
16) Edensanne United   39 Pts
17) Strundanne AC      36 Pts
18) Andestranne FC     31 Pts
19) Woodston FC        30 Pts
20) Carlesa FC         30 Pts

Notable Transfers

Othman Baraket      26    SC    Brickell United  to  Rappor FC     K8.2 million ($10.8 million)
Marcus Iopa         18    MF    Carlesa FC       to  Groftanne AC  K4.4 million ($5.8 million)
Jijwa Onunguseh     26    LM    Andestranne FC   to  Rappor FC     K2.5 million ($3.3 million) 
Zertaka             18    SC    Rappor FC        to  Woodston FC   K2.1 million ($2.77 million)
Ia Magor            31    CD    Free Transfer    to  Riviera FC        
Chloe al Safi       19    MF    Free Transfer    to  Riviera FC
Uha Teh             21    MF    Free Transfer    to  Riviera FC
Modesto Attwell     19    SC    Free Transfer    to  Momesta AC
Alonso Killner      20    GK    Free Transfer    to  Zupera United
Kristopher Noggles  18    CD    Free Transfer    to  Groftanne AC

Goalscorers Table

 1) 29   Jimmy Kelly (Captera Athletic)
 2) 23   Lumiere (Bronkstone FC)
 3) 22   Luis Sunderland (Aanjar FC)
 4) 22   Julian Kassem (Shoreland United)
 5) 20   Samir Ghassoun (Porasse FC)
 6) 20   Ray Lausano (Dorpar AC)
 7) 19   Uwe Stickson (Riviera FC)
 8) 17   Laurie LeClerc (Captera Athletic)
 9) 15   Nene (Shoreland United)
10) 15   Othman Baraket (Rappor FC)

Team of the Year

GK: Jishi Unti         Brickell United
LD: Gradd Corona       Brickell United
CD: Jawad al-Hatawi    Bronkstone FC
CD: Cris Donne         Porasse FC
RD: Tonellino          Captera Athletic
LM: Nene               Shoreland United
CM: Leonard Otte       Porasse FC
CM: Houdini            Shoreland United
RM: Henry Maitland     Honsfield Athletic
ST: Jimmy Kelly        Captera Athletic
ST: Laurie LeClerc     Captera Athletic


See the history of the Nedalia Premier League awards - Nedalia Premier League Awards

Player of the Year

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Young Player of the Year

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Goalkeeper of the Year

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Defender of the Year

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Midfielder of the Year

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Striker of the Year

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Foreign Report


  • Chloe al Safi - Riviera FC: Along with her teammate, became the first female competitors in the Premier League...Turned 20 during the season...Was one of the better midfielders in the league, and definitely the best on her team...Scored 5 goals and delivered 9 assists, impressing many who doubted her potential...Deemed as a resounding success during her inaugural season in the league.
  • Uha Teh - Riviera FC: Although she did not have a bad campaign, playing her part in catapulting the club for 17th to 9th, the 22 year old just couldnt keep up with her younger counterpart...Scored 3 goals and delivered 5 assists in 33 appearances...Went through a slightly inconsistent hump during the middle of the season, but came back strong after receiving treatment for her ankle...Overall, had a good first year, with enough shown for expectations to be reasonably high in Year Eight.


  • Omar Whistler - Strundanne AC: The club continued its rapid decline, falling from 11th to 17th, and the 29 year old again had to suffer through another losing season...Still, the 4 year veteran of the club continues to stress he doesnt want to leave the club despite interest from bigger sides...Along with youngster Mattama, the two were the only bright spots on the squad...Continues to be the Strundanne's most consistent player, scoring 3 goals and handing out 5 assists.
  • Ziyad Farmer - Porasse FC: The 25 year old Bettian midfielder was on the key players in the Premier League's most surprising squad this year...On a squad filled with talented wonderkids, he held the midfield together with his tenacious play...Scored only 2 goals and delivered 6 assists in 37 appearances, but his contribution goes much further than stats...Has improved every season he has been in the Premier League, and was considered one of the most competitive and talented midfielders in Nedalia at the end of Year Seven.
  • Laurie LeClerc - Captera Athletic: The captain of the team that lifted the trophy...Easily one of the most influential and talented players in the entire Premier League...His scoring has gone down a bit, hitting 17 this season, but his overall contribution (11 assists) has not...His scoring dip can be blamed on the effectiveness of his strike partner, Jimmy Kelly...The 28 year old Bettian might be the most untouchable player in the league, and perhaps the best all-around package it has to offer.

Crna Gora Liv Eng

  • Marcus Alexander - Momesta AC: The club went back 2 steps this year to 11th, but it was no fault of the midfield or the offense...Provided 14 assists to the Premier League's youngest and potentially most lethal strike force...Also scored 4 goals in 36 appearances...The 28 year old midfielder became the club's captain in his 2nd year thanks to his poise and maturity...Developed a more flamboyant touch this year, to the joy of the fans...Still, has stated he would like the club to improve in order to compete for the grand prize.
  • Steven Stanislav - Brickell United: Sat on the sidelines and watched his team plummet to 11th place from 4th this season...The 28 year old defender suffered a season ending injury just 5 games into the season and sat out the rest of the campaign...This was his 2nd year at the club, and much was expected after he delivered a solid rookie season...Makes big tackles and never backs down from a fight...Pacey and strong, but there will be questions after his injury.

Hockey Canada

  • Chris Kormack - Edensanne United: 32 year old central defender remains one of the fittest players in the NPL...Appeared in 36 games, starting every one of them...The club improved from 20th to 16th, and the team's defense was one of the better ones in the league...Alot of rumors circulated about the Hockey Canadian leaving the club, but Edensanne decided to hang on to him, signed him to a 2 year deal...Also club captain.
  • Yannic Perrault - Edensanne United: He was almost a certainty to leave the club after last season, but despite interest from around the league, the 26 year old midfielder stayed on...Was originally upset, but came together towards the middle of the season and played some good football...Appeared 33 times, scoring 3 goals and handing out 5 assists...Year Five remains his finest season in the NPL, but atleast there was no repeat of his torrid Year Six...Still young enough to continue to get better, but transfer rumors continue to persist.

Liverpool England

  • Adam Carrero - Dorpar AC: His 2nd season in the NPL could be classified as better than his first, getting rid of the inconsistent form which he showed during parts of Year Six...The 28 year old GK was one of his squad's best performers, but was unfortunate to have a back four that kept the shots coming at him all season long...Still, he and the club did improve...Could be put in the Top 5 GK category in the NPL.
  • Leonard Otte - Porasse FC: The 27 year old midfielder oozed of class and solid form in his 2nd year...Was a big part of the club's suprising climb to 3rd place in the NPL...The dynamic midfield combination of Otte/Farmer was at the core of many of Porasse's goals...Otte managed to score 8 himself, in 36 appearances...Has become one of the highest rated midfielders in the NPL, earning himself a spot on the Year Seven Team of the Year.
  • Luis Sunderland - Aanjar FC: He turned 28 in his 2nd year, and his goal tally wasnt too far behind his age number...Scored 22 goals, good enough for 3rd best in the league...Has become a top tier striker in the NPL, with many experts considering possibly the best all around forward in Nedalia today...Handed out 8 assists, as well, in 34 appearances...Was a strong candidate for Player of the Year, despite his club's inability to break the Top 4...Has quickly become a hero in Aanjar.


  • Ray Lausano - Dorpar AC: The 30 year old Krytenian striker continued his fine form throughout the season, despite his club's inconsistency...Netted in 20 goals, 1 more than last season...Has become known as one of the ultimate goal poachers in the NPL today, always finding methods to score...Perhaps the club's all-time best player, has also become Dorpar's top scorer.

Neu Amerika

  • Modesto Attwell - Momesta AC: Had a fantastic first year in the NPL, despite his club's seemingly step backward...The 20 year old came on Free Transfer, but by the end of the season, his stock had risen to over K5 million...Scored 13 goals in 28 appearances, and his praises were sung through the city...Makes up 1/2 of what could potentially, in a few years time, be the most deadly strikeforce in the NPL.
  • Alonso Killner - Zupera United: The 21 year old GK had a fairly good first year in the NPL...His club stayed in exactly the same place as Year Six, which signals some hope for the future as young players, such as Killner, get better...Didn't really experience any patches of inconsistency so often plagued by GKs coming into the NPL, but can't be associated with any real standout performances, either...Will be counted on for more solid form during Year Eight.
  • Kristopher Noggles - Groftanne AC: The club advanced 3 places from 15th to 12th in Year Seven, and the 19 year central defender played his part in the improvement...Solid body, quick feet, and suprising maturity quickly endured him to the Groftanne faithful...Appeared in 26 games, scoring 2 goals...A very strong tackler, has been called by experts as one of the best up-and-coming defenders in the NPL.

Nova Britannicus

  • Joseph Smythe - Honsfield Athletic: The 35 year old GK decided to call it a day, following in the footsteps of his manager, at the end of Year Seven...Was one of the best GKs in the NPL the past few seasons, even if his play slipped somewhat this year...Still, easily remains in the Top 3 GKs in the nation had he decided to play for one more season...Will end his career with a title to his name, captured in Year Five.
  • Gordon Buxton - Honsfield Athletic: The central defender turned 30 this year, but is already contemplating retirement after tearing both kneecaps in a car crash...Missed the entire season, weakening the Honsfield defense considerably...Has been considered one of the finest defenders in the NPL, but whether he will bounce back from his injury has yet to be seen.
  • Jimmy Trant - Honsfield Athletic: Buxton's partner in Honsfield's central defense, and captain of the squad, found the task much tougher without his mate alongside him...He turned 31 during the season, but seemed to wear down at the end, putting the brunt of the defensive work of the squad on his shoulders...The lack of defensive cohesiveness led to a drop to 6th place for the club...Arguably the finest defender in the land, but had too much to cover up this year.
  • Henry Maitland - Honsfield Athletic: For once, Maitland could be considered an equal match, in terms of contribution to the squad, to his nation mates...The 28 year right winger had an excellent season, featuring in 35 matches, scoring 7 goals, and handing out 8 assists...While the defense suffered, the right winger thrived...Was the club's best midfielder, and possibly their best player, in Year Seven.


  • Ia Magor - Riviera FC: The Spaamian central defender turned 32 during his first season, but was a resounding success after coming in on a free transfer...Led the back four behind the two Ariddian female midfielders...Appeared 37 times, and even found the back of the net 3 times...A tough tackler and an even tougher defender, can be relied on at all times...With his fitness, seems to have atleast 2 more top class seasons left.


  • Lee Beck - Brickell United: The 30 year old midfielder, after providing hope last year, went right back to his inconsistent ways...Coincidentally, or not, the club suffered as well...Scored only 2 goals in 34 appearances in one of his worst seasons since joining the Premier League...Continues to show flashes of brilliance, but is followed by long bouts of disappearance...When he plays well, he can usually will the club to do the same...Will look to improve, again, next year.


  • David Bentley - Honsfield Athletic: His final season in the NPL saw his club sink to 6th, mostly to due with the age of the squad, but he will be no less missed...One of the all time great managers of the NPL, will surely go down in the club's Hall of Fame...His finest season came in Year Five, when Honsfield captured the title for the first and only time in their history...The Starblaydi will return home a Nedalian hero, especially in the Honsfield area.